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Thread: Nagi no Asukara

  1. #81
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    I did understand (probably wrong) that casting out women that chose to mate with a surface guy was in the newborn interrest... as hybrid babies are born without ENA and would die should the mother give birth underwater.
    You're not wrong David, Buff's just being crazy again. A large amount of the info he's been posting in this thread lately has been horribly misremembered, often backwards.

    Children born from surface-people and a woman from the sea drown during birth as they are not born with Ena. Akari said it when Hikari was getting all fussy to their father about her relationship. Not sure if it was to Hikari, Manaka, or Miuna though.

  2. #82
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    You're not wrong David,
    That does seem to be the case.

    Horriblesubs said that Ena was like amniotic fluid and that people from the surface break through it when they're born, while people from the sea have it wrap around them. That got me assuming that if people on the surface took birthing precautions to not break through their amniotic fluid, they'd have the equivalent of Ena. Back in episode 3, I did think Tsumugu's conclusion (that hybrids don't have Ena) was funny, but I guess that's more factual.

    Please do take the effort to correct my errors. It's rather welcome. Do you actually mean this thread, or GW-forum?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    A large amount of the info he's been posting in this thread lately has been horribly misremembered, often backwards.
    Actually, I changed my mind. Do point them out Ryll. I don't want to leave this hanging.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 01-25-2014 at 08:36 AM.

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  3. #83
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HS - Episode 17


    Even though Kaname isn't actually in a relationship with Chisaki, it keeps feeling like he's being NTR'ed - and I like it. There's some strange satisfaction about the fact that Chisaki/Tsumugu are getting along really well without him even though he did nothing wrong. You just get that feeling that he could well be a much darker person inside.

    The best thing was watching how quickly Sayu's walls got broken down. Her regression back to a little kid too what... 3 seconds and a pat? :3

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  4. #84
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Even though Kaname isn't actually in a relationship with Chisaki, it keeps feeling like he's being NTR'ed - and I like it. There's some strange satisfaction about the fact that Chisaki/Tsumugu are getting along really well without him even though he did nothing wrong. You just get that feeling that he could well be a much darker person inside.
    Kaname felt absolutely the same, the one most out of everything, even though he could have Sayu any time, should he ever want to have her. Speaking of a darker person inside, for the first time during this episode I got a feeling it's Tsumugu who has such darkness inside him. Obviously he has some complicated family circumstances that give him genuine background in darkness of some kind, but in this episode with Kaname in the background it seemed to me like Tsumugu might suddenly snap and explode. As if he's actively holding back a lot and is not honestly calm and composed as his basic nature. But maybe that's just me. If he ends up living with both Chisaki and Kaname for a while, I guess the truth will be revealed.

  5. #85
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    As if he's actively holding back a lot and is not honestly calm and composed as his basic nature.
    Well, that's a given. He doesn't like Chisaki looking after other guys. Since Tsumugu is taking a rather passive role while letting Chisaki get over things on her own, I believe he actually values their time together. Anyone who intrudes that pisses him off more or less.

    Tsumugu is '1st in line' for Chisaki while she's deciding over Hikari... and Tsumugu doesn't like queue jumpers.

    Private-time-invasion aside (and the threat that being under the same roof brings along), I think Tsumugu would also be nicer to Hikari (besides his obvious threat status) because:

    a) Hikari doesn't like Chisaki
    b) Chisaki likes Hikari.

    I don't believe that Tsumugu is conscious of all of this though, but that should be what's going on.

    edit: forgot to say, that CGI was rather obtrusive. Obtrusive CGI = bad CGI.

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  6. #86
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I am actually rooting for Miuna and Sayu now. They are much better people than the original 4. I hope Hikari ends up with Miuna and Kaname with Sayu. I really felt bad for Kaname this episode. Really, he deserves better than being one upped by two people just because Chisaki doesn't give a damn about him and his feelings.
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  7. #87
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I really felt bad for Kaname this episode. Really, he deserves better than being one upped by two people just because Chisaki doesn't give a damn about him and his feelings.
    Come on. A person can't split in two, so I'd say it's more merciful not to give false hope. Chisaki could get all friendly with Kaname, but it would be nothing short of cruelty considering she already has two other people she care for more. Actually maybe even three; after these five years the Kihara geezer might matter more to her than Kaname, haha.

    But obviously I'm also rooting for Miuna and Sayu more now. It's always nicer to root for people who actually are here than those who aren't present and with no predictable prospects of returning (unless you go beyond objectivity and evaluate it based on drama traditions). I suppose it might be a bit sad if Manaka manages to return eventually and finds all the others have already paired with each other. But then again, she's the one who proclaimed herself not interested and not understanding anything about man-woman relationships.

  8. #88
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'd be pleasantly surprised if they take the less trodden path of having Manaka never return, and everyone finding a way to move on from that.
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  9. #89
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm actually putting money on Manaka not returning. At the very least, only after everything settles (like everyone else being either dead, long dead, or in their 80s).

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  10. #90
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    There's that one liner I think I head from Chisaki that was incredibly cruel and selfish... in which she basicly said she was relieved Kaname really was the same: ie he still loved her, but she doesn't and that it was really nice for her ego. Totally my interpretation there. But really a bitchy RL life experience.

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  11. #91
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    There's that one liner I think I head from Chisaki that was incredibly cruel and selfish... in which she basicly said she was relieved Kaname really was the same: ie he still loved her, but she doesn't and that it was really nice for her ego. Totally my interpretation there. But really a bitchy RL life experience.
    She didn't say that she was relieved. She just asked him if she's changed. Her facial expression afterwards was a little hard to interpret.

    Reasons she could be happy about his response:
    1) He's still the Kaname she knows
    2) Kaname still considers her to be more or less the Chisaki he knows/likes

    Reasons she could be troubled by his response:
    1) She still has to worry about his feelings and how to respond to them

    Now that I watch the episode again, I feel a little bad for Kaname as well. I think my initial response to view him negatively was because I found him threatening my Tsumugu/Chisaki pairing, even though anime logic dictates that he has no chance. In a way, he's even more good natured and passive than Tsumugu.

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  12. #92
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I usually dislike characters like Kaname (i.e. Setsuna) because of certain dark and conniving qualities included in the archetype, but Kaname actually has the opposite ones. Instead of being cowardly, he is courageous enough to move when he feels the need to. Instead of dragging other people down, he tries to move up instead, but less forcefully. I just feel that Kaname is elegant, even when faced with such adversity. Tsumugu is harder to relate to because he is too robotic.
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  13. #93
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 18 - HS

    - - - - - -- - -

    I can't help but feel that Uroko transferred Manaka's ena to Miuna. Obviously he purposefully made the ena chips to float in front of Miuna to guide her here and there. Because she had always wanted to see the underwater town? Who knows. Uroko seems to be doing totally random things and stuff for his own amusements, nothing else. I certainly can't see too many reasons why Manaka of all people would deserve to suddenly lose her ena.

    In any case, with this Manaka is not at all late to the polygon party, unless you count her maturity which seems to be lower than pre-time skip Miuna and Sayu's... Who knows where this will lead.

  14. #94
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I don't think Manaka will wake up simply because they took her from the sea god and brought her to the surface. That would be too easy. I suppose it does provide a different reason for the ED if she does. It's not that she woke up decades after the others, it's that she can't live underwater anymore.

    I also think it was Manaka herself that was guiding Miuna around. Not just because she accidentally said her name when guided by the ena flakes, but because Manaka was her friend too and wanted to be reunited with the lot of them.

    The only reason I can think of for her ena eroding is that she's a sacrifice to the sea god. She has to drown, like the original bride/sacrifice for it to count.

  15. #95
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I too think she's drowning. That's the whole point of the sacrificial ceremony and how people didn't treat it seriously when it was, in fact, serious. The hand was also metaphoric for the sea god.

    I'm a little annoyed that Manaka's back in the loop now. She's my least favourite character. It sounds mean to say "I wish she remained 'dead' ", but that is in fact how I feel.

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  16. #96
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    The only reason I can think of for her ena eroding is that she's a sacrifice to the sea god. She has to drown, like the original bride/sacrifice for it to count.
    And she took five years to drown for what reason? If that was the only reason why it's happening, it would have happened a long time ago. It can't be a coincidence Miuna gained her ena and Manaka is now drowning, at the same time. Though I don't really know why it's happening at all, aside from what I said: Uroko (Sea god) does whatever they want, following simple whims.

  17. #97
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    It can't be a coincidence Miuna gained her ena and Manaka is now drowning, at the same time.
    It can be a coincidence. The same noise Miuna is now attuned to is the same one we heard when Hikari woke up. It was also the same one we heard when Kaname woke up, which was coincidentally the same time Miuna gained her ena.

  18. #98
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, I suppose that one could be a coincidence, but that still doesn't explain why it took Manaka five years to start dying if she was to die as a sacrifice to the sea god. Unless you think Manaka's dying wish was to show the undersea town to Miuna, and Uroko needed to wait five years for Miuna to take a dip. Maybe he got tired of waiting and woke up Hikari to give her a push. Then he kicked Kaname out of the sea to make sure they would have the group born bravery to go diving.

  19. #99
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If we're having an exchange of Ena, why is it that Miuna can survive with 5% (let's say that's what got transferred) while Manaka is seemingly dying with 95%? The fakes are also not heading towards Miuna personally.

    It actually seemed weird to me this episode because Miuna was following where the flakes were going as opposed to following where they were drifting from, which would make more sense for me really.. but perhaps she got confused between them and Uroko etc.

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  20. #100
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Nah, if you are referring to my earlier post, it's an exchange in a figurative meaning, not concrete. One person from the land gets ena, one from the sea loses it. Not that Manaka's old ena would cover Miuna's skin. I have no doubt Uroko could grant an ena to a person, should he wish so. He can make a fricking fish grow out of a person's knee, after all.

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