Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
One thing bothering me is how nobody's paying any attention to Aila's fighting style, which is utterly different from everybody else. I reckon nobody knows what's really happening when her opponents are immediately obliterated. You'd think people would strive to find out what's going on so that they could defend themselves against it, especially if she's a one-technique wonder, despite the lance the mecha is carrying as well. All the others are fighting remarkably traditionally compared to her.
Agreed. It kind of feels like she's being ignored. Maybe because she's a girl? I wouldn't think so since she's taking out all her opponents in a matter of seconds. She even took out last years world champion. In real sports, how many hours to players and coaching staff usually take to watch videos of the opposing teams? I figure the same would be true for this as well. I would expect we would see groups of people gathering before each match trying to figure out some sort of defense against her. She's obviously using some sort of funnel/bit system, but there aren't even any beams. Possibly extremely fast, melee version? She had that lance thing with her the last match but she doesn't even really need it.

Also, was I the only one that was surprised to see Iori's Dad? For some reason, I had this impression since the start of the series that he was dead.