Synopsis: Shinreki 71, 70% of all human beings have finally migrated to space due to the development of space cities. Between two organizations called the Dorushia Military Pact Federation and the Atlantic Ring United States (ARUS), there is a small neutral nation called Jiouru that has prospered economically. In the same year, Tokishima Haruto, a high school student living in Jiouru discovered a mysterious mecha called Valvrave during the Dorushia's attack in the nation.
Genre: action, drama, science fiction
Links: AniDB ANN Official Page
Episode 1: gg
Edit: Well, seems to be the typical Gundam story. Neutral colon... I mean Dyson Sphere builds a bad ass robot for the war. Opposing forces come to take it and mess up the place. Kid runs into possible childhood friend on the other side. Then said kid get in robot and destroys the entire opposing force.
I'm a sucker for sunrise stuff so I'll keep watching. The ending was unexpected though.