Engaged to the Unidentified
spacing spacing spacingMashiro, Hakuya, and Kobeni
Description: Yonomori Kobeni lives with her mother and sister in an average city, living an average life. She finds out on her 16th birthday that she is engaged to Mitsumine Hakuya, from a deal her grandfather made. He moves in with her family from the mountains along with his younger sister, Mashiro.
Genre: Comedy, slice of life, romance?, 4-koma.
[Underwater] - 01
I certainly wasn't planning on watching this, but once someone said that Acchi Kocchi fans might want to check this out, I was onboard to at least try it. Halfway through the episode, I was convinced I would watch it all season.
It's primarily a character driven series, like any comedy/gag/slice of life series. Kobeni's sister, Benio, drives much of the comedy, but so does Mashiro. You have two extremes, one childish older sibling, and one child who acts a lot older than she is...and fails at it. On the other hand, Hakuya has so little presence, they joke about it. He's there, but isn't really seen nor heard. Kobeni is the balance point of sanity.
Personally, I get over how weak of a character he is, by pretending (for now, perhaps confirmed later?) that Hakuya and Mashiro are from a ninja clan, who spent years isolated in the mountains. It's really the only thing that makes sense. His presence isn't just non-existent, it's erased, and Mashiro is so ignorant of everything while being very proud and extremely traditional herself.
But what really makes this series stand out for me is the animation. Character design wise, it's generic (except Mashiro's Dieci hair, love that). Quality of line-art, it's generic, even a bit blurry.
But where it is amazing in the animation itself, and the outlines.
The animation is surprisingly fluid. Characters move. They move like living beings, not just moving pictures. It's not rotoscoped, and well outside the uncanny valley. They bounce, the shift, they sway. The effect reminds me a lot of the fight scenes in Noein. It is a small thing, but has a large impact.
The outlines on all the characters are tinged in white, which adds a brightness, vitality, and vibrancy to the art, despite how generic it is. It is an interesting visual effect, and really makes the series stand out.
Will the series go anywhere? Maybe, probably not. Will it be fun? Definitely.