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Thread: Golden Time (TV)

  1. #41
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Oka is fucking evil.
    I wouldn't say evil. Two-faced for sure, but it is a bit too soon to say whether she is actively malicious, or just after being the center of attention and popular by playing cutesy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    But doesn't he want that? He wanted people to treat him as the current Tada Banri, not a shell of the former Banri. Linda tried to do just that. He just suddenly decided that it's not a great idea after all and wants to to retrace his past?
    The difference is, like shinta said, in their relative knowledge level and their intentions. Banri realized he was being as just much of a dick as Linda is a liar by pretending he doesn't know his own family or old friends. Sure, they'd be hurt at first, and interact with him using kid-gloves, but eventually they'd get to know the current Banri if he allowed them to do so. He was pushing them away out of fear of hurting them.

    Linda on the other hand, was actively deceiving him. What tips Banri off is those shoes. He knows Linda knows him at this point, and that they used to be quite close. He's amazed that a pair of shoes that a club member is trying to sell fit him perfectly. They're 20k Yen shoes! Then he finds out that Linda was trying to sell them. Moreover, once she finds out it's Banri who fits them, she gives them away for free. That wasn't a "impulse buy" and a sale, that was a very specifically chosen gift, but delivered in a very bizarre method. He's noticeably weirded out at each step in this process of that scene, but covers it up too at the end so the others don't notice.

    Banri was unintentionally hurting others without realizing it, but he has no memories of them. They're strangers who tell him they're family. He thought by keeping them distant, that he was keeping them from being hurt by his not Tada Banri existence.

    Linda has been clandestinely keeping Banri in her life, keeping him just within arm's reach, while very deliberately lying to his face.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Fri, 11-08-2013 at 04:53 PM. Reason: clarifications

  2. #42
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Banri has said that he's greatly bothered by people either expecting his current persona to disappear and the old one come back (=heal from their perspective) or that he's (mistakenly) getting the feeling they think so even if they don't. That would make him pretty sensitive to people being dishonest in his company. Once he found out Linda did know and was a pretender, it was all over.

    I wonder if Kouko simply wanted to live without love, free, for a while. She had dedicated a good chunk of her life, in vain, to loving Mitsuo, so it's not altogether incomprehensible she might have felt that way. Although at the same time she has never felt what it's like to be loved back. She's sort of psycho, though, so she's better off with a target of obsession.

  3. #43
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Judging from the preview, that does not seem to be the case. Heart shirt omg.

    She was probably just confused because she was in love with a different guy for so long. Maybe she felt it cheapens her long held feelings if she switched to Banri all of a sudden.
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  4. #44
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post

    Imagine knowing someone is faking every single action related to you. How would you feel about that person?
    I'm not entirely sure since I don't share his circumstance.

    Based on how I understand myself at the moment, I would prefer that people treat me as who I am now and not who I used to be. If it requires them to suppress their "first" response to remember that I am no longer the old Buff, then so be it. I'll give them some time. If it drags on long enough and they still can't interact with me for who I currently am, then I'd present to them with the same choice that Tada Banri gave Kouko: "You can't seem to forget an 'old someone'. I can't be with you like this. Please choose to either forget them or we'll just part ways. You'll become somebody 'Banri' used to know and vice versa".

    That's how I thought Tada Banri looked at himself too. He felt uncomfortable with everyone at home interacting with him when they were simply waiting for the old Banri to come back. No one actually wanted Tada Banri to stay.

    Tada Banri's a confusing mess for me this episode. He didn't care about his identity before since he can't remember it.. but now he does (even though he still can't remember it). All of our flashbacks have been from Ghost Banri. Tada Banri's not slowly reliving them through his dreams. I can't understand why he suddenly changed his outlook. According to my above analysis, he also took 2 different approaches to treating Linda compared to Kouko.

    edit: missed a page.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    The difference is, like shinta said, in their relative knowledge level and their intentions. Banri realized he was being as just much of a dick as Linda is a liar by pretending he doesn't know his own family or old friends.
    That's the point. Tada Banri wasn't pretending he doesn't know them. He legitamately doesn't. No pretending there.

    After reading your (multiple posters') posts, it seems you're thinking that Linda hopes or expects old Banri to come back while she interacts (deliberately) with Tada Banri? In that case, I'll agree. She's a dick there since she's not interacting with Tada Banri for who he currently is, but for who he was.

    Her case is fundamentally different to how Tada Banri treats his family however. I still can't see the connection besides "people get hurt by what I'm doing" commonality. That in itself isn't really significant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Linda has been clandestinely keeping Banri in her life, keeping him just within arm's reach, while very deliberately lying to his face.
    If she's keeping him within arm's reach, then sure. See my comment about "forget the old me or GTFO".
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 11-08-2013 at 10:10 PM.

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  5. #45
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think Banri wishes for his current self to be recognized, but even so, he still finds the fact that Linda acting indifferently and blatantly lying to him displeasing. I think the approach Linda should have done was to openly introduce herself to Banri, yet still see the current Banri without pressuring him to recover his memories.

    Rather than caring about his old self, I think it is simply the deception and his confusion as to the reason for it that caused his outburst towards Linda.
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  6. #46
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I think Banri wishes for his current self to be recognized, but even so, he still finds the fact that Linda acting indifferently and blatantly lying to him displeasing. I think the approach Linda should have done was to openly introduce herself to Banri, yet still see the current Banri without pressuring him to recover his memories.
    That would make her into the same people as the rest of his family. She might not be pressuring, but she'd hell be preferring and expecting Tada Banri to merge, if not change to his old self.

    Besides the shoe issue, I don't think Linda really lied if we consider Tada Banri and Banri as two different people. She doesn't know the current Tada Banri (besides the hospital escape scene). If they're as separate as Tada Banri would like them to be, then I truly believe that Linda isn't lying to him. If anything, she's lying to herself since she considers them both to be the same person.

    On the other hand, if Tada Banri considers his old self to still be a part of himself.. then he should be more accepting of people's views about the whole issue.

    Linda is the first person who knew Banri's past but actively tries to deal with just the current Tada Banri. Tada Banri suddenly doesn't like the results so he's reversing all the views he had, is that right? :S

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    Rather than caring about his old self, I think it is simply the deception and his confusion as to the reason for it that caused his outburst towards Linda.
    Yeah, the "confused about reason" part gets to me. For me the obvious (from Tada Banri's eyes given his perspective on himself) reason to do so would be because he isn't the old Banri, so there is no reason to interact with him and expect him to be.

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  7. #47
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But Linda clearly stated her reason. She said that she saw Banri as a bomb, and that if she told him the truth she would lose him again. Linda was not acting in order to treat Banri as a new person, or even in his best interest. She was pretending because it was easier for her and because of her fear.

    Considering the old Banri and the new Banri as 2 different people only works if Banri is unaware of the old connection. In fact, he was getting along with Linda just fine until he saw the pictures. Whether he likes it or not, old Banri is still him, so are his relationships and deeds. From Banri's perspective, Linda was lying her socks off. Banri asked about her motive, and judging from his reaction, he certainly thought it was negative. You have to admit that it is certainly creepy for a close friend to pretend to be a stranger.

    Also, Linda's actions cannot be said as actively trying to deal with just the current Banri. Her extra attention, kindness, the shoes, all those would not be there if they were not close friends before. She is doing all those either because of affection or guilt which should not exist if she really intends to treat the new Banri as a different person. Heck, Banri would probably be even less relevant than the senpais in the background.
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  8. #48
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    edit: tldr - my main gripe is why Tada Banri had a sudden change of mind about his outlook all of a sudden that someone actually pretends not to know him. It's not even that - he wondered long and hard about what Linda and old Banri's relationship was. Why does it matter when he doesn't remember it and didn't care about remembering it until not too long ago?
    Quote Originally Posted by Shinta
    But Linda clearly stated her reason. She said that she saw Banri as a bomb, and that if she told him the truth she would lose him again. Linda was not acting in order to treat Banri as a new person, or even in his best interest. She was pretending because it was easier for her and because of her fear.
    That was indeed her reason, but only after Tada Banri pumped it out of her. He was acting weird towards her before she disclosed her reason. He didn't know why she was acting the way she did, but he didn't like it either way. That fact alone was part of the problem I had with him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinta
    Also, Linda's actions cannot be said as actively trying to deal with just the current Banri. Her extra attention, kindness, the shoes, all those would not be there if they were not close friends before. She is doing all those either because of affection or guilt which should not exist if she really intends to treat the new Banri as a different person. Heck, Banri would probably be even less relevant than the senpais in the background.
    So is the the problem here that Linda's pretending that she didn't know the old Banri, but isn't doing enough and is letting some "old affections" coming into play? I'll agree here. If I was Tada Banri (who I thought was all about "accept the new me or get out"), I'd get Linda to either accept me as who I am now (or put up a perfect act), otherwise just spill the beans and I'll leave.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    Considering (Buff's Q: Who is doing the considering? Tada Banri, or other people?)the old Banri and the new Banri as 2 different people only works if Banri is unaware of the old connection. In fact, he was getting along with Linda just fine until he saw the pictures. Whether he likes it or not, old Banri is still him, so are his relationships and deeds. From Banri's perspective, Linda was lying her socks off. Banri asked about her motive, and judging from his reaction, he certainly thought it was negative. You have to admit that it is certainly creepy for a close friend to pretend to be a stranger.
    It does seem as if Banri is now not separating himself like he did at be beginning of the show. I admit(ted?) that. What I don't see is why got such a transition all of a sudden.


    Personally speaking, I'd still be able to and prefer to keep my pre-amnesia self separate. If I was in Linda's physical position during the toilet scene (and I was to make an argument about why I pretend to not know him), I'd say something like:

    "I know a guy who cried when the class forgot his picture. I knew a guy who we grew up with me throughout highschool, who (insert xyz experiences here). Do you (Tada Banri) have any recollections? That guy happened to look like you. His name was also called Tada Banri. But he got in an accident one time and I never saw him again. I met you, Tada Banri, not too long ago. I don't pretend not to know you. I don't know you."
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 11-09-2013 at 12:12 AM.

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  9. #49
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @TLDR: Because pretending to not know someone you were close to after he/she loses their memories is weird. It is normal to feel displeased/angry when people lie to you, especially if you do not know the reason. Banri didn't change his outlook.

    If Linda and Banri never met after the memory loss, I don't think he would care much even after seeing the picture.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Sat, 11-09-2013 at 01:21 AM.
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  10. #50
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Banri didn't even know what his and Linda's relationship was. Perhaps he was afraid they were already a couple and thus he hesitated to approach her after he saw the pics. From the beginning of the show he has been pretty eager to get his first girlfriend, I'd say, but then he suddenly found out he might have had one before the accident. Since he's a very decent guy, he might have initially even felt a bit bad chasing Kouko if Linda was still technically his girlfriend.

    Even though he hopes everybody would treat him as the new Banri, he's not stupid enough to expect that to happen. His family is the most troublesome lot of all, naturally, and the same ought to go for old friends. The worst detail of it all is that those people logically shouldn't mean anything to him. He's told they are his family, but he feels absolutely nothing, yet sees the desire in their faces. It's like an adult man absurdly adopted into a family without his own consent, just because he happens to look a lot like the family's original, dead son. Linda isn't any exception. Trying to treat him as a perfectly new acquaintance is underestimating his intelligence.

  11. #51
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I'm following Kraco on this.
    He had a very good female friend he was in love with and was waiting an answer from her to start and share her life in Tokyo.
    Although very differently, he was basically chasing a love target like Kouko is.
    He clearly doesn't know what to do anymore, he's angry after himself for being in love with Kouko and chasing her when he was so in love with Linda and chasing her too... and the fact he was able to forget so completely something/someone so important.
    Since he couldn't do much about that anger, he turned it towards Linda and Kouko, using the fact he doesn't want to wait anymore. After all he was in a similar position both time: waiting for his love target to share his feelings, but that was draging on both times.

    Now we need a better explanation for the accident. Linda was very late the day she had to give an answer to Banri on that bridge. She sped up quite a bit I guess. But I wonder how/why she ran over him. That part feels strange, because I see no good explanation to how it can happen.

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  12. #52
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David
    After all he was in a similar position both time: waiting for his love target to share his feelings, but that was draging on both times.
    That would suggest that he's prone to using that move on a girl. If that's what you mean, that is.

    He can only be angry at forgetting Linda. He can't be angry at forgetting all the important things they did (such as waiting for her at the bridge, or that he was chasing her for years) since he doesn't remember it and has never been told it.

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  13. #53
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    First he mans up by telling Koko to fuck off and then he runs off into the bathroom after a semi confrontation with his ex, talk about hero to zero.

    This is all progressing too smoothly, if i had to guess i'd say this will end with Koko finding out what she's feeling isn't really love but some need for companionship or how a need to love in general. Anyway i predict lots and lots of drama.

    If Oka turns out to be a two face maquiavelic bitch i'm giving this show a 10/10, fuck Toradora now this is how you tell a love story.

  14. #54
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Judging from the way she turned down Mitsuo, I'd say she is.
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  15. #55
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HS - Episode 07


    Having just caught up on Nagi no Asukara, this is all like child's play. Comedy comes first before any sort of romance now. Oka might not be as malicious as I thought. She's still very situationally aware though.

    Linda's answer turned out to be rather convenient. Now that even the rich parents are okay with Banri, things seem like smooth sailing from here on (except for the whole Paris thing. Poor Banri. xD )

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  16. #56
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    I thought the funniest scene was first Mitsuo running when Oka appeared, then Banri doing the same when Linda appeared.

    Mitsuo was right: It takes an exceptionally tolerant man to suffer Kouko's nature. Banri not only tolerates it, he actually enjoys it. Somehow I get an impression he will also continue to enjoy it. It's quite funny the parents are realistic enough to know what sort of daughter they have.

  17. #57
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    Episode 8 - HS

    - - ---- - -- - -

    Looks like Banri is longing for his lost past, after all, despite telling the opposite earlier and fearing for his current personality. I suppose that's natural. I wonder if that past is gradually trying to restore itself. Maybe it's beginning with feelings rather than concrete memories if his outburst means he's (re)developing romantic interest for Linda. That's going to be sad and tough for Kouko. Normally I'd say Kouko knew what she was getting into by going together with a brain damage patient, but Kouko is not really a normal person herself. In fact I still can't decide if Kouko's interest in Banri is 100% genuine. Or if she's even capable of normal, pure love.

    Regardless of the outcome, I do hope Banri isn't such a giant douche he would secretly keep meeting and communicating with Linda, getting more and more strongly attached to her behind Kouko's back. Considering he really does like Kouko, that would only mean his memories are coming back and are replacing his current self. Because, honestly, his old self was such a wussy it would two-time out of fear (insecurity), indecision, and general loserness.

  18. #58
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Banri is such a fucking bro, holy shit

  19. #59
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Rather than "remembering", it's more like Banri is being re-possessed. A split-personality mess would be really heavy though. Interesting.. but hella messy.

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  20. #60
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Rather than "remembering", it's more like Banri is being re-possessed. A split-personality mess would be really heavy though. Interesting.. but hella messy.
    You think the ghost isn't actually memories and the old personality being restored, but rather the new Banri trying to recreate the original one based on the bits and pieces he has been learning and even more so imagining? I'd consider that quite a stretch. Although psychologically speaking the more he tries to deny it and tell himself the old one doesn't matter, the more he's actually thinking about it, which might even restore genuine memories.

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