Letīs make this the official catgirl thread or whatever, but I wanted to ask a specific question to all fellow anime-lovers: When a new anime/manga introduces a catgirl character, can that character still captivate you, raise your interest, or do you go into "oh no, another one of those ..."-mode?
Obviously, HXH pulled it off well, but HXH isnīt "new", even if the Chimera arc is being animated for the first time. I canīt provide an example as of now, but still, the question remains. Part of the reason Iīm asking is because Iīm writing another book and Iīd like to introduce a catgirl-ish character, yet Iīm hesitent if people might be too pejorative to that concept nowadays (outside of super-moe-otakus who obviously love each and any catgirl ...)
Your thoughts?