Please tell me I'm not the only one watching this.
Follows the story of Ichabod Crane, of Headless Horseman legend "fame" who is reimagined to have been a spy working for George Washington. Hekillsbeheads a ruthless Hessian soldier and is mortally wounded in the process. He wakes up in the modern day Sleepy Hollow and partners with Lt. Abbie Mills to stop the pending apocalypse. Tons of supernatural stuff combined with two warring ancient societies and, conspiracies everywhere, and good chemistry among the cast.
Nicole Beharie is very cute as the police lieutenant, and Tom Mison convincingly plays someone in the wrong century, but so used to weird shit that he mostly takes it in stride. It comes off well without devolving into a series of time traveler jokes (they're there, but they never overdo it).
What really stands out is how naturally the special effects just work. Either the filters they're using to film it or the lighting or whatever, the production values come off much higher than they probably are. In four episodes, there's really only been one scene where the CG is pretty obvious (if any is used at all, usually they get away without it). It's easy to compare this to Agents of SHIELD, where despite the huge backing, the effects are sometimes a little hokey.
Good cast that plays well together, interesting storyline with separate events frequently tying back together so that it ends up not being just a Monster of the Week/Supernatural Procedural affair, and quality special effects that don't overdo it or rely on CG.
This has been my favorite show airing on network TV this year, by far.