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Thread: Golden Time (TV)

  1. #1
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Golden Time (TV)

    Alternative title: ゴールデンタイム (Japanese)

    Genre: Romance, Comedy, Seinen, Supernatural

    Synopsis: Tada Banri, a newly admitted student at a private law school in Tokyo, found himself completely lost after the opening ceremony, trying to find his way to the freshman orientation. At that moment, he ran into another lost freshman from the same school...

    : ANN, AniDB, MAL

    HorribleSubs - Episode 01

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #2
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I have mixed feelings after watching that one.
    I failed to see why I would like to watch another ep. But I will not discard it because it could fit in the "I have nothing else to do anyway so why not" slot.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  3. #3
    I only tried this because the blogger on Randomc gave it such great praise, but after watching it I was kinda mellow on it.

  4. #4
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The effing OP was filled with spoilers.
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  5. #5
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Unless I like the music/song, I never watch OPs and EDs. Which is more than 80% of the time...
    I also do that because of spoilers and because it's a waste of time.
    It comes from my young days, when I did not have to power to skip them (live tv) and the french songs where terrible and I had to suffer them. Also because the spoilers in those OPs and EDs never came true when most series where not fully aired, eps broadcast in a strange order, some omitted...

    Long story short, I'm not yet spoiled for that show!
    I'll give it another ep at least.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  6. #6
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The effing OP was filled with spoilers.
    I saw the OP then watched the rest of the episode and was confused as hell. But that's mainly why I'm still watching - for what's to come.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'm not the most extroverted person around, but I find it ridiculous this dude started to stalk the girls like a creep instead of, lo and behold, asking them where to facility is. And then moments later this same man starts to hand out roses to all women passing by. What the fuck? On what scale is asking a fellow student for a direction of higher difficulty than giving flowers to strangers?

    Aside from that illogicality I found the episode quite amusing. Looks a bit too much like pure drama (the likes of which I don't watch), but we will see.

  8. #8
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 2 - HS

    -- -- - -- - - -

    It must be hard to be Japanese and thus not being able to say no. And not being able to tell Kaga to set her head straight and explain why the victim of a stalker won't be too eager to voluntarily seek the stalker's company. Tada doesn't really seem so crafty he'd planning (or rather he seems too stupid to be) on maintaining the status quo on purpose in order to get closer to Kaga while Mitsuo is doing his everything to avoid her. But perhaps he's doing it inconsciously. Quite a tenacious fellow in any case to have the stomach to listen to the "Mitsuo, Mitsuo, Mitsuo" ramblings every time he meets her.

  9. #9
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Tada respects autonomy! That's points already. That's also the reason why he merely suggested that Koko talks to other students instead of commanding her and saying out loud what her problem is.

    I sympathise with Koko as well. It's always thought of the "too pretty, out of my league" thing to be off-putting.. for someone to be so good/pretty that people actually don't approach them.

    It must be hard to be Japanese, but for a different matter: sticking out too much is a negative trait.

    At this stage I don't know if I should be expecting a full-on breakdown when Koko confronts the end of her (one sided) romance with Mitsuo. I don't really want to watch it because it could feel dramatic in a weary way. Perhaps it would make me feel really bad for her as well. If Banri can work his way in slowly and make her realise she loves him instead, it could end without all the fuss.

    I wonder if he knows she finally got his name right?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #10
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Dumbass OP caused all that speculation.
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  11. #11
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    If this series has a problem, it is that it doesn't seem to know if it is supposed to be a comedy or a drama. You have comedic things all the time with Kaga, Mitsuou, and the Tea Club, but every scene where she isn't being a comedic stalker, Kaga is a pitiable figure. She has no friends (other than Banri), no one talks to her (other than Banri), and she spends most of her time alone.

    It's not necessarily a bad thing that the series doesn't know what it is at this point, because so far it has been going about it the right way. I just don't know if I'm supposed to take the suffering Kaga is going through seriously or not.

    By the end of this episode, it was pretty obvious that Koko and Banri will be getting together.

    I also suspect that the Festival Club president/member knows Banri. Perhaps she was a secret admirer upperclassman from his hometown (another stalker!)? Love Hina style young love from when they were both kids? The way she acts around him is just far too suspicious. Whatever it is, they're telegraphing it heavily. There are these flashes of...something from her, similar to what we see from Koko. She gets familiar and friendly with him and then abruptly backs off.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Fri, 10-11-2013 at 04:23 PM. Reason: clarified

  12. #12
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think this is going for a mix of both comedy and drama, without splitting it into arcs or episodes like Key stories. The setting itself is not supposed to be goofy, which makes Kouko's attitude all the more baffling/annoying/interesting. No one acts that way in reality, and she is actually doing it in such a setting.

    Wasn't Banri hit by a motorcycle at the end of episode 1?
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  13. #13
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Wasn't Banri hit by a motorcycle at the end of episode 1?
    That was a segment from his memory that came up when he saw the missed call from a hospital. The icy landscape didn't look like Tokyo either.

    I do think he got hit regardless.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #14
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Kouko is the daughter of a hospital owner. Did Banri actually meet Kouko after the incident by accident? It seems like he was somehow connecting the flashback to Kouko. Though it's quite a mystery why he apparently escaped the hospital to run in the forest. Was he going to meet someone, got hit by a motorcycle and hospitalised, but wanted to keep his promise and tried to run back to the meeting place straight from a hospital bed? That would certainly seem like something a man of his kind of limited mental capacity would do.

    Maybe the Festival club member is the one who biked over him, haha. Or was supposed to meet him, although if the latter, it would be strange Banri didn't already know her.

  15. #15
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Hit in the head, memory loss/alteration. No wonder he would not recognize some poeple.
    And his dreams might replace someone from the past with someone he just met.
    Hard to really get any usable input from that.

    Now the Mitsuo/Kaga couple is something that starts to get a bit too long for my tastes.
    We keep talking about Kaga, but Mitsuo probably also has his own flaws. Even if Kaga is a busy body, his attitude also is negative at least for himself. After all, he always thinks about her, uses most of his energy to avoid her. Hard to build anything from that.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  16. #16
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    What's this thing about escaping from hospital Kraco? Isvthis all derived from the missed call from a hospital or were there other clues?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #17
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    What's this thing about escaping from hospital Kraco? Isvthis all derived from the missed call from a hospital or were there other clues?
    The very beginning of the episode. He's walking through forest wearing what looks very much like hospital patient clothing and there's a bandage around his head, to boot.

    Actually now that I watched it for the second time, it seems to me the person holding the flashlight might be the Festival club woman.

  18. #18
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Actually now that I watched it for the second time, it seems to me the person holding the flashlight might be the Festival club woman.
    This has been what I'm thinking. That's why she's acting so weird around him. Does he not remember her because he was on painkillers and still hurt?

  19. #19
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Golden Time - 03 [HorribleSubs]

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    Okay, now I am convinced that Linda is Banri's old girlfriend or whatever. Banri lost his memories, refused to see anyone "Old Banri" once spent with, and he spent a year recovering in the hospital (and they are a year apart in college).

    That would perfectly explain all the weirdness around the way that she acts. That kind of familiarity, but sort of a hesitant reserved distance. It's like she starts to get close to him, only to realize that she shouldn't be acting this way with a stranger wearing the face of someone she was close too, or something is different from the Banri she remembered.

    Japan sure seems to have a lot of really strange creepy cults that love to hang out on the mountains (the real life ones are even weirder). I have to hand it to Banri though, that was some quick thinking to get everyone out of there, even if Koko nearly blew it. On the other hand, if Koko wasn't there, maybe they would have brainwashed him!

    I know Koko said a lot about how she's only "complete" when she's near Mitsuo, but it's really hard to believe her when she's a more natural, honest self when she doesn't have to worry about him seeing her act out. It feels more like she's been trying to cling to the idea of marrying Mitsuo and being compatible with him for so long, that she's forgotten who she actually is.

  20. #20
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Japan sure seems to have a lot of really strange creepy cults that love to hang out on the mountains (the real life ones are even weirder).
    Must be their general lack of religion as a nation. Shinto is more of a tradition than a belief.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I know Koko said a lot about how she's only "complete" when she's near Mitsuo, but it's really hard to believe her when she's a more natural, honest self when she doesn't have to worry about him seeing her act out. It feels more like she's been trying to cling to the idea of marrying Mitsuo and being compatible with him for so long, that she's forgotten who she actually is.
    This. She is a lot less annoying when she is with Banri. I don't even see how she and Mitsuo ever got along at all, or how she even thinks that Mitsuo is a tsundere.
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