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Thread: Valvrave The Liberator

  1. #41
    I think the difference was more of him being filled with holes when he bit L-Elf.

    I was talking with someone earlier and I remembered that the green haired girl saw them kiss and asked if it was intercourse. There is also an episode where she talks about insertion. Perhaps the girl controls Haruto when he gets like that to some degree. She was freaking once Haruto got his mouth on Rukino's breast at about 21:16 of the episode. Maybe she was using him as a test subject, or she just really wanted to see Haruto have intercourse. She could also be feeling what he feels but that would be really weird.

    My problem with the rape was that we know Rukino could subdue him in one kick. She did it like 10 minutes prior. She didn't even try. Haruto doesn't seem to gain super strength when he goes berserk given how easily he has been stopped before. He must have though. His hands never went below the belt so he must've gone straight through his pants and underwear as well as her panties.

    Edit: Rukino made a promise to kill Haruto this episode. I guess the time skip will be about her and the others going to kill him.
    Last edited by FelixZeroAlastor; Fri, 06-14-2013 at 02:19 AM.

  2. #42
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felix
    My problem with the rape was that we know Rukino could subdue him in one kick. She did it like 10 minutes prior.
    She snuck a kick in. That's hardly the same as when she's being pinned down, unless you're suggesting she should have done so right form the start.

    I think the green-haired girl was watching this time instead of controlling Haruto, but I won't discount the possibility that she'd one day be able to exert her will through him.

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  3. #43
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That wasn't rape. When she realized what the curse was making him do, she embraced him. They were even loosely holding hands while doing the deed. If anything, Haruto deserves the pity. Now he cannot even be with Shoko because of this. Rukino will likely use this to make Haruto her lover. If she didn't want to, she could have simply escaped the scene and not make a show of her nakedness.
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  4. #44
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Am i the only one thinking that Shoko is NOT fit for being a leader? she could represent them and/or support the goverment - but not lead them.
    let her be the president - representative of the country with the right of veto, not the prime minister.
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  5. #45
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    That wasn't rape. When she realized what the curse was making him do, she embraced him. They were even loosely holding hands while doing the deed. If anything, Haruto deserves the pity. Now he cannot even be with Shoko because of this. Rukino will likely use this to make Haruto her lover. If she didn't want to, she could have simply escaped the scene and not make a show of her nakedness.
    I'm not quite sure about rape vs non-rape. She didn't actively refuse the entire way, but that doesn't mean it was consensual. I don't really understand the whole thing though, so I wouldn't be able to judge.

    I don't think she would have been able to get away though, and everybody deserves pity here. Shoko now won't be able to be with Haruto because he'll take responsibility. Haruto's in the same position. Rukino will be with Haruto but she'll feel that despite everything he's never really her's. If anything, after this incident she can never be 100% sure Haruto likes her (and not because of this incident).

    As for the whole staying-at-the-scene thing, the only thing that (magically?) survived was Haruto's blazer. That's actually pretty funny. Judging from how Haruto's clothes were wrecked, you'd almost think that Rukino turned Beast-Mode as well and gave him a ripping.

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  6. #46
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    You have to remember Rukino is also a "non human" now, that could explain why she let it go. The beast mode is pure instincts, L-elf bite was to survive, then there's the blod bit to eat and now we've seen reproduction. Nothing much to add.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  7. #47
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David
    You have to remember Rukino is also a "non human" now, that could explain why she let it go.
    She (nor anyone else besides Haruto) didn't go into beast mode though, as far as we know. Haruto seems to have perfect self control until it "hits". There aren't any creeping dark thoughts that disturb him - the switch is either on or off.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #48
    [gg] Valvrave the Liberator - 11

    Good episode. Haruto manned up and took some responsibility for is actions and didn't side step it. He just proposed to Rukino. I wonder how he will deal with killing Shoko's dad now. He is gonna have to own up to that too. Kinda sad that Rukino was gonna use the sex to lock him into a relationship though. Guess it wasn't rape. She wanted that bad.

    I now feel Akira is gonna get in the Purple Valvrave. She got some brief backstory so we will see where this goes.

    I also feel that L-Elf has a plan for Commander Cain.

  9. #49
    I've been following this series and it's pretty good. Sometimes borders on lame, but still manages to keep me interested for the next episode. Battles so far always seemed routine. Bad guys attack, Valvraves defend, bad guys retreat, rinse and repeat. Each episode showing either a new Valvrave or a new powerup. Just looked up and seems this series is 2 seasons but will be split? The next season will start airing in fall/winter. Hopefully it doesn't end in too much of a cliffhanger. I hate those.

    I've been wanting the story to branch into more epic stuff. I guess they are reserving that for the second season. How L-Elf plans to make that "revolution" or whatever in Dorssia. Once it gets into that phase, I believe it could be great.

    And Rukino ftmfw. Funny how I liked Shoko in the first few episodes, but quickly preferred Rukino once she was shown more. Now Shoko sometimes seems even a bit annoying. I wonder how she'll react to her father's death and specifically towards Haruto.

    Good stuff.

  10. #50
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felix
    Good episode. Haruto manned up and took some responsibility for is actions and didn't side step it. He just proposed to Rukino. I wonder how he will deal with killing Shoko's dad now. He is gonna have to own up to that too. Kinda sad that Rukino was gonna use the sex to lock him into a relationship though. Guess it wasn't rape. She wanted that bad
    I still consider it rape, or at the very least sexual assault. It's just that being forced to have sex with the guy she likes isn't the worst thing that's happened to Saki. Had she the choice, she would very much rather Haruto have sex with her willingly or not at all. Given the situation though, she accepted it as it was and used it to the best of her ability instead of mopping spilt water.

    Last week had a bigger shock factor (sexual stuff usually does, and because it was Saki). I felt almost as bad for Shoko this week even though she's probably the worse off of the two. Her dad just died, she won't tell anybody besides a few confidants that the price of victory was her dad - and she just lost her love interest. Akira will be a bit shaky from from her communication backlash and I doubt Marie can cover all the gaps. L-Elf shouldn't have plans to conquer her romantically but it might not be a bad thing at the moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by Keno
    And Rukino ftmfw. Funny how I liked Shoko in the first few episodes, but quickly preferred Rukino once she was shown more. Now Shoko sometimes seems even a bit annoying. I wonder how she'll react to her father's death and specifically towards Haruto.
    I liked Shoko until she died, then I fell for Saki. After Shoko got revived, I was still kinda iffy.. but it goes to Saki. Shoko has the whole sunshine factor, but was (up until now) rather sheltered and naively upbeat - probably what the Module needed. Saki was more pragmatic and dark about everything. She has her flaws, but that looks more like character to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Felix
    I also feel that L-Elf has a plan for Commander Cain.
    That's exactly what I thought when Cain said "Lure the enemy in" as he's entering the module. xD
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 06-21-2013 at 04:15 AM. Reason: fixing sentences

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  11. #51
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #52
    Another great episode. No wonder ARUS didn't give a crap about JIOR and the Valavraves. They were in on it too. I am actually excited to watch this. Too bad there is only one more episode and the second season isn't out until October.

  13. #53
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hmm, Saki looked like she aged a little. That means:

    1) It was just her dress (I don't think so)
    2) They age until their mid-20s
    3) They age indefinitely, just slowly
    4) She had her curse removed after some time.

    I'm going with either 2 or 3.

    As for the purple unit, I hope that the weapon allows her to tap her mind into the machine (ie it sets up an interface between it and her mind even though there is none), instead of just being an auto-hack weapon. I doubt that's the case but it would be much better if it was because then it'd need actual skill. On the other hand, none of the other pilots got their "skill" from any prior knowledge (though I think Haruto benefits from L-Elf's marksmanship when he uses his body to pilot instead).

    The heat transfer idea shouldn't have worked based on how little surface area there is. It should have been some sort of form-fitting equipment (like a net) instead of an iron. Oh well.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #54
    Oh that was Rukino in the opening. I honestly was not paying attention. Guess that explains why that kid has Haruto's face. Doesn't explain why he has L-Elf's hair though. I do wish they would show more people in these future previews. I would like to see how the others look.

    The heat transfer should not have worked period on Yamada's unit due to the speed of his punches. Then again, this show hasn't really been good with the scientific explanations.

    I liked Akira's backstory. I was a little skeptical when they talked about her being bullied, but then they showed how she was bullied. I really don't understand how people let them get away with what they did to her.

  15. #55
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felix
    I liked Akira's backstory. I was a little skeptical when they talked about her being bullied, but then they showed how she was bullied. I really don't understand how people let them get away with what they did to her.
    I don't know, but Japan has some pretty appalling bullying issues. It's pretty mind-blowing.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I don't know, but Japan has some pretty appalling bullying issues. It's pretty mind-blowing.
    Thank you Buff,
    Actually, it's so bad, that if japanese students behaved the same way in France for example, they would get jail time.

  17. #57
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It's back! I suppose it makes sense for Haruto to made do with L-Elf since he doesn't want to ravage his fiance. It's a good excuse to sell to the female fans anyway. I don't think Haruto watches many commercials though, or he'd learn that Saki is pretty encouraging of people releasing their inner beasts.

    I can't imagine Haruto and Shouko getting together now. Their distance has drifted so far apart with her becoming Prime Minister. It's not like the characters have actually changed, but their experiences are so different now. Combine that with the secrets that they're keeping, and they don't have much to talk about even if they set a time.

    Takahi's uniform: especially made with custom cleavage window. xD

    edit: I kinda like the new song. The verses are better than the chorus though.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 10-11-2013 at 12:57 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #58
    Awesome. My weekly dose of robot action is back. Watching Yamada do those poses in the background was hilarious.

    Looking at Rukino and Shouko, it could possibly turn out that Rukino gets with L-Elf or Haruto before this ends. Her child that was shown last season looked like a mix between Haruto and L-Elf so I guess we will see how that turns out. I do kinda of wonder if L-Elf will eventually dry out or if the other pilots will develop a similar hunger.

    And as always Valvrave delivers on its openings.

  19. #59
    Is it wrong that I giggle like a little school girl everytime I hear Takehito Koyasu? Him just being in any anime series bumps it up a few notches on the awesome scale.

    New OP is going to take some getting used to. Same performers, which is awesome, but the tone is very different.

    The whole rune aspect seems like an interesting angle. I've never been one for random blood sucking vampire element thrown into a series for no reason, but here it kind of makes sense. It also makes me wonder if Haruto is still alive during the time skip as, if memory serves me correctly, we saw the Valvrave still operational.
    Last edited by vejita613; Fri, 10-11-2013 at 05:13 PM.

  20. #60
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Trollrave, you're so bad you're good.

    Holy shit I still hate all those Dorssian asshole pilots. Especially the immature one, Q-feuille. Hate him the most. One of those douchebag pilots needs to get killed off. They just harass the shit out of Module 77, then flee at the last minute every time. I just want one of the valvraves to crush their escape pod in an extremely brutal manner. Do it for Aina.
    Intentionally misspelt his name with a Kiddy Girl-and character's!

    @Felix: It's definitely going to be Haruto x Rukino, and L-Elf x Shouko. The scene where L-Elf was talking to Shouko while she studied international law had her softening toward him, she appreciated his concern in a very mature (and sexy!) manner. I think she's realized that Haruto has been so distant from her for so long, and increasingly closer to Rukino, that she's had to give up her long-hidden love, the same way Haruto reluctantly gave her up after he became a vampire in the first place. The two of them respect each other.

    Of course, we all know now that it is all about...hold on, order is important here...L-Elf x Haruto.

    Or is it Haruto x L-Elf after all!?!


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