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Thread: One Piece Chapter 712

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    One Piece Chapter 712

  2. #2
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Davis, CA
    OK Violet had probably one of the coolest powers so far. Useless in a fight it looks like, but very useful. I wonder if she's able to implant memories as well? Joker manipulated her and she messed with the minds of the Celestial Dragons? Just a huge theory time. I'm out.

  3. #3
    ANBU Captain
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    Jul 2006
    its a secret
    Joker is the royalty in dressrosa.....that would be crazy if he is essentially a prodigal celestial dragon. I mean it would make him being a noble turned pirate more juicy for when Sabo turns up later for a contrast. Wow can't blame Law for not seeing that in the scope of his plans. If this is true that would make Don Flamingo the strongest most well connected pirate at the moment. I hope his character doesn't get ruined by some high class noble arrogance or entitlement. Like him saying I have the best DF, conqueror haki, I'm a noble and I have the right to rule as PK. That would ruin his character for me. I like him has the typical always laughin shonen villain. Almost every series has one. They just aren't always super strong, and most of the time they are weasels or snake embodiments. Like Hazama from Blazblue.

    Anyway back on topic, this is a great chance for Zoro and Sanji to show some stuff off again. Right now they are the closest to green bit with intel on the ambush. Luffy and franky are tied up with the tourney and the factory, ussop and robin are with the dwarves, but where is Kinemon? I remember the rest of the SH crew is on the ship. Maybe a sacrifice via Kinemon will play out and as he dies he will teach Zoro to cut fire

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