I am starting to hate Tsumugu a lot less as a character. He has become more human, with emotions, faults and weaknesses. His outburst in the dining room, his blatant affection for Chisaki, and the extremely stupid decision toblameask Hikari about not seeing Chisaki.
These people must be absolute idiots. Waking up to a world 5 years later is enough to break a person, and all they do is say "You must be tired after sleeping so long." I really loved Hikari in this episode. He is probably the strongest out of all the characters in the show. He lives honestly and accepts the consequences of that, something not many people can do.
I am rooting for the Miuna pairing, but sleeping beauty is bound to make a comeback sometime. I cannot wait for Kaname to return. It should throw another cog into the train wreck machine we already have.