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Thread: Log Horizon

  1. #161
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    I really liked this episode, it's cool how they're exploring this world and finding new ways to make it work
    That´s why real mmorpgs all suck. They advertise it as YOUR adventure, individual, unique experience and all, but it all comes down to a generic grind that every player goes through in the exact same manner.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  2. #162
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    That´s why real mmorpgs all suck. They advertise it as YOUR adventure, individual, unique experience and all, but it all comes down to a generic grind that every player goes through in the exact same manner.
    Because it proves to be an easy and efficient way to get money from players...

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  3. #163
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    That´s why real mmorpgs all suck. They advertise it as YOUR adventure, individual, unique experience and all, but it all comes down to a generic grind that every player goes through in the exact same manner.
    there are MMOs out there that give you the freedom to decide what you want to do.
    EVE online comes into mind, and Everquest Next is a game I have high hopes for too in that regard

  4. #164
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    there are MMOs out there that give you the freedom to decide what you want to do.
    EVE online comes into mind, and Everquest Next is a game I have high hopes for too in that regard
    The freedom to make my own rules and my own gameplay-mechanics? I doubt it.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  5. #165
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    for the "my own rules" part, yes, for the other part - thats just ridiculous and its not like shiroe did something like that.
    he added the adventure subclass to rudy because the game allowed him too.
    if he can make up stuff like that he should start offering quests by contract and add +10000^3 xp (or whatever is enough to reach max level) to everyone who solves the quests
    or add the summoner+mage class onto himself
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 02-16-2014 at 03:37 PM.

  6. #166
    I'm 10 episodes in, and I didn't care much for this series as it began, but little by little it's been growing on me. Really liking it right now.

  7. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    for the "my own rules" part, yes, for the other part - thats just ridiculous and its not like shiroe did something like that.
    he added the adventure subclass to rudy because the game allowed him too.
    if he can make up stuff like that he should start offering quests by contract and add +10000^3 xp (or whatever is enough to reach max level) to everyone who solves the quests
    or add the summoner+mage class onto himself
    I agree he should explore the possibilities of adding different sub-classes to himself and his closest comrades but watching the episode again, he didn't actually give anything to Rudy. It was actually a status granted by the "guild". I think that is a strong distinction because there might be limits to what guilds can "grant" as a reward to members. As for contract quests with EXP rewards, I guess its possible but don't forget he used some pretty rare items to achieve that magic. He probably does not have an unlimited supply of ink and paper. One of the many reasons he wants to keep the contract a secret more thank likely.

    Also last thought on the different sub-classes....since they are all level 90 (level cap) could they take advantage of other skills without the ability to level up? Maybe the first step is finding away around the level cap.

    Edit: Words

  8. #168
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch
    Also last thought on the different sub-classes....since they are all level 90 (level cap) could they take advantage of other skills without the ability to level up? Maybe the first step is finding away around the level cap.
    Depends on how their levelling system goes I suppose - whether you are awarded points when you level up, which lets you improve the skills you choose, or whether skills themselves automatically level up with use, allowing you to build other skills that haven't been maxxed out even though you can't actually level up your character overall.

    Serara's household skills sound like it should be the latter.

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  9. #169
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch67 View Post
    Also last thought on the different sub-classes....since they are all level 90 (level cap) could they take advantage of other skills without the ability to level up? Maybe the first step is finding away around the level cap.
    The toughest guys, that we know of, are all level 90, which was the previous level cap. However, the reason why so many players were online to be sucked into this game world was the expansion that was just released. It also raised the level cap. The whole reason for the exp potion ordeal were some level 90s, who were competing to reach level 91 by using any means available.

  10. #170
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    The fact that Shiroe pulled a stunt like that and worked only means that the game has a whole new bunch of rules that nobody knows about yet.

  11. #171
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    The fact that Shiroe pulled a stunt like that and worked only means that the game has a whole new bunch of rules that nobody knows about yet.
    It's their reality now, so I suppose there should be laws now, not rules. Physical laws & magical laws. That would be far more interesting than only adding a few more things to the list of rules dictating what's possible. After all, laws of nature merely tell what's impossible somewhere beyond the horizon, otherwise leaving it up to the people to do whatever their imagination can come up with.

  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    The toughest guys, that we know of, are all level 90, which was the previous level cap. However, the reason why so many players were online to be sucked into this game world was the expansion that was just released. It also raised the level cap. The whole reason for the exp potion ordeal were some level 90s, who were competing to reach level 91 by using any means available.
    Completely forgot about that.... I think buff may also be correct in that sub-classes like "House keeper" and "Scribe" maybe able to be leveled just by use, without requiring characters to actually level up. Adding a different class tree however like "Enchanter" + "Sorcerer" would have to be done by leveling up I would expect.

    I thought the entire point of the show to this point was that there was magic that could change the "Laws" of the world (assuming both elder tale & reality) and the Sage guy was investigating that specific magic class. Personally I think he gave Shiroe enough information to make a world class spell so he could observe the outcome. In fact he just made Shiroe invent a way to make People of the Land immortal.... The Sage is probably up to no good. Of course he could of just facilitated for the sake of observation.

  13. #173
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    imo: the sage is some kind of game-guide... to introduce new mechanics to the players

  14. #174
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    I think that Shiroe exploited something akin to bug - only adventurers(players) can be guild members, so by making a high grade contract to add someone to guild, he used that rule in reverse - he is in guild, therefore he must be an adventurer.

    I'm 75% sure that he wants Shiroe to be his successor, and casting world-class magic takes your life away.
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  15. #175
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    There's no reason that it should use your life force is there? As in is it just a hunch or do you see something that don't?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #176
    I'm all caught up now. Seems like this is a 25 episode series, and we're at 20 right now. I do hope this gets a second season because I think there's plenty more to explore in this world.

  17. #177
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HS - Episode 21


    Well at least it's not Akatsuki getting bogged down over the whole revival thing. Minori can waver all she wants about the way Shiroe does things, but that can't happen to Akatsuki since her devotion is character-defining. Interestingly, the Izumo Knights are "Precursors". It could simply mean that they were the previous saviors, but the choice of words makes them sound like an ingredient for creating adventurers.

    The story teller was definitely a mage belonging to the same type of order that the "male mage" is from, but whether they're in this together I can't say.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #178
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    You know, Nyanta has to be one huge, creepy nerd. Keeping up his "-nya" thing and hanging out with a little girl all the time. Having that said, I´d like to see a situation where Nyanta shows us his serious side, losing his permanent cool.

    That female ... mage (?) was interesting for sure. Maybe she´s the one who also used world-class magic? Or she´s just like the male mage, as Buff said.

    While this precursor-talk sounds like some exciting mystery, I find it hard to actually get excited. Because no matter what, the fact remains that this world is just a computer-generated game world - it will always rank below the real world, so whatever the precursors are, they were not some awesome "first generation adventurers". At best they´re some sort of program or admin group or beta testers or whatever. That´s why any talk about Eastal´s past is boring to me, it doesn´t amount to much.

    Also, hope we get to see some real romance here between Shiroe and Akatsuki, and Rundel and Izuzu.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  19. #179
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'm disgusted that the end of the episode, and certainly the preview, is hinting at a love triangle (of sorts) developing between Shiroe and Akatsuki and Minori. I already hate Minori, not need to help it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The story teller was definitely a mage belonging to the same type of order that the "male mage" is from, but whether they're in this together I can't say.
    It is far more likely she is of the elf clan that cursed the world originally. They even gave you an appropriate flashback of the story so you could see the similarities in her hair and general proportions.

    @MFauli: Nyanta is a true gentleman. There's no chance between him and Serara because he's not a creepy pedo, but he is precisely the type of person that would escort a young lady at social events.

  20. #180
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    But he´s still a freak for going through with his "-nya"-thingy, even when they´re all in a really serious situation. :>

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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