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Thread: Servant x Service

  1. #41
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #42
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 10 - HS

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    One great thing about this show is that things seem like they can change. Quite often in these sort of series the setting is utterly static and next to nothing changes, apart from the characters' personalities being revealed, if you can even count that as a change. However, with Servant X Service I actually feel like Chihaya might be able to tell Touko about the relationship. Just like Touko was able to find out about the section manager's indentity so promptly. Although there are only 3 more eps left, which might potentially prevent it.

    Kanon's tour of the building and finding Hasebe slacking off around every corner was pretty funny. The dude really is a pro.

  3. #43
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Why did Touko's insults suddenly get less harsh? Was it because she found out that they actually have a boss, or that she's not the one making them "crazy"?

    Miyoshi's quirk of seeming very nice, but suddenly getting really mean verbally is probably the most subtle of them all.

  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Why did Touko's insults suddenly get less harsh? Was it because she found out that they actually have a boss, or that she's not the one making them "crazy"?
    Hard to say. Initially she thought her constant harsh lectures were making them crazy, but I reckon even after finding out that wasn't the case, she couldn't simply revert back to the previous state after the shock. In the end it's not like they'd deserve it all and maybe she realised it. It could also be that having a stuffed animal as a boss is even worse than being crazy, so she might be pitying them.

  5. #45
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    She is simply a dumb bitch modern tsundere so even if she knows they aren't crazy, she still tried to be nice because she remembers the guilt she felt.
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  6. #46
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Hard to say. Initially she thought her constant harsh lectures were making them crazy, but I reckon even after finding out that wasn't the case, she couldn't simply revert back to the previous state after the shock.
    Ah.. so that was it. I thought she changed her insult because she realised that stuffed bunnies couldn't die.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Miyoshi's quirk of seeming very nice, but suddenly getting really mean verbally is probably the most subtle of them all.
    My only gripe with it is that it seems to overlap with Lucy's quirk where she says nice things that end up hurting people anyway.

    I can't remember the last time I had plain pasta, but it wasn't all that memorable (obviously). Freshly cooked pasta is quite alright with its starchy aroma, but reheated pasta...

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #47
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    My only gripe with it is that it seems to overlap with Lucy's quirk where she says nice things that end up hurting people anyway.
    That the difference obviously.

    When Lucy cuts someone down, she's entirely unaware of it and apologizes sincerely afterward. She didn't even realize it would be insulting in the first place, she's that naïve. When Lucy gets upset, she'll get flustered and at worst throw a binder, but she's never really mean.

    When Miyoshi does it, her veneer of politeness shatters, and she's speaking what she has really been thinking all along. Her apologies don't exactly strike me as sincere either. She's more like Chihaya than she's like Lucy. She might get caught up in things from time to time like she did in this episode accepting a date with Tanaka, but once she gets fed up, she gets downright nasty. Even Chihaya is surprised at how cruel she'll get.

  8. #48
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 11 - HS

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    This felt a bit low key episode after all the previous ones. Perhaps because this had so much of Miyoshi ending up making people realise their weaknesses. The change in Hasebe's personality is quite striking. I hope it will be fixed before the end. He's the greatest single source of humour so having him all gloomy isn't good for the heart of this story.

    Miyoshi and Tanaka Jr actually hitting it off so well surprised me. Hard to say what exactly Miyoshi is looking for in a man if after all that Hasebe, Hasebe, Hasebe prattling he still found Tanaka agreeable.

  9. #49
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    She found Tanaka agreeable without the Hasebe prattling. She said so herself at the very end.
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  10. #50
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 11 - HS

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    I was thinking during the first ep that it would be funny if it was Hasebe's old man, considering we knew he's a civil servant as well and maybe similar to Hasebe. But foolishly I dropped the idea when Hasebe started to get so interested in Lucy, when in fact I should have done the opposite. Not that I'd have really thought about it too deeply with a situational comedy series like this, but this did have pretty strong ongoing plots, so in hindsight it makes perfect sense.

    Hasebe seems crushed by the revelation, but in reality it would offer Lucy the most direct route to her nemesis; after all, she would become her enemy's daughter-in-law and thus would be in a position to continuously exact revenge. Well, not that I'd expect her to ever manage to do anything even if she was standing right in front her goal.

  11. #51
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I had figured it was Hasebe's old man the moment he mentioned that his father was also a civil servant. It was either that or the boss himself. I didn't think it really mattered in the end, though I am a little surprised Hasebe is so perturbed by it. In the end, Lucy says she will have eternal vengeance for the person who approved her name, but not once since she started working there has she ever put in the effort to find that person. This leads me to suspect she's not really as angry about it as she claims.

    Her co-workers and the citizens who come to see her appear to have absolutely no concern about her name at all. While I'm sure she was made fun of a lot in school, everyone else just calls her Lucy and ignores the rest. She doesn't even get upset about that anymore.

    I do feel a little bad for Chihaya. Her boyfriend is a dumbass, and she can't quite get around to admitting to Toko that she is the mysterious girlfriend. She and Toko are friends anyway, and with Toko's new "I've got to free him," attitude, I don't think she'd be that upset for long. She's hate it if it was anyone else.

    etc., blah blah, so and and so forth, Lucy has huge boobs and a dazzling figure. Thankfully she has Hasebe and Chihaya guarding her.

  12. #52
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I feel sorry for Hasebe.

    I like and feel sorry for Chihaya and all, but when she dissed Hasebe at the end of the episode, I wanted to break her nose.

    What the fuck is with the "chara" (gaudy) bullshit? Hasebe has long since shown Lucy, and everyone else for that matter, that he is serious. This better end with him getting the long end of the stick.
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  13. #53
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #54
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I liked this ending. While it wasn't exactly conclusive on any front, it at least had a preliminary taste of things moving forward. Plus Hasebe spilling the beans himself was naturally good. I was starting to hate Chihaya, like Shinta, during the break room scene, but in fact it was her (and Ichimiya) who finally pushed Hasebe to do the right thing, so at that point I forgave her. Of course she didn't do it for Hasebe's sake, but fortunately Lucy was getting so despressed as well that Chihaya was forced to act. She's quite spiteful and jealous no matter how you look at her, but in the end I think it's better to judge people by their actions, not by what's under the hood.

    I guess a big part of Chihaya's malice is caused by the fact she knows she's hardly any better than Ichimiya and she hates that fact. Nothing prevents her from telling Touko the situation, it doesn't have to be Ichimiya, but she's not making any better progress there, despite trying multiple times. Maybe she will hate Hasebe even more now, after he went all out and confessed the "crime", even if by accident. That's something Chihaya and Ichimiya never managed.

    I wouldn't mind a second season of this show. Not at all.

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