Alternative Title: キルラキル
Genre: Action

Plot Summary: Ryuuko Matoi carries a large weapon shaped like half of a pair of scissors. She's looking for the woman with the other half, who killed her father. Satsuki Kiryuuin, student council president of Honnouji Academy, is said to know the woman's identity, so Ryuuko transfers there. Those who arrive at the school receive a special "goku uniform," and Satsuki has used that power to rule the school in fear.

Links: ANN AniDB MAL

[Commie] Kill la Kill - 01 [07B80133].mkv
[HorribleSubs] Kill la Kill - 01 [720p].mkv

Amazing first episode. Interesting how all the power is tied to the Goku Suits. I wonder if that is the only source of power. This is going to be great for sure.