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Thread: My first ever Eva AMV

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  1. #1
    I just made this video today in about 2 hours.
    I even left work 4 hours early just to go home and finish it. But I was sick anyway, so I guess I had a real reason.

    Lemme know what you think.

    Beta v.1 <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Hostile Invasion</span></span>

  2. #2

    How much time total did you spend on it??

    Over all it was pretty good. Very linear though
    the quality of the video could have been better but i wont knock you for that.

    Overall i would say 8/10 But there is still some work to be done as its not really that exciting an AMV as far as the music fitting with the video. But its good so keep up the good work

  3. #3
    thats awsome and u only spent 2 hrs&#33; it would probably be even better if you worked on it longer

  4. #4
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (KakashiSensei &#064; Dec 3 2003, 11:06 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>KDM

    How much time total did you spend on it??

    Over all it was pretty good. Very linear though
    the quality of the video could have been better but i wont knock you for that.

    Overall i would say 8/10* But there is still some work to be done as its not really that exciting an AMV as far as the music fitting with the video.* But its good so keep up the good work* </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Aside from the time it took to rip the footage it took 2 hours. (ripped VOBs with smartripper and encoded with Divx pro 5.1 codec using Vidomi). The quality is questionable because I saved it as a smaller file since it&#39;s only a first cut.
    I didn&#39;t really plan it out thats why it&#39;s kinda unsynced with the music. I work strangely when I make AMV&#39;s. I won&#39;t do anything, then one day i&#39;ll sit down an edit for hours, then when I get a base &quot;sculpture&quot; made I&#39;ll just let it sit for awhile until I feel like editing again.
    I should have mentioned that this isn&#39;t a final release, just wanted to hear what people thought of it as is. I plan on changing the beginning scenes and fixing the hallway scene. And more than likly i&#39;ll mess with parts of the asuka fight to sync it better. I tried to edit it to seem as she was fighting a liniar fight, not just skipping around to other parts. meh.

    Oh, and the song is a remix from Super Metroid. You know like 10 minutes into the game when you have to fight Ridley for the first time? it&#39;s that battle song.

  5. #5
    i like it so far, can&#39;t wait to see the final one (=

  6. #6

    Edit:I just rewatched it and I want to kill myself.
    Working on V.6 now.....

  7. #7
    Ok, here is Ver.7 and I officially hate WMM.
    It seems WMM decided to add a couple of frames to my video even though they arn&#39;t on the timeline.
    I&#39;m going to start editing in premiere from now on and probably only use WMM to create beta videos or to work out ideas. Feedback would be appriciated.

    <u><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'> Hostile Invasion </span> </span></u>

  8. #8
    ahh finally someone who has my problem. When i was doing my Rock lee vid. It was timed perfiectly the way i wanted. Then when i encoded with WMM it was 2 frames off for most of the movie. I have the lastest Premiere so if you need to talk to me about it. PM me if you know what i mean I also have ver. 6.5 which people say is the best. Dling your vid now

    EDIT: KDM I have just watched the intro and could you turn off your Divx logo in the settings for divx. Its really annoying to have that pop up every time your clip switches.

  9. #9
    Man, that&#39;s sweet. Ver.7 is bordering on the too sweet. How many hours (apporx.) did it take between that first beta v.1 and the newest version? The beta was pretty sweet in and of itself. But after refinement I can see how much better it&#39;s gotten. Wish I had the time and patience to make something that cool. Mad props KDM

  10. #10
    Thx for watching Drunken_Lord, glad you liked it.

    From v.1 to the final version I probably spent 20-25 hours editing. I went through a lot of ideas for the asuka fight and misato scene so those took awhile.

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