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Thread: Log Horizon

  1. #181
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Well at least it's not Akatsuki getting bogged down over the whole revival thing. Minori can waver all she wants about the way Shiroe does things, but that can't happen to Akatsuki since her devotion is character-defining.
    I don't think Minori is wavering at all. She's worried and shocked people hold so dim view of Shiroe. That's naturally all Shiroe's own fault, although he might not have ever thought about it (he knows he's not overly social, but he might not have realised in his new position it could become a problem). Who knows, Minori might have realised it. Perhaps she would like Shiroe to become a bit more sociable so that folks wouldn't consider him such a gray eminence.

    Looks like his guild is slowly growing, whether he wanted or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The story teller was definitely a mage belonging to the same type of order that the "male mage" is from, but whether they're in this together I can't say.
    Where did she get her info from, though? Do they have some kind of clairvoyance skill? My thought was that she was from the other adventurer city they mentioned, where the other spell was detected, and might indeed be working together with Regan. Perhaps they (there might be more than these two) have some plans for adventurers and world class spells.

  2. #182
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    She was surveying somehow. Clairvoyance sounds about right. Not sure if she's just some NPC mage or elf (like Ryll mentioned), or if she's a creepy sysadmin monitoring this game.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #183
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Finally some Akatsuki screentime, and more to come.

    I was surprised with the Minori romance development. I had thought that it was more of a sibling relationship between Shiroe and her, but that line at the end of the episode was clearly an attempted confession.

    I really want Akatsuki to be happy, and that requires Shiroe to stop being the dull shounen protagonist that he is. I don't hate Minori, but if it came to a contest between her and Akatsuki, I'd be fine with Minori dying in a ditch somewhere.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  4. #184
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I was surprised with the Minori romance development. I had thought that it was more of a sibling relationship between Shiroe and her, but that line at the end of the episode was clearly an attempted confession.
    Or an attempt to mess with the viewers in a "wow she's confessing...NOT" kind of way.

    In any case, this was the episode that I've least liked from this series so far, overall boring.

  5. #185
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Itīs just a game. Shiroe can have both of them. (2 loli = 1 girl of normal height!)

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  6. #186
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 22 - HS

    - -- - - - - - - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I was surprised with the Minori romance development. I had thought that it was more of a sibling relationship between Shiroe and her, but that line at the end of the episode was clearly an attempted confession.
    Looks like it took Minori herself a while and a serious impact to realise it. Not that anything short of a full confession in unambiguous words preferably written on paper would make Shiroe himself understand such things. It's a miracle the dude is supposed to be a master tactician and strategist yet understands so little of human relationships and motivations. I guess he has maxed out his luck skill and simply makes excellent guesses all the time since surely he can't be judging the opponents' intentions. In a sense Minori was good luck for Akatsuki as it looked like she was getting nowhere with her hesitation before competition appeared.

    One of the weakest episodes so far, no doubt. It's like the show gave up with the season nearing the end and nothing's going on anymore.

    Now that Crusty and the Princess aren't appearing anymore, I realise all the more how much I enjoyed their twisted relationship.

  7. #187
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Boring episode. We didnt even get a confession.

    How old is everyone again? Wasnīt Shiroe 20+? Minorin looks like sheīs 12 at most. :/

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  8. #188
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Three comments:

    1. Fat Shiroe is probably what he looks like IRL.
    2. Isn't Minori in like middle school? Da fuq?
    3. These past two episodes were horid. Next episode doesn't look much better

  9. #189
    Disappointing episode, don't care for the Minori drama. Let's move on please.

    I'll say this though, the episode had some legit funny moments, but overall boring as heck.

  10. #190
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I hope it's not going to become like this for the remainder of episodes.

  11. #191
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I actually liked this episode because of all the cute Akatsuki screentime. Minori can just die in a ditch for all I care.
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  12. #192
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    2. Isn't Minori in like middle school? Da fuq?
    She looks younger to me. Or maybe thatīs because Iīm used to big breasted middle school girls starring in hentai doujins, could be :>

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  13. #193
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I couldn't care less for minori and akatsuki in this show

    no matter how I look at it, both pairings are awkward and the show shouldn't focus on it.

  14. #194
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    She looks younger to me. Or maybe thatīs because Iīm used to big breasted middle school girls starring in hentai doujins, could be :>
    They said she's a middle schooler in this episode. So, that's what she is, although I agree on her looking like an elementary schooler, just like her brat of a brother. The sooner Shiroe turns her down, the better. The last thing Shiroe needs to his already questionable repuration is being called a lolicon. He would have enough trouble explaining Akatsuki as it is, but at least she's of age and a level 90 assassin and could thus shut any mouths herself. Minori, however, is a kid and will be for years, nothing to explain, nothing to deny.

    During the latter half of the show I started to care only about the Crusty + Princess pair, to be honest. The dynamics are so brilliant.

  15. #195
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 23 - HS

    - -- - - - - - - -

    Aside from the Crusty + Princess pair that I enjoy every moment of, I began to seriously doubt this show during this episode. However, it seemed all to be nothing but a clever plot of the author. In a sense it was actually masterfully executed to make it nicely underline the fact Shiroe or nobody else noticed anything, just like the audience, before the attack was well underway. Although to be honest one episode would have been enough, with less of Minori. As it is, we only have two eps left.

    Who knows what the attack will be all about, though. At least the leader of the villains looked intelligent, not like a brute.

  16. #196
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    So from what I gather they are attacking then financially? Disrupt their economy, then the new enemy will offer them a loan and have the Adventurers work for them in order to pay it off. That way you got an army of Adventurers who are forced to do your bidding since they do want to save their city. Should be interesting to see some Spice and Wolf economies in here.

  17. #197
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    No, I don't think it's that. Such an approach would require two things: Akiba to be a much more wholesome economy, or rather as dependent on a working economy and trade system as real world is, and on the other hand it would take much longer. Now Akiba is only using small-scale trading to better the quality of life for the adventurers (and NPCs living in Akiba). However, they don't really depend on it. Well, the adventurers anyway, the people of the land might since they can't just hit the road and adventure.

    I think the point here was that a good deal of the people of the land present in Akiba aren't who they are supposed to be. What they are, though, I don't know, but they can't do even a little math so they aren't too civilised. I guess they are soldiers or just ruffians if calling them soldiers is praising them too much. Moles in any case, probably with some sort of a mission that makes the circumstances really favourable to the invaders. Although I really fail to see what the mission might be, considering how overpowering the adventurers are, being able to respawn and everything.

    I hope it's something better than threatening to disrupt the festival by having disturbers of peace everywhere. That would be too anticlimactic. If the enemy boss is really crafty, I suppose the goal might be to do something that will make the round table lose control.

  18. #198
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The enemy is totally the guys from Minami trying to take over Akiba. They're not adventurers, but People. If they're People, then they were somehow convinced to fight for the the Minami Adventurers. What doesn't make sense is why they're intentionally stirring up trouble if their main goal is infiltration.

    The plethora of Akatsuki bits over the past few weeks kept it going.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #199
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The enemy is totally the guys from Minami trying to take over Akiba. They're not adventurers, but People. If they're People, then they were somehow convinced to fight for the the Minami Adventurers. What doesn't make sense is why they're intentionally stirring up trouble if their main goal is infiltration.
    Obviously they are done with infiltration already. Now that you mentioned it, I suppose one possibility could be that a single adventurer with their henchmen has managed to take control of Minami, more or less (an evil version of Shiroe) and could be planning to add Akiba to their regime by making Round Table lose face and offering the Akiba residents a "better" choice.

    We have two eps left, so I'm not exactly expecting a too marvelous plot from this arc. Unless they end the show in the middle of an arc. That would be novel.

  20. #200
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 24 - HS


    Better episode than the past couple ones, but still not that exciting. Except for the end. Now that is the sort of clash I wanna see. The hero mastermind meeting the villain mastermind. From how openly Lord Marves shows himself and how small-town his attack against the princess appears, I hope heīs not just some lowly minion. Shiroe needs to win, but let Lord Marves have a part-win, too. This anime needs a proper villain, and an equal thinker-type like Shiroe would be a perfect fit.

    And then this qeen is super hot. Sorry, Akatsuki, you lose.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

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