Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
1. It's good to know for certain that the Rinnegan comes from Sharingan+Senju DNA. But apparently, it takes decades to actually work. So that leaves little chance of Sasuke obtaining it during the course of the series unless the series has some kind of far future epilogue.
What good is the senju DNA alone? Ability to control wood? That's pretty lousy, in the end. It certainly didn't help Yamato much, in the end.

Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
4. I don't get why Madara unplugged himself. It doesn't seem like there was any real reason for him to kill himself. Given that he just met Obito, it seems very Bond Villain of him to simply off himself and just assume everything in his decades long scheme would go exactly as planned without him to oversee it.
He was too withered and weak to do anything at all anymore. Who knows, he might have been living in constant pain as well, with his body like that. Honestly, I think offing himself for the time being, which was long years, was quite understandable. It's not like he would have had unlimited chances if Obito had failed, so it was all the same to bet everything on a single card. In fact this way he wouldn't have needed to ever suffer regret in case of a failure; he would have simply remained dead and thus beyond caring.