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Thread: Suisei no Gargantia

  1. #81
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    His suit may be bullet proof. If they have bending lasers, it is only logical that they can and would make pilot suits protective enough to at least prevent shrapnel from tearing into the pilot, and such a feature will work on bullets as well.

    And no one is going to shoot him in the head. Based on the comments of the loli, his face is too handsome for that.
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  2. #82
    No one would shoot hit as it would create noise and whalesquids would attack Gargantia. It was only show of determination.

    And Chamber would vaporize them before they could pull trigger or just bullets in flight. Only Ledo's self control kept turning Gargantia into battlefield and Ledo right now is pretty much Captain Ahab seeking Moby-Dick.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  3. #83
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death13a View Post
    Only Ledo's self control kept turning Gargantia into battlefield...
    It's more like his lack of self-control kept turning Gargantia into a battlefield. He has a tendency to jump the gun. That might be understandable in light of his original world where there was only one inhuman enemy that was attacked automatically on sight with all firepower at hand, I reckon. So, in the past there was no need for him to decide if something was an enemy or if it needed to be destroyed completely or just scared away.

  4. #84
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    What would you have them do? They were sure that if Ledo attacked the whalesquids, the creatures would retaliate against the whole fleet. At least pointing their ancient weapons at Ledo showed they are deadly serious, after all, they knew just as well as Ledo that Chamber could vaporise them in an instant so they were risking their lives trying to stop him. That, if anything, tells Ledo they weren't joking around. Besides, this whole incident was caused by Ledo once again heedlessly attacking, even if as his boss Bellows bears responsibility as well.
    He's like a God in that world, they should thank destiny every day he wakes up and doesn't decide to vaporize them all.

  5. #85
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Petit Gargantia 1-3 - UTW-Vivid

    Some chibi Gargantia shorts. They were pretty funny, but won't eat more than a few minutes (all of them combined) out of your life.

  6. #86
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    UTW-Vivid - Episode 08

    [Shin-S] Suisei no Gargantia ED Single - Sora to Kimi no Message [ChouCho].zip
    [Shin-S] Suisei no Gargantia ED Single - Sora to Kimi no Message (FLAC) [ChouCho].zip


    This will be interesting, I wonder under what circumstance the two fleets will end up meeting again. A pirate attack would be kind of lame since Gargantia would look like so weak and powerless without their muscles, but I don't exactly see Flange simply coming back with a bunch of treasure. Flange isn't a pirate type, but that's not to say he's overly generous either.

    Amy's side of things wouldn't be very adventurous without Ledo sparking things up, and the whole Gargantia is full of conservatives who are pretty happy with their status quo. I have a hard time trying to think of what they'd get up to other than float-and-live.

    The best thing this episode was the reveal of some serious bonds between Ledo and Amy. On that note, perhaps Melty would convince Ledo somehow to go back.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 05-26-2013 at 10:24 PM.

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  7. #87
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    One possibility would be the ragged remains of Flange's fleet, largely wasted by whalesquids, coming back to Gargantia. I suppose Ledo would survive at least, since he's the main character and didn't even sire a child with Amy so I can't see him dying. But who knows, maybe it won't end with such dim prospects, although we do know from the preview shit is going to hit the fan, and I'd think it a bit strange if the human side didn't suffer at all.

    It does indeed look like Ledo already care for Amy and Bevel, but it's not so easy to shake brainwashing the length of his life. Especially now that he practically had to accept the fact he has lost it all. Although I'd find it a bit strange there would be no records of Earth known to at least the leadership of the Alliance, but since they hadn't ever come back, I guess they just suddenly wouldn't during Ledo's lifetime.

    Nevertheless, it's quite interesting the fleets splitting was largely due to Ledo's presence. Pinion intends to use Ledo to distract the whalesquids so he can rob the treasures, and Flange listened to Pinion. If they end up suffering major losses, I wouldn't be surprised if people accused Ledo.

  8. #88
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    One possibility would be the ragged remains of Flange's fleet, largely wasted by whalesquids, coming back to Gargantia. I suppose Ledo would survive at least, since he's the main character and didn't even sire a child with Amy so I can't see him dying. But who knows, maybe it won't end with such dim prospects, although we do know from the preview shit is going to hit the fan, and I'd think it a bit strange if the human side didn't suffer at all.
    Where is this preview? UTW doesn't have it.

    I don't think the people can do much about losing to whalesquids. Pinion enlisted everybody, so he's the one everybody would talk shit about. Ledo didn't even formally enter an agreement with Pinion. He basically said "I'm going to kill squid. You can have the scraps."

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  9. #89
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    Where is this preview? UTW doesn't have it.
    Sure it does. I only watch the UTW-Vivid releases. The preview is on the sail of the sailing ship that Amy passes towards the end of the ED.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I don't think the people can do much about losing to whalesquids. Pinion enlisted everybody, so he's the one everybody would talk shit about. Ledo didn't even formally enter an agreement with Pinion. He basically said "I'm going to kill squid. You can have the scraps."
    Yes, I'm sure people would blame Pinion as well, but in the end Ledo is an outsider nobody can really understand, equipped with a killing machine and a will to use it. They would naturally blame Ledo. People always blame outsiders, whether there's any basis for it or not, if only to cover their own mistakes.

    Still, it's not given anybody will be blamed or even any major destruction to happen. The preview is quite flimsy in this show.

  10. #90
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hoh, indeed.. I had forgotten about that. I only discovered it in episode 5 or something, but then forgot about it one week after (the preview) since half the time I just browse while the music plays.

    The preview suggests to me that the humans picked up ancient torpedoes and were wowed by its destructive power.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #91
    Or maybe the treasures they are all crazy about are those torpedoes. MK48 Torps can sure give an advantage like no other, accuracy range, and power. Pretty much OP.


    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    Sure it does. I only watch the UTW-Vivid releases. The preview is on the sail of the sailing ship that Amy passes towards the end of the ED.
    God that preview system is retarded.

  12. #92
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    Or maybe the treasures they are all crazy about are those torpedoes. MK48 Torps can sure give an advantage like no other, accuracy range, and power. Pretty much OP.
    I don't think the humans know exactly what you're getting when they dive down. It's a random treasure hunt.

    Given that they're by and large a peaceful group of people, I don't think they would be all that excited about collecting torpedoes. as a goal.

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  13. #93
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    [HorribleSubs] Suisei no Gargantia - 09 [720p].mkv


    Great episode again.
    That show isn't just an average slice of life after all.

    So as I thought, Hideauze were engineered by manking, it's just I didn't foresee they would be genetically modified humans...
    We even got the reason for the war: just a fight that started on earth and kept going on for ages.

    We even know why the people on earth consider Hideauze/whalesquids sacred and do not mess with them.

    And yes, it should be possible even for the Hideauze and Human alliance to stop the war.

    The only problem is that Ledo is stuck on earth with no subspace/wormhole traveling device, so he can't go back to the alliance with what he found on earth.
    And even if he can salvage such technologies found in that facility and eventually goes back to the alliance, being an ensign, I doubt he'll have much ways to be heard and have people change...
    In my opinion the alliance would:
    -Annex Earth and wipe the earth's Whalesquids
    -Use all data available to wipe Hideauze

    Then what? I wonder, with no war to fight, I wonder how such a society would evolve.

    A naïve and egoïstical approach would be:
    -Ledo does not want to go back to the alliance, because he finds Earth so peacefull.
    -Ledo sends data to the alliance and finds a way to have it widespread among humans
    -Ledo does not disclose earth's position and sets rules so that the alliance might someday comeback to earth after they met restrictives conditions.

    For that last scene, I guess Ledo realized how much he was lied to.
    Even if the alliance lost records of the past, it's impossible to miss the fact that a part of Hideauze adn is specifically human.
    He also understands that the society he grew into is seriously flawed now that he got that data, even more so when he compares it to the life on gargantia.

    I wonder what development we'll get and how the show will end.
    Last edited by David75; Sun, 06-02-2013 at 01:36 PM.

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  14. #94
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I would say the bigger question is whether or not Chamber will become an enemy.

    Ledo was obviously convinced that he had been lied to this entire time, and the entire fight and the society he believes in that even killed his brother just for being weak...was based on nothing more than paranoia.

    That said, the Hideauze aren't exactly unchanged either. They might start out as human shaped, but they've obviously evolved far more in line with the squid-suits. Once they are adults, even the "peaceful" earth versions are all fangs and teeth, and they are bred by a queen. They've gone feral. I doubt there is any way to reason with them.

    Similarly, Chamber is programmed. There is an AI, but I wouldn't doubt for a second that the need to systematically slaughter Hideauze is hard-coded. Ledo had to twist around logic to even get Chamber to play the video. If Ledo wants to stop the fight, the next big conflict will be getting Chamber to obey his orders to stand down in the future.

  15. #95
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Yep, it's a Urobuchi show alright.

  16. #96
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I suppose we're to assume that all whalesquids on earth are of the evolved-human type and not your invented symbiont type. The larvae and adolescent versions we saw here looked human, but the adults looked just like squids.

    I agree with Ryll that Chamber will be difficult to handle. It's one thing to use your rank to open classifieds, but now his actions should be interpreted by Chamber as treason.

    The ice-age approach was interesting, if not slightly head-scratching. The space advancement started out quite late, so either it progressed insanely quickly (as in.. impossibly quickly by today's standards), or the humans had some sort of food and water supply during the freezing years. Actually, now that I write that, they must have - or else there'd nothing for them to survive on until they ultimately formed Gargantia.

    I reckon Ledo will return to Amy quite soon (episode after next?). The only reason for him to stay is to continue searching for evidence for himself, or technology for the humans. Before that however, he'll need some counselling.

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  17. #97
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I didn't exactly foresee this when I wrote earlier Chamber might become a problem, as back then I assume Ledo would just go full passive. I consider it obvious the Alliance leadership knows perfectly well the origins of Hideauze. They might have erased it from the general knowledge, labeling the things hostile space aliens. After all, if the knowledge was completely wiped out, then Chamber wouldn't have had a filter forbidding its playback. So, the Alliance leadership has retained the information for themselves, in order to program the AIs to keep it in mind. This also means the Alliance will eliminate Ledo if he tries to preach this new information to the space humans.

    This doesn't look too good. I can't imagine this show being anywhere as good as it is without Chamber, yet what can Ledo do about it? I wouldn't be surprised if these mecha were programmed to keep fighting even without the pilot.

    Another problem I see is what Ryll referred to: At least the adult whalesquids look little more than beasts. They had no strategy whatsoever, nor showed any other signs of intelligence when they fought Ledo. So, it could be hard to negotiate with them. Possibly the old way of not disturbing them or attracting them with machine noise is the only way to coexist. They might be too stupid to understand anything else.

  18. #98
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    A creature with no natural predators and a quick spawn rate is destined to rule its environment. Humans are limited by space and resources, but the squids have no such limitations as of now. I don't think simply leaving the squids alone will guarantee a future for humanity in the long term.

    I wonder what they taste like. I would have liked to try whale squid raw as sashimi or grilled.
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  19. #99
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post

    I wonder what they taste like. I would have liked to try whale squid raw as sashimi or grilled.
    You know that is at least partially cannibalism, right?

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  20. #100
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    What's a little cannibalism to mass genocide?

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