Quote Originally Posted by Abdula View Post
Exactly, this technique seems like it would be pretty useless outside of this situation, where there isn't a mindless horde of enemies that will just let you bowl them down. Additionly, given the situation there are a number of techniques they could have used to do a lot more damage to a larger number of enemies in a shorter period of time. Hell we have seen choji take out large numbers of opponents by himself during the war. The only one who is showcasing any kind of ability in that little combo is Ino and it only makes them look even more inept. Ino has the ability to sense the position of all of their enemies and is able to combine her consciousness with her teammates, to take full advantage of that we will develop a technique that allows us to attack in only one direction at a time. Because that is how we can make the best use of such an ability. This reminds me of when Naruto defeated one of the most difficult pain bodies by turning him into a toad and that was supposedly good writing.

Anyway it is my gripe about shikamaru. They keep insisting that he is supposedly super intelligent yet Kishimoto seems unable to write a super intelligent character. Their battle against Hidan when they first met him and Asuma died convinced me that Shikamaru's supposed intelligence was an informed attribute. Like any number of other things in this series.
What makes you think he doesn`t has many techniques and just used the one most appropiate for the situation?