Quote Originally Posted by vejita613 View Post
Last episode was pretty good. I wonder if we will see new improvements to the Fenice and SB Strike.
If Iori indeed is as talented as Moustache-san says, then he ought to seize the opportunity to include something new, considering he's almost rebuilding the thing from scratch. That would be logical, even if he can't very well have the time to revolutionize it anymore, nor test and finetune whatever he does. On the other hand, the mecha's capabilities have been finally shown through and through, so it might be more interesting to watch them to put it to perfect use when the audience already knows the technical limits, instead of just pulling new stuff out of nowhere.

One thing bothering me is how nobody's paying any attention to Aila's fighting style, which is utterly different from everybody else. I reckon nobody knows what's really happening when her opponents are immediately obliterated. You'd think people would strive to find out what's going on so that they could defend themselves against it, especially if she's a one-technique wonder, despite the lance the mecha is carrying as well. All the others are fighting remarkably traditionally compared to her.