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Thread: Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil

  1. #1
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Wizard Barristers - Benmashi Cecil

    Episode 2:

    I don't know why you'd pick a court theme and then do such a half assed job on that front. Everything else was fine though.

  2. #2
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    a summary of the plot as well as a screenshot/cover art would be nice when starting a new thread.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  3. #3
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I wish you could ban people off your threads, it would be so handy.

  4. #4
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    So open a text file.

    Then you can write whatever you want and never have to worry about those pesky other posters.

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The most miserable series thread in the history of Gotwoot, proudly presented by Archie.

    I didn't think this show was so bad it deserved a thread like this. Ryll will be sad. If he makes a new thread, I will delete this one.

  6. #6
    You should keep it as a symbol for all Arch has done for GW.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  7. #7
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    The most miserable series thread in the history of Gotwoot, proudly presented by Archie.

    I didn't think this show was so bad it deserved a thread like this. Ryll will be sad. If he makes a new thread, I will delete this one.
    I shall allow it to stand. For the lulz, equal to that of what this show provided me.

    First episode was great, second episode was as Arch said in fewer words, a bit underwhelming. I did expect a bit more court drama, not a "Cecil: I know that you don't respect me at all, but allow me to call my surprise witness that will end the case! Judge: Okay."

    Would much rather have had him say no, she's not following procedure. I've played nearly all the Phoenix Wright games, I know how this is supposed to play out! But that was kinda out the window when they said they have to have Cecil win her first case.

    I also liked that Ageha is driving the same car as the protagonists in Mezzo, an old, beat up, off-white VW Bug. Nice reference that.
    Also very surprised that she's not even a Wud. Her brother is, but she's just human. She's still the hottest character in the show.
    Love the two "I Don't Even Give a Fuck, Got Mages to Shoot, Get Out of my Face" Cops.

  8. #8
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    First episode was great, second episode was as Arch said in fewer words, a bit underwhelming. I did expect a bit more court drama, not a "Cecil: I know that you don't respect me at all, but allow me to call my surprise witness that will end the case! Judge: Okay."

    Would much rather have had him say no, she's not following procedure. I've played nearly all the Phoenix Wright games, I know how this is supposed to play out! But that was kinda out the window when they said they have to have Cecil win her first case.

    I also liked that Ageha is driving the same car as the protagonists in Mezzo, an old, beat up, off-white VW Bug. Nice reference that.
    Also very surprised that she's not even a Wud. Her brother is, but she's just human. She's still the hottest character in the show.
    Love the two "I Don't Even Give a Fuck, Got Mages to Shoot, Get Out of my Face" Cops.
    Ok but then why choose this setting? Lets not kid ourselves, the real premise of this show is cute girls and giant robots so why not go with someone you know and can explore well instead of a setting the author is so obviously unfamiliar with?

    I was surprised when she wasn't a magician either, it's probably a set up for how she fell in love with one or maybe she felt she wanted to defend a family member in the past yada yada you know the drill. Agreed with the hotness thing, even with the stupid butterfly hair pins.

    I like the characters, i like the setting, i just have a problem how they're handling both.

  9. #9
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Because the real premise is just what you were guessing with about Ageha. Cecil is a lawyer to exonerate her mother, currently on death row, that might be the only reason. That little reveal also showed us that the court doesn't necessarily execute wizards right then and there, though they might for the really blatant ones.

    Umetsu Yasuomi specializes in series focused on the underworld and fringe justice system, so I wouldn't say he's unfamiliar with the material. I'm hoping this episode was just a fluke due to the shitty way they decided to resolve the case based on the fact that neither side had good evidence, but the court is biased toward condemning wizards based on circumstantial evidence. Cecil herself got fined twice in this episode, and she was clearly defending herself or non-wizards companions.

    It's too soon to say about Ageha, but maybe she just likes being a lawyer? She certainly surrounded herself with some very intelligent and highly skilled people. Her brother is her Partner at the firm, and she's hiring on a lot of smart but young and highly experienced wizard barristers. She also has gathered a capable and enthusiastic paralegal and a receptionist doubles as an investigator who just barely operates on the good side of the law.

    During the scenes at the docks, Ageha definitely enjoys getting into trouble, and is a bit more than a pretty face. I'm hoping she's less spy and more strategist. Did not display ninja quality skills using that shoe blade...

  10. #10
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    First episode was great, second episode was as Arch said in fewer words, a bit underwhelming. I did expect a bit more court drama, not a "Cecil: I know that you don't respect me at all, but allow me to call my surprise witness that will end the case! Judge: Okay."

    Would much rather have had him say no, she's not following procedure. I've played nearly all the Phoenix Wright games, I know how this is supposed to play out! But that was kinda out the window when they said they have to have Cecil win her first case.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    but the court is biased toward condemning wizards based on circumstantial evidence. Cecil herself got fined twice in this episode, and she was clearly defending herself or non-wizards companions.
    I think these two facts explain each other. It's more like a military court of swift "justice" than a real court of mundane matters. So, instead of halting that particular session to review the new evidence in peace and then continuing the next day or something, the judge wants to solve everything at one sitting.

  11. #11
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Yeah, except that they already had a separate arraignment and a preliminary hearing.

    They're following all the rules, but I was disappointed they allowed her to produce new evidence while the verdict was about to be given. The defense had already closed their argument if they were already up to sentencing.

    America: Where Even the Average Bozo has Plenty of Exposure to the Finer Points of the Justice System Thanks to Television, Movies, and John Grisham.

  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, right. So, you think it would have been splendid to execute the dude on the spot, dismissing Cecil, and then hear the next criminal tell the executed man was, in fact, completely innocent. I don't think the judge would have had a chance to enjoy his retirement pension anymore.

    In case I worded something too poorly, I was saying this magic court clearly prioritises efficiency, so the judge, who seems to have lots of power, didn't want to take the time to continue the trial later. Maybe the proceedings weren't all too clean in a traditional sense and the prosecutor not too happy, but on the other hand, nothing says things like this haven't happened many times in the past.

  13. #13
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    My opinion of the Japanese Justice system is abysmal, particularly prosecutors, so I'll certainly say my opinion is tainted.

    They operate on something like a 95% conviction rate centered mostly on confessions. Their police and investigators are a joke. They very likely have the worst justice system in all of developed Asia. Even as corrupt as Korea's can be, they at least do some legitimate investigation and produce evidence.

  14. #14
    This show is so... disjointed. Like the scenes just come and go with reckless abandon. It doesn't help, but this art and animation makes me think this was a hentai originally or something.

  15. #15
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    My opinion of the Japanese Justice system is abysmal, particularly prosecutors, so I'll certainly say my opinion is tainted.

    They operate on something like a 95% conviction rate centered mostly on confessions. Their police and investigators are a joke. They very likely have the worst justice system in all of developed Asia. Even as corrupt as Korea's can be, they at least do some legitimate investigation and produce evidence.
    Japan's police is really... well... incompetent. There were tons of retarded cases - like forcing people to confess, or the gem - IP address alone is 100% legit proof. Not to mention their prejudice against men when it comes to cases dealing with women.
    but I'm sure that your typical grunt is doing decent job managing the traffic or something mundane like that.
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  16. #16
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 6:

    - - - - - - -

    Is any use of magic in public illegal or something? Now we even learned officially that all the trials against wuds are single session speed trials. It's 100% unlikely the magic users would continue to live in a society like that unless they appeared just a few years ago. Otherwise they would either change the society with their superior power or hit the road and either moved to a more sensible country or established their own one with such power that they couldn't easily be challenged, akin to Israel. Nobody would take bullshit like we have been seeing in this show. It's even more absurd so many of them seem happy and even support the dodgy speed trials by taking part in it.

    There won't soon be anything else of interest in this show but the porn art and the frog creature voiced by Wakamoto Norio of all people.

  17. #17
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'm curious which side Moyoyon is on. She clearly has demonic powers, but she doesn't appear to be working with the evil faction that includes the cop. She's protecting Cecil in a different way than Shizumu has been. He's fiercely protective of her because his faction needs her to awaken all her powers to wedge her into their prophesy.

    On the other hand, Moyoyon only seems to help Cecil out when she's really in trouble, about to die, and never makes her presence or powers known when she's saved Cecil from death the two times.

    She's definitely neither human nor Wud.

  18. #18
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I'm curious which side Moyoyon is on. She clearly has demonic powers, but she doesn't appear to be working with the evil faction that includes the cop. She's protecting Cecil in a different way than Shizumu has been. He's fiercely protective of her because his faction needs her to awaken all her powers to wedge her into their prophesy.
    You may call it evil, but after every episode I'm thinking more and more that they are actually freedom fighters using any means necessary. Like I pretty much said in my previous post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    On the other hand, Moyoyon only seems to help Cecil out when she's really in trouble, about to die, and never makes her presence or powers known when she's saved Cecil from death the two times.

    She's definitely neither human nor Wud.
    Surely she's a wud. What else could she be? Maybe she's already what the evil faction is trying to create by coaxing Cecil.

  19. #19
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Surely she's a wud. What else could she be? Maybe she's already what the evil faction is trying to create by coaxing Cecil.
    I would separate her because of the whole glowing eyes thing. Plus she floats. We haven't seen a Wud do that without the help of a metalloid robot. She also performs spatial jumps/teleports, and can stop time.

  20. #20
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    This is just awful, the episodic format while they're unlocking her powers has me bored to death and the underlying plot isn't really making me want to stick around either.

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