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Thread: Galilei Donna

  1. #1
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Galilei Donna

    Alternative title:
    Galilei Donna - Storia di tre sorelle a caccia di un mistero
    ガリレイドンナ (Japanese)

    Genres: action, drama, fantasy, science fiction

    Plot Summary
    Three sisters, Hozuki, Kazuki, and Hazuki, are descendants of Gailieo and have completely different personalities and tastes; they never meet eye-to-eye. One day, the girls are suddenly attacked by a mysterious organization. The organization was after the Gailieo Tesoro which Galileo Galilei was said to have discovered. Still unaware of what was going on, the sisters escape on the airship Hozuki build after the sudden attack. But it won't be so easy for these three sisters to help each other out in a pinch when they're constantly at odds with each other.

    Links: ANN, MAL

    HS - Episode 01, 02


    It's a pretty fun series so far. It actually reminds me most of the recent Miniskirts Pirates as far as the initial kidnapping->become a space fugitive premise goes. Ryll mentioned Laputa, which is an even better comparison. I like the 1st sister the most. Sure, she's overall rather useless and doesn't do much else but talk, but she's the most level headed. She's not overly cold like the 2nd sister and should think faster on her feet than the 3rd one. Her only skill might be to argue a perspective, which makes her a perfect lawyer.

    The dad's cool. The mum's a bit of an ass though. I wouldn't actually care much if she died.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #2
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Galilei Donna - 04 [HorribleSubs]
    Galilei Donna - 03


    This show has been giving me Outlaw Star vibes from the start, and this episode confirmed it.

    Grapple airship!

    The middle sister is kind of a bitch, but in reality her reactions are pretty normal.

    Obviously roll cake hair is up to no good, but I have confidence that either Hozuki (via a particle beam weapon) or Kazuki (via a neck snapping headlock) will murder her if she crosses them.

  3. #3
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    That anime has got lots of great ingredients, like decent animation, decent scenario, good VAs, nice art, some action and everything.
    Yet it feels incredibly boring.
    First there's some kind of dissonance where males are clearly in the wrong in anything. They are either the bad guys or losers.
    That's not a first in anime where it's hard to have a good character with balanced characteristics, but maybe it goes a little far in an anime which primary goal isn't fanservice or some kind of otaku niche.

    Like for Log Horizon, they'd need a stronger storyline. Something with real suspense, a little less predictable and maybe give a better sense of plausibility. Don't get me wrong, this is anime again, anything works when you enjoy it. But to me the pitch is set in an universe with science as a basis, even with better technologies than today, some things do not feel right. Like for a 11 (I think) girlie building something that size, with weapon systems and ammunition, all of that in her spare time without no one ever noticing...
    And I'm not even mentioning all the sub-devices and their technical particularities that I do not think a single human being can build and assemble together in a single project in about 5 years.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    You have to accept the conceit that Hozuki is a genius beyond genius. On the level of one of the greatest minds humanity has ever known. That does help in understanding why Kazuki resents her. Aside from her combat skills that nobody notices, she's totally normal, as is the eldest sister.

    Hozuki got around to purchasing weapon systems, ammo, armor plating, etc., and had them delivered at home without anyone noticing. She cracked the passcode on the mysterious warehouse connected to their home that they've had for decades, but no one opened.

    Is suspension of disbelief high? Yes.

    I agree that if you can't get past that, it's going to be hard to like.

  5. #5
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I chose that, because it was really over the top.
    But I think most of the story is affected by the same problem so many levels that despite some great ingredients, what is served is hard to swallow.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  6. #6
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    At the moment, the show is just riding on Bambina for me. Everything else is just kinda... slow. Hopefully Kazuki's over it and Anna(?) will be exposed soon enough.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #7
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HS - Episode 05, 06


    I... can get behind Roberto's reasoning. The main issue is why he gets to decide, but the fact is that humans are too numerous to make their living sustainable. The need for reduction is there. It's just a matter of who plays god.

    I'm very disappointed with the whole Tesero thing (assuming Tesero is the sand timer necklace). Miracles granted by innocent emotions? Fuck no. Hochibi almost killed everybody with her mad rush -> explosion. At least those whiners arguably deserved to die.

    I really get sick of questions like "Why did this have to happen?", or "Why is the world so cruel?" or "Why me/her/them?". FFS there is no "why" so stop asking it. Shit just happens. The vast majority of the times these questions get asked when they were clearly random/natural/accidental events. The victim was selected based on probability. Heck, the person asking the question is doing so because they can't find someone to blame. And why is that? Because there is no one to blame. So get over it, or get delusional.

    The rant will sound cold, but I can't bear the irrationality of asking questions as if you(or someone) could choose. I suppose one could call me a fatalist to some degree.

    edit: according to wiki, fatalism strongly implies that the person thinks someone or something determines fate, which isn't my belief. Perhaps it's more defeatism?
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 11-15-2013 at 10:28 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #8
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Why did Roberto not kill those guys? Even without bullets, he could have easily dispatched them in less than a minute if he really wanted to. I'd understand if they were too worthless for worry, but one of them actually managed to capture him. This just screams inconsistency.
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