Episode 23 - HS

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If you don't want anybody to see what you have hidden in the basement, you might want to start by buying locks for all the doors...

Quite an uneventful episode, but it wasn't so bad. I suppose it will make the final match starting in the next ep feel a bit more special when they broke the chain of matches that had been somewhat smooth up until now, thus separating it. I wonder what the shock at seeing Meijin's gunpla was all about, plus the exclamation they don't want the match to be like that. I find it hard to believe this Meijin would use any shady methods, even if the douche doctor paid a visit to the chairman's office. Maybe there's again some outside interference and it was about that, not about anything Yuuki was doing.

I wanted to see Aila fight one last time. Fellini losing to Kirara because he needed to treat her gently was pretty funny, but I didn't care about all those others.