The date is finally out. It is September 3, 2013. Aside from me and Krayz, who else here plays the total war series?
That Onager looks sick!
The date is finally out. It is September 3, 2013. Aside from me and Krayz, who else here plays the total war series?
That Onager looks sick!
Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.
Oh man I can't wait. Rome was, by far, my fav total war to date.
I've played them all cept shogun 2 and napoleon; rome is easily my favourite.
Rome with EB mod is just awesome. I wish we could see more of the campaign map though.
Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.
So what are your reactions to the day 1 preorder DLC? Well I loved the greek culture so I am bias about this. I'm assuming you guys heard about the lastest Metro Last light fiasco with the Hard mode DLC?
Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.
Don't really care about pre order dlc because pre-ordering games is stupid, but because you are getting something for free and since you were already going to get the game anyway, you don't really lose anything for pre-ordering.
argh, only 57 provincss? I hope they add more building management than in shogun 2.
I know that we'll never get a "new Medieval 2", but only 1-3 bulding slots per province like in shogun 2 were ridiculously few
I also hope that the multiplayer campaign mode is a bit more optimized this time around
57 provinces but it has multiple sections. Maybe the province is spread thru other cities and towns while there is a main capital for the province. That's what I've read in the forums.
More optimization. YES! YES!
Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.