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Thread: White Album 2 (TV)

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    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    White Album 2 (TV)

    Alternative title:
    ホワイトアルバム 2 (Japanese)

    Drama, Romance, Slice of life

    Fall, when graduation is only half a year away.

    Haruki Kitahara, the final member of the light music club that dissolved, plays his guitar by the window after school in preparation for the school festival. It was the one and only adventure of a good student who spent two diligent years on his studies.

    But when a flowing piano melody and a voice as a clear as bell harmonize with his guitar… He goes from being alone, to being two, then three in the light music club, as the semester he dreamed of, no, hoped for, began.

    Links: ANN, AniDB, MAL

    HorribleSubs - Episode 01

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  2. #2
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I was hesitant to watch this because it will only cover the highschool arc (aka introductory chapter) of the VN, but after seeing my beloved characters again and reminiscing from the dialogue and music, I must say I will definitely watch this. It reminds me of how much I loved this kamige.

    I really identify with Haruki. I love giving lectures to people I know as well.
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  3. #3
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    UTW Episode 02


    Is anyone else watching this? Even as a high school anime, I find that the motivations and dialogue for this are better than others, so it is worth a watch even if you don't know anything about the VN or the first anime.
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  4. #4
    I was reluctant to watch this since I remember not liking the first one at all but finally gave it a shot and I'm glad I did. Haruki has so far been a great male lead, not dense/pervert/idiot and gets things done and it goes a long way to have a likable male lead. Too early to say much about the girls though.
    You are here alone again
    In your sweet insanity
    All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
    Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  5. #5
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    UTW Episode 03


    Did the brother just say that Touma was superior in looks to Setsuna? Height and breasts aside, how does someone who looks better than the school idol be left alone like that?
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  6. #6
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    UTW - Episode 04, 05, 06, 07

    [ASL]_Uehara_Rena_-_WHITE_ALBUM_2_OP_ ED_-_Todokanai_Koi_13_[MP3]_[w_Scans].rar

    [ASL]_Uehara_Rena_-_WHITE_ALBUM_2_OP_ ED_-_Todokanai_Koi_13_[FLAC]_[w_Scans].rar

    Wow. What an episode to catch up to (ep7). As fireheart said, the male lead really does make a difference. For once, he really does seem to deserve his harem appeal. Episode 07's love reveal came as a shock to me though. I thought the entire time (thanks to grayscale scenes in ep1) that Haruki liked Touma (who did or didn't like him back but had to leave anyway) while Setsuna's love was unrequited.

    It's not that I mind how it turned out. WA2 accomplished a rare thing: it made my like both the female leads at the same time. Equally. Furthermore, it happened to girls who I'd normally have an issue with: the brutally blunt and the cutesy idol. WA1 was infuriating to watch in many ways, but one of those reasons is because it was deadlocked when Ogata Rina > all. In particularly, I had no liking for Morikawa Yuki. WA2 has me completely torn between the two. I really do want a Harem End because I can't be happy with either choice alone.

    Plot-wise, the tightness is also what made this enjoyable thus far. The characters have a small goal and aim to acomplish it. The constant deadline countdown really helps put things into perspective too. Combined, we have a small but solid progression that I don't see too often.

    I've found that this show has a weird habit of using the "shadow over eyes" look when it's unnecessary. Generally it's a meme to show that the character is hiding something in an upset/angry/unsatisfied way. It's mostly the case here, but sometimes (last happened during the concert when the camera had an extreme close up of Setsuna and a close up of Haruki) it seems to be used for no reason (budget?). It throws me off a bit.

    The animation is otherwise good. The atmospheric use of lighting and sky colours remind me of ef. It lacks the detailed backgrounds of the latter though, so perhaps Kamisama Inai no Nichiyoubi is a better comparison in a way (that one looks cheaper though)
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    Did the brother just say that Touma was superior in looks to Setsuna? Height and breasts aside, how does someone who looks better than the school idol be left alone like that?
    Anime dakara.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 11-17-2013 at 01:00 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #7
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This really deserves better animation, but at least they actually showed Haruki's fingers moving in his guitar solo.

    I completely agree with you that both female leads are very likable, but I love Touma more because she is just so innocent and clumsy.

    Setsuna works as a character because she is probably the most complicated person in the show. She knows more than anyone else, and moves using that information, yet she does not appear devious at all.

    I love the audience commentary about Touma's abnormal talent. Playing that well on so many instruments when your main is the piano is just amazing. That should have shut up all those who ever questioned her skills after transferring to the normal department.
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  8. #8
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HS - Episode 08


    "Kazusa, if only you were a boy I'd..." (filling in the blanks :3)

    I feel rather bad for Setsuna. Her love is genuine and she really does want everyone to be happy. She's got the initiative but is also perceptive and kind enough that she feels guilty about having Haruki to herself. Add in the fact that Haruki and Kazusa are having such a close relationship (It's really just Haruki at the moment since Kazusa is trying to maintain the friend-zone now) and you really feel how Setsuna's silently suffering. The sympathy will be transferred to Kazusa at some stage though once (if?) Haruki starts developing obvious feelings for her.

    Are Japanese in general okay with going to unisex baths?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #9
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    No, not really. This is anime. I guess it just shows how much they all mean to each other.

    So everyone, including the monkey guy, thinks that Haruki is closer or more interested in Touma than Setsuna. I wonder why they stopped the monkey from saying it out loud. It's not like Setsuna was there to get hurt, or Haruki was there to change his mind.

    Were Haruki and Setsuna meeting secretly after school? I think Setsuna split off first, then Touma, but then Haruki met with Setsuna again right after. Why the need for such secrecy?

    Touma's sudden change is suspicious. It feels somewhat forced.

    Haruki failing at directions was a surprise at first, but then it dawned on me that I suck at directions too, despite having many nosy but responsible qualities similar to him. I believe that a sense of direction is instinctive, not intellectual.
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  10. #10
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    So everyone, including the monkey guy, thinks that Haruki is closer or more interested in Touma than Setsuna. I wonder why they stopped the monkey from saying it out loud. It's not like Setsuna was there to get hurt, or Haruki was there to change his mind.
    I think it was to stop further discussion on the matter because they thought it was bad to gossip like that. If you gossip once, why not gossip twice? Then it eventually reaches one of the three's ears and drama ensures. I suppose it's like the whole "This is a secret, so don't tell anyone else but.." scenario.

    The girl(?) wondered why Haruki made the decision so quickly, so at first I thought she found him unsure about the two girls. After on she states that he should have waited till after graduation though, and I was confused. It could be her cop-out reason for not mentioning the real one (undecided commitment), but if it was true it simply confuses me. Why wait for graduation when you can go out now?
    Were Haruki and Setsuna meeting secretly after school? I think Setsuna split off first, then Touma, but then Haruki met with Setsuna again right after. Why the need for such secrecy?
    I'm not sure. Maybe Setsuna was just surprising him. She could also be doing it so Touma doesn't have to see them walk off to the station together holding hands and such. It's probably out of habit too since being all flirty at school could be bad for both of them given Setsuna's school idol status. Knowing she's dating someone is much less rage-inducing than seeing her getting all close and cuddly with another male I suppose.

    Haruki failing at directions was a surprise at first, but then it dawned on me that I suck at directions too, despite having many nosy but responsible qualities similar to him. I believe that a sense of direction is instinctive, not intellectual.
    Interesting. I've never wondered about that. Have you ever met a person who was great with directions but not intellectual? Perhaps even sucking at maths?

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  11. #11
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Just to clarify, directions in the geographical/location sense, not instructions.

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  12. #12
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Nice plane ending, here we go!
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  13. #13
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HS - Episode 09, 10


    As enjoyable as it is to see Kazusa's side of the story, I still feel sorry for Setsuna the most. Kazusa's sure to have spent more time knowing Haruki, and the two obviously liked each other but they missed their chance. Now Setsuna's caught in their drama while they find out they both liked (or still like, rather) each other.

    Seriously, people. If you like someone, persevere until you no longer like them. Don't just pretend you've gotten over them and move on to someone else, only to "regret" doing that and causing collateral damage in the meanwhile.

    Actually, this was mostly Haruki's fault. He never openly confessed to Kazusa, while after the concert he calls Setsuna "the girl he's always admired" like Kazusa has no business there. He was the one who never asked Kazusa how she felt.

    Even before this episode he's all "I have to confirm this (his feelings, I assume?)" Confirm this before you hop into a relationship.

    I'm pissed off now.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #14
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I actually think this is more of Setsuna's fault. She already knew the two liked each other, but she still confessed her feelings just so she can remain in the trio. She is probably afraid that if the two become a couple, she will become the third wheel.

    Haruki also likes Setsuna to a certain degree, which is why he accepted her confession, believing that he has absolutely no chance with Touma and that turning down Setsuna would hurt her. It was really short sighted but understandable.

    Haruki is also an idiot for not even openly and bluntly (I mean, the signs were all there) expressing his feelings for Touma at least once. Actually, the two are similar in that regard. Everyone knew (or at least felt) how they felt for each other just from how they acted towards each other, excluding themselves. They are both too dumb and dense for their own good.

    Haruki and Touma both acted ignorantly, and not out of calculated malice. Setsuna on the other hand, intentionally stole Haruki from Touma, knowing how the two feel about each other. She even forced Touma to keep close to them by calling Touma her best friend (Haruki also allowed this to happen, but he does not know Touma likes him and is therefore suffering). In the HS versions, Touma described the situation as "nightmare", but she actually said "torture" in Japanese. She felt as if she was being hurt intentionally, and she was, by Setsuna's greed in wanting both a boyfriend and her best friend. Now she is going to face the consequences of her actions.

    Just to be clear, I don't think badly of Setsuna at all. What she did is also natural, because she really likes Haruki. I am just saying that the chaos is triggered by her confession with full knowledge of the risks and damage it might entail.
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  15. #15
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    I see what you mean by "this wouldn't have happened if Setsuna didn't confess", but I feel the same could be said about Touma/Haruki being a cause because they're too conservative. edit: I think my stance really comes down to this statement:Given a choice between faulting a person for being honest with themselves or the two people who weren't, I'd choose the latter.


    Quote Originally Posted by Setsuna
    Setsuna on the other hand, intentionally stole Haruki from Touma, knowing how the two feel about each other
    Haruki was iffy. Setsuna knew how Touma felt and also declared her own feelings. She openly made war at the restaurant, so to speak. To me, it's still on Haruki for not being honest with his feelings in the first place (towards Touma), and now decides to double-dip after starting a relationship with Setsuna. Just as Setsuna has every right (and I do think she should exercise that right) to confess, Haruki also needs to decline if he feels that way. It's his bad decision.

    I agree that Setsuna may have seen this coming, but I don't think it was out of malice. She was perceptive enough to know that Touma liked Haruki, and that Haruki may have lingering feelings for Touma. However, she's not perceptive enough to see through Touma's lie and wants to trust Haruki too much to confront him. Her confessions and actions are deliberate and intentional, but by no means carry the desire to harm. In fact, it's the other two's dishonesty that is constantly causing Setsuna to feel guilty. They're not telling her that they're in pain, but she's constantly in doubt and feels bad about it.

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  16. #16
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    The two being honest about it would end up badly for Setsuna either way. If they were honest before Setsuna confessed, they would be a couple and Setsuna would be heartbroken. What we are getting now is the after confession scenario. If Setsuna wants the three of them together, there is simply no way for that to happen in their current situation.

    Haruki clearly said this episode that he thought he absolutely had NO chance with Touma. They were blurting out their true feelings at that point, so he was not lying about that.

    I think Setsuna knows the situation all too well. She knows Touma still likes Haruki, and that Haruki still likes Touma. That is why there are many scenes of her looking sad or guilty. My choice of words may be too harsh when I said malice (though I did not equate it to Setsuna's actions, it may have been read as so). The intention was not to harm them (though she knew it was going to happen, seeing as she apologized to Touma a lot) but to prioritize herself at the expense of the other two, which isn't wrong, but isn't admirable either.

    I guess to summarize, I just want to say that I think the fault lies more on the party with more knowledge before taking action/inaction. If Haruki had known that Touma likes him (even just a little), I'm sure he would have turned down Setsuna's confession. He practically said so himself this episode.
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    The two being honest about it would end up badly for Setsuna either way. If they were honest before Setsuna confessed, they would be a couple and Setsuna would be heartbroken.
    That's true, but I don't think it would have been to the same extent. She would have been turned down because Haruki liked someone else more than her. Right now Haruki's accepted her confession but ends up dumping her partway through a relationship. To me that's a lot more harsh and involves an element of betrayal.

    What we are getting now is the after confession scenario. If Setsuna wants the three of them together, there is simply no way for that to happen in their current situation.
    That would have been a problem for Setsuna to deal with since she has to balance two wishes, and that's more simple. Right now though, it's all... mangled.

    Haruki clearly said this episode that he thought he absolutely had NO chance with Touma. They were blurting out their true feelings at that point, so he was not lying about that.
    He thought he had no chance with Touma so did not pursue her. He however still had feelings for her and therefore couldn't like Setsuna wholeheartedly. I believe that you have to do that if you're to accept someone's confession. If you choose to accept the confession anyway then at least disclose that you're not fully committed at the moment but you'll try.

    I think Setsuna knows the situation all too well. She knows Touma still likes Haruki, and that Haruki still likes Touma. The intention was not to harm them but to prioritize herself at the expense of the other two...I guess to summarize, I just want to say that I think the fault lies more on the party with more knowledge before taking action/inaction.
    Hmm, see I believe that "knowledge" should not be guessed (as that is what Setsuna was doing), but told. I hate "reading the air" because it gives room for error. I also believe and support feedback loops. If someone was being dishonest (which is fine if they choose to be) or say things they don't mean (such as Touma saying to Setsuna that she's okay with Setsuna confessing), they have to pay the price for it should things go south.

    It's also uncomfortable for me to think that the smarter of the two must make a call between taking/witholding action just because the rest of the party are wallowing in their own dishonesty and incompetence of expression. Touma is at fault here too because she couldn't decide on whether to be friendly with Haruki as per her own feelings, or keeping her distance as per her teacher's instructions. Going back to the feedback loop idea, I admit I believe that Setsuna should be rewarded for her straightforwardness. "Reward" doesn't mean the relationship has to work out. By "reward" I mean it should be encouraged, rather than discouraged (such as us blaming her here).

    If Haruki had known that Touma likes him (even just a little), I'm sure he would have turned down Setsuna's confession. He practically said so himself this episode.
    This part I have particular trouble accepting. Haruki shouldn't be accepting Setsuna as a backup, but for who she is. He should accept her once he is fully over Touma. That way, if Touma does end up confessing to Haruki after Haruki/Setsuna are a couple, Haruki would be able to describe his feelings for Touma in past tense (and no longer relevant) as opposed to present tense (and leading to himself being torn between the two).


    I really didn't expect our opinions to differ so much haha, given past experiences.

    Given that you think the one with more knowledge had to make the call, would you say that Setsuna should have informed Haruki that Touma likes him before she confessed so he could make an informed decision? But then what about Touma's right to privacy? I think the fact that she told Touma about her intentions beforehand was very generous and sportsman-like already.

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  18. #18
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    I think the best decision Setsuna could have made was to get the two together and move on, and if she is able to do that, the three of them can still be friends.

    Setsuna isn't straightforward. She is smart and calculating, as well as very perceptive. I would not say that everything she did was calculated, but I am pretty sure the timing of the confession was. Any earlier or later might not have worked.

    Haruki accepting Setsuna's confession was indeed wrong of him, but like I said, he probably also has feelings for Setsuna, just not to the degree of Touma, and he gave up on that love thinking he has no chance. He was doing fine with Setsuna (which was probably his intention when he accepted the confession) until Touma decided to reveal her feelings. All he did was be late to a party (that he didn't know was only for two, if he did he might have not gone off to Narita since he knows he is leaving Setsuna all alone) if that didn't happen. Now they are crying their eyes out and confessing on a road.

    When I say it is mostly Setsuna's fault, I am not saying she is evil or wrong at all. It is just that she pulled the trigger (knowingly). If she did nothing, the other two would probably eventually come together, which is what was happening with the recent flow of events (staying over, teaching music for nights, taking care of the fever, etc.). The mess I believe is due to that confession, but I don't blame her for doing it.

    I don't really disagree with you on anything major. I do find fault in every character in this show, and also redeeming qualities in each. All of their decisions make sense to me and I can sympathize with, especially if seen from their perspective. It all boils down to preference, because in terms of females, I prefer the clumsy pure dedicated ones versus the perceptive calculating manipulative ones. I don't really see one as being better than the other.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Mon, 12-09-2013 at 02:32 AM.
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  19. #19
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    All he did was be late to a party (that he didn't know was only for two, if he did he might have not gone off to Narita since he knows he is leaving Setsuna all alone) if that didn't happen. Now they are crying their eyes out and confessing on a road.
    Ah. I forgot about that. That's Setsuna suffering the consequences from her dishonesty right there (about holding a large party and everything).

    I didn't quite get that part actually. She specifically made it sound as if it was one really large party even though Haruki requested a small one. It doesn't make much sense for her to do that. I suppose Haruki would be surprised to know if/when he turned up, but that would only because of a sense of artificially created disappointment.

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  20. #20
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Why would it be disappointment? Wouldn't any guy be happy that his girlfriend is finally going to open her legs to him?
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