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Thread: Rock Lee

  1. #21
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (jing @ Dec 4 2003, 06:33 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> yeah i think hiten mitsurugi is just SO wrong about this &quot;. maybe you should pay attention to the reading more... Have you noticed that the pills were only effective when choji did FAT moves....... and the last pill just kills you as choji said, why would rock lee eat something thats going to killl himself.

    </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Oh my god, &quot;fat moves,&quot; that&#39;s because Choji&#39;s the only one that we&#39;ve seen eat it. Who said anything about eating the red pill? You should read the post a little better (I said white and blue). Not only that but opening all 8 gates will surely kill Lee as well. I for one would have chosen the pills over opening the gates.

    Do you think that a sudden burst of chakra can punch a hole in a guy? the pills definitely increased his speed and strength as well.

    Note: the point is don&#39;t use stupid pills like sensu beans, soldier pills, blood stopping pills, red, blue, and white pills. It&#39;s just totally stupid. Provide a better protagonist and don&#39;t make up for his flaws with instant fix/power up pills.

  2. #22
    The red pill is more dangerous then opening 5 gates. The red one could kill him while with the 5 gates, you only have muscular damage that can be healed. The only reason he is so badly injured is Gaara&#39;s attack. The two others pills have side-effects to and we don&#39;t know if would have won.

  3. #23
    The issue of the pills wasn&#39;t &quot;OMG INSTANT POWER UP.&quot; It was that the penalty of taking the red pill is, more likely than not, death. Is Chouji willing to sacrifice his own life to help others? Is he willing to give up the friends he cherishes so much, never to see them again? It&#39;s less a pill and more of a kamikaze attack.

    Besides, strategizing, clever use of environment, all those things are not in Chouji&#39;s character. I bet you&#39;ll see assloads of that with the Shikamaru fight, but Chouji really has not much else aside from his various size-based jutsu. It would&#39;ve been out of character for him to pull off a Shikamaru-style victory, or hell, a Naruto-style victory.

  4. #24
    Narutos victories are always stupid ones anyway
    they tend to ignore the rules that were in place against other people, for example, Gaaras sand not stopping him coming at Gaara when it stopped everyone else (he was going slow as in the first place) and a headbutt to end it and against Neji he comes out of the ground to attack him but Neji should have been able to have seen it shouldnt he? he only has a little blind spot (plus that one punch was enough to finish him lol)
    also vs Kiba he farted, whoa.
    you&#39;re right, Naruto is an excellent strategist.

    cant wait for the future fight against Orochimaru where Naruto trips on a twig and it impales Oro

  5. #25
    In the manga you see his vision to be clearly stated as above ground only. 360 degrees is only a circle. With Gaara, I don&#39;t know exactly when the headbut was but if it was when Shuusaku was out, it is clear all the sand is on S and if it is after, S. is too tired to protect him.

  6. #26
    I go with the last 2 posts made, sure its not a secret to others, others know about the pills, but only the clan of chouji knows how to make them, period.

  7. #27
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    A. Neji eyes aren&#39;t like the sharingan, and even if they were, just becuase you can see something, doesn&#39;t mean you can react to it. until now, Neji had at least one second warning before each of Naruto&#39;s attacks, so he was able to do the Kaiten. But at the fight with Naruto, he was taken by complete suprise.

    B. about Gaara&#39;s sand, not only that the sand was out of him (in the form of shukaku demon), the sand has moved and got to naruto before the attack, that&#39;s why naruto had to change his charge from a punch to a head but, read Chap 136 to see it exactly

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  8. #28
    lol feel free to take the pills i make

    it will cost ya thu , and im not speaking bout cash

  9. #29
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    I think the pills extract all of Chouji&#39;s fats and makes them into chakra. Since fats has twice the amount of energy. Thats why he looks slimmer after the battle.

    So if Rock Lee ate it... Rock Lee would probably be bones right now...
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  10. #30
    stoopider ure smart haha

  11. #31
    The pill was a stupid idea. It boosts your strength. Wow, that&#39;s ORIGINAL. Sorry, but that was a really fucking stupid-ass fight. It shouldn&#39;t be in Naruto, at all. Instead of applying some insane, unthinkable technique that utilizes the enviornment, their positions, manipulation of JUTSUS, and any other factor, he wins because he takes a pill, and becomes stronger. This was the biggest waste of chapters, ever.

    And Rock Lee&#39;s character is emphasized heavily on just effort. Taking a pill gives you added power, but probably without much stress in doing it, itself. Opening gates obviously takes a lot of practice, and effort.

  12. #32
    you also think Neji and Hinata would be a good couple even though their cousins
    soldier pills wernt only used by kiba - remember Kabuto uses one too.
    the &#39;red pills&#39; were a secret to Choujis clan, and obviously there were just as damaging as the gates.
    ALSO you would notice every move he did with those pills were multisize jutsus, this suggests that the pills help with these techniques ONLY.
    Rock Lee doesnt know how to use multisize jutsu, seeing as its a secret to Choujis clan (not only does he not know it he couldnt use it if he wanted to) so these pills are specifically for Chouji and his father ONLY.

  13. #33
    i dont think Ino would enjoy having sex with herself even if it was Sasuke&#39;s body probably because of the fact that Ino&#39;s body would be unconcious, but you never know, she might

  14. #34
    oh hell let&#39;s just be more random and ask why ino doesn&#39;t just take over sasuke&#39;s body and have sex with herself.

  15. #35
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (TheAwesomeChow @ Dec 7 2003, 08:52 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> oh hell let&#39;s just be more random and ask why ino doesn&#39;t just take over sasuke&#39;s body and have sex with herself. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Ummmm whom would be molesting whom in that case?


  16. #36
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (TheAwesomeChow @ Dec 7 2003, 07:52 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> oh hell let&#39;s just be more random and ask why ino doesn&#39;t just take over sasuke&#39;s body and have sex with herself. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Her body wouldn&#39;t be able to move.

  17. #37
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    How did from Rock Lee taking Chouji&#39;s pills get to Neji and Gaara?? LoL
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  18. #38
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Dec 7 2003, 03:37 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> i dont think Ino would enjoy having sex with herself even if it was Sasuke&#39;s body probably because of the fact that Ino&#39;s body would be unconcious, but you never know, she might </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    I bet Sakura would, though.

  19. #39

  20. #40
    hmm as many have already pointed out i will try to clarify it the way i saw it:

    The pills, burns all the energi in your body into chakra which u can use to speed yourself up, improve your muscle strenght and perform jutsu´s, but with a very fast use of the energi thus fatal if used for to long.

    The gates, in contrast to the pills let you use your body and you muscless to a complete 100% with no limits, therefore increasing speed, stamina and power for as long as u can sustain the muscle stress.

    This means that the 2 are the direct opposit, chakra can be used to power up your muscles... but your muscles cant be used to power up your chakra and since Lee has little to no chakra control he wouldnt gain anything from eating pills since they require some sort of chakra control, opening the gates require hard muscle training before your muscles can withstand the pressure applied to them.

    Gates -&gt; Muscle strenght and speed through exhaustion
    Pills -&gt; Chakra through body energi

    So the pills are a bit better since u can use them to do jutsu´s with but they require chakra control, therefore anyone should be able to use the gates but it require way to much training for 99% of all people to use them.

    Also i believe that soldier pills are just a little worse form of the super pills chouji takes they just burn less calories and therefore u cant really see their drawback but youll fight harder but for a shorter time.

    Both powers are equal and lets you speed up, the gates can be used by anyone but require training in opening them and muscular movement, the pills is only for people with chakra control and enough calories to burn off.

    Nuff said DeadalouS off

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