At least we learned Miyuki and Tatsuya are from one of the ten important families. I guess that explains the flashback of the first ep. The ten families might have been those who did the most in the world war. Was he already fighting these Equalists back then? I guess in the end this setting is almost believable. Similar things have been abundant in fiction and reality over the years. Organizations that on paper are fighting for something worthwhile yet in truth are only advancing the leadership's personal agenda. If a world has magic not available to everybody, creating an elite, it's 100% certain many organizations supposedly trying to change things would be born. It also makes sense the organization would try to operate in that particular school since it's the most important one. Those brainwashed young make the best material.

This was the weakest ep so far, with only a few good scenes. The incest theme is also getting too prominent. The dude is so emotionsless (and thus asexual) that I guess he doesn't need anybody but his sister.