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Thread: Nagi no Asukara

  1. #21
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I believe it has been said the ena will simply cease to function, if not disappear, and they can't ever go back to living in the sea.
    I had a look at ep1 and ep3 (where Ena cracks, and inheritance is explained respectively), and it hasn't been explicitly explained. It does make sense that if Ena cracks when its dry that you can eventually lose it all. Whether it will regenerate (when partially or completely lost) is another matter. I don't expect them to go into further details on this though. Physiology seems be just a pretext to all the drama.

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  2. #22
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 8 - Underwater-Vivid

    - - - - - - - - -

    This is the kind of show where nothing is easy. At least some of the characters still try to stay smiling despite all the hardships. I'm starting to get a bit annoyed by Chisaki, though. She's advicing and encouraging other people all the time, but fails consistently 100% to follow her own advice. Plus her ever more morbid mood is beginning to poison even the encouragement she tries to deal out. At least she hasn't tried to do anything to undermine Tsumugu directly, to maintain her nothing should change wish, since Tsumugu obviously doesn't belong to her circle. Tsumugu is as crafty as ever, not really doing anything much but still managing to be at the right place at the right time and helping everybody. I do hope he gets more proactive at some point, chasing Manaka, but who knows. Since everybody else is having problems of some sort, I can't help but wonder if he hasn't got as well.

    At least the Itaru+Akari+Miuna family is shaping up nicely, finally. But let's see if the sea god and Eroko can't still somehow try to sabotage that.

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 9 - Underwater-Vivid

    -- - - - - - - - -

    Though all evidence is still quite insubstantial at best, but the sea god is starting to look more and more like the petty gods of the classical age. I suppose the final decisive factor is whether the calamity is going to be natural and the sea folks simply decided not to share the info with the surface people (because the older folks of both places mostly seem like scumbags for some mysterious reason) or if it's indeed something produced by the sea god because people don't worship him enough anymore. If it's the latter, then it's especially nasty considering how hard the students were working to make the ceremony happen. The end of this ep didn't really make the calamity sound like a tsunami or something, so I don't know why it's so urgent a deal. Nevertheless, I don't see how Hikari would ever agree not to inform at least his sister. Manaka is kind of weak, so I could see how her parents might successfully prevent her from informing Tsumugu at the very least.

    Tsumugu failing to communicate with Chisaki was a welcome scene; the dude has been pulling off everything so perfectly so far that he could use a failure. Not to say Chisaki wouldn't have been just as guilty, but she's a wreck anyway, so it was to be expected.

  4. #24
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    But he 'doesn't dislike the way she is right now'. That doesn't bode well for Chisaki's long term plans. It's actually the worst possible outcome.

    It was nice to see Akari already slipping into the mother role.

    The really weird part for me Sayu falling for Kaname. Unexpected to say the least. I guess she's so hot headed she likes "cool" guys.

  5. #25
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    But he 'doesn't dislike the way she is right now'. That doesn't bode well for Chisaki's long term plans. It's actually the worst possible outcome.
    True. I was mainly commenting on how the scene went superficially, that Tsumugu didn't manage to calm down Chisaki and return her to the boat building. It's still more than likely Tsumugu was correct, as always, and Chisaki hates him all the more because she knows it herself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    The really weird part for me Sayu falling for Kaname. Unexpected to say the least. I guess she's so hot headed she likes "cool" guys.
    It's possible she's so hot-headed she fell for him in the instant he treated them like princesses. In addition to what you said. Naturally it also means she will forget him just as soon.

  6. #26
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    If it's the latter, then it's especially nasty considering how hard the students were working to make the ceremony happen.
    I don't think it's to do with the lack of ceremony, since you can't actually have a "lack of ceremony" until the ceremonial date passes without anything happening. It's somehow to do with people leaving Shioshihio permanently that's causing this phenomenon. From what we know thus far, I wonder if the idea is to make the surface so cold that the sea is the only habitable place on the planet. Humans won't be able to live in the sea, but at least it'll maintain the current Shioshishio population.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    The really weird part for me Sayu falling for Kaname. Unexpected to say the least. I guess she's so hot headed she likes "cool" guys.
    Hmm, I don't feel the same way since the clues were dropped in when Kaname told her off for destroying the props. I was already under the impression a few episodes ago that she was falling for Kaname in exactly the same way that her friend was falling for Hikari.

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  7. #27
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 10 - Underwater-Vivid

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    This episode had kind of a funny atmosphere. It would have worked differently if this had been located in the distant past, but as it is happening in modern times, it all sounded like nothing but religious mumbo jumbo and hysteria, especially when Hikari tried to preach about it on the dry land. Not to mention modern world is connected. Although we haven't seen the world of this show beyond that small town by the sea and the bigger one some ways off, but considering they have cars and everything, there has to be a wider world out there. That one student also indicated so by saying she wanted to travel overseas. So, why would this single village matter so much? Even more so the undersea village that apparently only has a few dozen people left. If that's everything that has kept the sea god floating, it certainly shouldn't be a god powerful enough to either doom or save the whole world.

    I hope the boat drift ceremony will still happen, regardless. We have been hearing about it for the duration of the whole show, so it would be a pity to miss it entirely.

  8. #28
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Thumbs up to Kaname.

    I see where Kraco is coming from, but I am able to suspend my disbelief in this regard.

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  9. #29
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    You want to talk about suspension of disbelief? Mine has been eroded episode after episode to the point where I'm spending a lot of the time focused on all the things in the background.


    Buoyancy. Things that should float, don't.

    Salinity really can change things, but not to the degree, and certainly not in that direction. The higher the salinity, the higher things float, that's how hydrometers used for water work (specific gravity, blah blah, etc.).

    You can easily ignore all the stuff with the people because Ena is this amazing thing. But anyone who played in a bathtub as a child or swam in pool should notice something wrong, all over the place. Weights can only do so much.

    But there is also the house layouts, the kitchens specifically. They still use sinks...while immersed in water! Foods don't float right off the plates! Liquids are poured into glasses...Alcohol is lighter than water!

    They got as far as the sacred fire...but didn't go far enough. I'm empathizing with the characters, generally enjoy the story, but this is an anime series, it's not that hard to pull off a few better designs. They do it for space series all the time.

  10. #30
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    They got as far as the sacred fire...but didn't go far enough. I'm empathizing with the characters, generally enjoy the story, but this is an anime series, it's not that hard to pull off a few better designs. They do it for space series all the time.
    For me this is a fantasy series as opposed to a sci-fi one, so all this water-dwelling stuff might as well be magic. That makes things much more forgivable.

    HS - Episode 11

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  11. #31
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Is it going to be an ice age or something? But that hardly develops so fast that the abrupt decision to start hibernating seems appropriate. Though the sea village being buried in salt flakes might be such an inconvenience they don't have much choice. Regardless, every time the dry land is shown I still can't help but feel it's nothing but religious hysteria. Not to mention I almost feel insulted every time those happy southern island dwellers talk about the temperature dropping.

    Somehow it's only feeling more and more like romantically nobody but Akari & Itaru are going to get happy, while all the main characters will be left unsatisfied. Tsumugu isn't really helping the situation by only sticking his nose in other people's business but not having any business of his own.

  12. #32
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It's going to be an ice age. The sea is already becoming one and I'd expect it to require hibernating within a year max at this rate. The surface.. maybe a couple more years or a decade? Nevertheless it would follow. I'm not sure what's stopping the kids from living on land (while taking salt baths) until the land becomes uninhabitable. Perhaps the village be buried in 20m of snow?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 12 - Underwater-Vivid

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    Despite being such a straightforward, observant know-it-all Tsumugu does produce some funny scenes occasionally, or perhaps exactly because he's like that. Like the very end of this ep, asking Manaka what's wrong when she's, again, hanging in the air in the fishing net. I guess being so observant allowed him to immediately deduce something's bothering Manaka, aside from getting fished out of water like a fish, but from an outsider's pov the scene was getting pretty close to the legendary Utawarerumono scene of a soldier directing that question at another soldier who was lying on the ground with arrows sticking out his back.

    Such a fine unidirectional chain of romantic intests in any case. I wonder how this is all going to end.

  14. #34
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But Manaka thought of Hikari. There might still be one happy couple born from this.
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  15. #35
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    But Manaka thought of Hikari. There might still be one happy couple born from this.
    Maybe, but that would leave Tsumugu alone, and to be honest it would be kind of lame if the sea kids all paired with each other. While Hikari has got considerably better of late, I still can't forget how annoying he was in the beginning, making Tsumugu look all the better in comparison.

    Still, if the sea folks go to sleep and wake up 200 years in the future, I guess it's all a moot point.

    Anyway, I was all the time thinking this is a 13 eps show and thus the next ep would present an ending not altogether happy and fluffy, but now that I checked it the ep count's bloody full 26.

  16. #36
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I actually think Tsumugu is extremely boring. He is like the ultimate Gary Stu with perfect timing in this show.
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  17. #37
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    If it's a 10 years sleep, the underage girls will be the right age. Even more if the sea people age a little in the process, like 0.5 speed.

    Only Tsumugu would lose a great deal, or not as he might get a late teen manaka when he's in his late 20s... Or he gets someone else since he'd have ten years of life and experiences. And that is a lot when you're a teenager.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  18. #38
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I actually think Tsumugu is extremely boring. He is like the ultimate Gary Stu with perfect timing in this show.
    He is, but at least he's competent. He complements the cast, which wouldn't otherwise have his type of character. We have an airhead, a hothead, a negative one, and... what exactly is Kaname? A whisperer who says things the others would rather leave unsaid.

    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    If it's a 10 years sleep, the underage girls will be the right age. Even more if the sea people age a little in the process, like 0.5 speed.
    Why would they only sleep 10 years? Hardly anything can happen in a time so short. It has to be centuries, surely, if they are sleeping to wake up when things are better again.

  19. #39
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I don't know if I only noticed it these last couple episodes, but the slight echo that makes it sound like voices are travelling further underwater helps a bit to make up for the buoyancy problem I had.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I actually think Tsumugu is extremely boring. He is like the ultimate Gary Stu with perfect timing in this show.
    With this series now being 26 episodes, they've started to expand on his character. The extremely uncomfortable scene with his mother was quite telling that beneath that calm, knowing, aura, some things are not at all well.

    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    If it's a 10 years sleep, the underage girls will be the right age. Even more if the sea people age a little in the process, like 0.5 speed.

    Only Tsumugu would lose a great deal, or not as he might get a late teen manaka when he's in his late 20s... Or he gets someone else since he'd have ten years of life and experiences. And that is a lot when you're a teenager.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Why would they only sleep 10 years? Hardly anything can happen in a time so short. It has to be centuries, surely, if they are sleeping to wake up when things are better again.
    For a while, I was hoping that the hibernation wouldn't occur, but now I'm really looking forward to it and desperately hoping that it is both short, and extremely asymmetric. They've been foreshadowing that possibility heavily, restating every episode that people won't wake up at the same time necessarily.

    I'd love to see all of them fall asleep, but because Hikari has been eating (as have the others to a lesser degree) wake up at mostly different times, with the rest of the Shishishioshishishi residents remaining in hibernation. Perhaps something with the town now regularly performing the ceremony, and thus messing with the stability of their hibernation.

    It would be great to see Hikari and Kaname wake up first, but now having Miuna and Sayu be high schoolers middle schoolers in the same year. Then you'd have Chisaki wake up a few months after to make a mess of things. Manaka would stay asleep. The downside to that would be that it would be really unfair to Tsumugu, but honestly I'm not sure he really cares about Manaka that way. Then again, there's been plenty of romances with a large age gap, even in this series. Akari is much younger than her soon-to-be husband.

    Side note: I'm really starting to like Sayu's character, when I used to find her annoying. She dresses rather femininely when compared to Miuna, and is certainly a little more emotionally mature than her as well (because she knows she wants Kaname, just describes it as being "evil" instead of being in love, hah).

    Despite that, she's a huge tomboy. She headbutted Hikari's father...
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 12-21-2013 at 09:18 AM. Reason: 1st, clarity; 2nd, bad reference

  20. #40
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This is 26 episodes? Fantastic.

    I was wondering how they were going to conclude this in the remaining 1 or 2 episodes, but an entire cour is more than enough.
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