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Thread: Suisei no Gargantia

  1. #61
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta
    I was surprised by his embarrassed reaction after touching Amy. I would have thought that kind of emotion would be quite useless in the world he lived in.
    Useless, but I think he shied away from it as a natural reaction rather than a necessary one. Being military, I'd imagine he had same-sex segregation and was only recently granted the right to reproduce. He's a boy touching a girl directly for the first time. Emphasis on boy.

    The money is on the white animal being the whalesquid and is rather harmless (at least not as dangerous as the space variety).

    Quote Originally Posted by neo
    One other option is that the Hideauze aren't an alien species. Just a out of control experiment. Those Lightbugs are freaking nanomachines that roam the ocean. Might as well be a result of that experiment.
    Would you extend that hypothesis to Earth freezing over as a result of an experiment rather than a solar phenomenon?

    As for the menu, I'll take with a little more meat thanks. Regular is just fine as well.


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  2. #62
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Regarding the man crafted Hideauze theory, I did write something days ago. I think I even had the idea that the permanent winter might have been caused by mankind to try and get rid of the species. But I'm not so sure and I'm too lazy to even go there. Not that it matters in the end

    What I like in the makind crafted enemy idea, is that somehow the Hideauze can't survive in space without food... and that's what mankind probably is.
    The allmighty technological human, trying to mess with an organism, shifted it's way of life and preys to humans themselves, creating a new kind of foodchain/ecosystem that is viable in space. But at the same time, Hideauze have no other alternative to survive, they have to hunt humans. Thus the struggle that dragged on for so long.
    And for a reason, despite the great distance covered by both species, they never were able to find a planet where they can settle.

    Should the Hideauze find a planet where they can integrate, I wonder if they'd still go after humans.

    But that's all pure speculation on my part.

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  3. #63
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I wouldn't be surprised if the Hideauze in space wasn't in fact so huge a threat. Maybe it's the humans that have been going after the creatures relentlessly, but if they stopped, Hideauze wouldn't do anything anymore. That could be explained by the leadership of space humans wanting to maintain the current status and order. There could be a privileged class of citizens, after all. Another possibility is that humans still have something the Hideauze want. Such as a space version of those lightbugs or some version of Hideauze itself, basically working as slaves to maintain humanity's ability to exist without a planet.

    I think your theory, David, is a bit of a stretch if this story does have a bigger ending of some sort. The story hasn't made any effort to avoid giving such a grim and cold picture of Ledo's home that it wouldn't surprise me if it was the humans doing something wrong, causing the neverending war, not Hideauze.

  4. #64
    Squids eat green power bugs
    Hideauze eats fusions bombs (see ep1)

    The Squid attacks Ledo because Chambers is basically a super bug producing shitloads of energy.
    Energy will be the link and basically the threat is basically scaled from earth to space in order to match the strenght difference.

    Now, I just want to enjoy the series and not care about why, how, plot points or bad animations. Sometime you gotta just enjoy it, consume and be consume by the entertainment.

  5. #65

  6. #66
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    So, we've got the same species. Although with a different exosqueleton adapted to marine life I guess (And Hideauze's to space life?)

    We also have a different approach on how to deal with them. And no war. The idea that space Humans are in fact responsible for the never ending war seems to be spot on (Kraco?)

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  7. #67
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
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  8. #68
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    We also have a different approach on how to deal with them. And no war. The idea that space Humans are in fact responsible for the never ending war seems to be spot on (Kraco?)
    Perhaps. However, if Ledo is correct and Hideauze attack as soon as too much noise from electronics and possibly other machines is produced, then it's certainly not humanity's fault. But if Hideauze only attack after they have been attacked first or their territory clearly invaded, then it's certainly humanity's fault. It does seem like they are attracted by electricity and other signs of civilization, at the very least. Obviously humans in space can't live without all that, so it might be a situation of no avoidance - assuming Hideauze actually do go after humans in space (and not only retaliate after humans attacked first). But then again, if the war has been going on for centuries, Hideauze might have evolved/adapted to it, becoming hostile even if they originally weren't. Just like Ledo's people are so through and through militaristic.

    Quite interesting development nevertheless. Ledo actually got a chance to show his true nature. I wonder if he really thinks he can make a difference all alone and without any of the bigger, external weapons, especially with Chamber's internal weapons useless undersea. It would seem like wisdom to only scout around, trying to contact his people, rather than irritate the Hideauze colonies without any real means to win bigger battles.

  9. #69
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Obviously humans in space can't live without all that, so it might be a situation of no avoidance - assuming Hideauze actually do go after humans in space (and not only retaliate after humans attacked first). But then again, if the war has been going on for centuries, Hideauze might have evolved/adapted to it, becoming hostile even if they originally weren't. Just like Ledo's people are so through and through militaristic.
    "Fault" is really tricky to handle. In our own world, the human population keeps expanding which in turn demands more natural resources. To avoid overcrowding, invading additional territories is one such solution. Let's speculate that Hideauze populations remain stable:

    -One could argue that the Hideauze have (initially) established a good territorial boundary, and by breaking those bounds the humans have committed a crime against them. It's humanity's fault for not planning their survival based on their available resources.

    -One could also argue that if humans became more numerous, it's only natural that they demand more resources. Every living being deserves their share on the planet, so the resource allocation should be made based on life-form quantity regardless of species.

    We could always just take our barbaric approach as well and say "Might makes Right". Every species tries to secure its survival, so if one of them thinks that requires a monopoly, who is in a position to tell them otherwise? Fight it out, and winner takes all.

    The definition of "provoke" is also pretty damn subjective. Hideauze only attack when provoked, but swarming you with numbers of 1000 is pretty damn provoking. Arguably you'd feel more "provoked" and scared by that than if one just slapped you on the face.

    If anyone was to blame here though, it's Bellows for lacking foresight. "So we're with this guy who kills pirates because they're dangerous..oooh, look he pulled gun on a cooked octopus! lololol, wonder what he'd do when he sees a whalesquid. /joke" I don't really blame her.. but we could see it coming.

    edit: oh, and the "shirt grabbing" scene when Bellows doesn't wear a shirt nor a tie? I found that hilarious.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 05-20-2013 at 04:43 AM.

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  10. #70
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    We could always just take our barbaric approach as well and say "Might makes Right". Every species tries to secure its survival, so if one of them thinks that requires a monopoly, who is in a position to tell them otherwise? Fight it out, and winner takes all.
    It only became a dilemma when Ledo, whose people have been following that might makes right principle for generations, arrived at Earth where coexistence was the guideline. Earthlings have also been living for generations like they are now, and it's quite natural they can't breed like rabbits considering they have no land. Hideauze live underwater, so as long as they don't seriously compete for food, or other resources, they can keep living like this forever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    The definition of "provoke" is also pretty damn subjective. Hideauze only attack when provoked, but swarming you with numbers of 1000 is pretty damn provoking. Arguably you'd feel more "provoked" and scared by that than if one just slapped you on the face.
    Well, it was Ledo, and thus Gargantia, that attacked and slaughtered a whalesquid first. There's no reason to assume Hideauze would have gathered without that incident. I'd say killing a member of the opponent is quite a bit worse than just swarming.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    If anyone was to blame here though, it's Bellows for lacking foresight. "So we're with this guy who kills pirates because they're dangerous..oooh, look he pulled gun on a cooked octopus! lololol, wonder what he'd do when he sees a whalesquid. /joke" I don't really blame her.. but we could see it coming.
    These people are so easygoing that they forget too fast Ledo is a real soldier, a profession these folks in fact haven't got to begin with. When Ledo and Chamber performed a few civilian tasks that benefitted the fleet, the people of Gargantia pretty much forgot what Ledo was trained and Chamber built for, despite the pirate conflict. In fact there might have been quite a few among them who never believed in any war against space aliens and probably thought Ledo is nothing but a lunatic spaceman.

    It was Bellows's fault, but considering her peaceful background, it's hard to blame her. Just like it's hard to blame Ledo for something he has been practically bred for. Just before coming to Earth he watched his comrades get killed one by one by Hideauze, so it's not so easy for him to forget and let go.

  11. #71
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    It only became a dilemma when Ledo, whose people have been following that might makes right principle for generations, arrived at Earth where coexistence was the guideline. Earthlings have also been living for generations like they are now, and it's quite natural they can't breed like rabbits considering they have no land. Hideauze live underwater, so as long as they don't seriously compete for food, or other resources, they can keep living like this forever.
    Until someone brings up a thought like "What if Hideauze decide to kill us one day, what can we do against them then?" (Ledo did it this week, actually). It's a feeling of insecurity that can only be 100% eliminated by eliminating the enemy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Well, it was Ledo, and thus Gargantia, that attacked and slaughtered a whalesquid first. There's no reason to assume Hideauze would have gathered without that incident. I'd say killing a member of the opponent is quite a bit worse than just swarming.
    You're talking about what happened this episode. I'm speculating about other scenarios. There was an article I read a few months back where (I think there was some sort of riot or demonstration) some guy stopped a car from leaving and hit his bonnet. I don't remember exactly how far he went, but the driver sped off and injured the man who stopped him (he most likely died). The courts ruled that it was not self defence because the driver was not at risk of harm in the car. I'm not so ready to agree with him.

    "Noise" has been suggested to be provoking to whalesquids this episode. Maybe they don't know what it is and it scares them.
    A human could have just as easily been scared by a provoking "greeting" by a passing-by swarm of Hideauze.

    The idea isn't to compare how provoking things are, but to highlight the fact that between two different and mutually unintelligible species, various "harmless" actions could be taken by the other party as being provoking. Going by this episode, the whalesquids were rather forgiving. If both sides took "an eye for an eye" approach, all it takes is a single harmless trigger to snowball into a galactic war.

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  12. #72
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, humans and whalesquids have been living like that, tolerating each other, for who knows how long. The geezer captain even knew immediately what to do (stop all machines and be silent), which suggests close encounters have happened before, though not too often since the younger folks were ignorant.

    It's true that if enough fear is brewed, more and more people would begin to think of exterminating the whalesquids, creating a situation similar to Ledo's people and Hideauze. However, these people all in all seem very peaceful so it'd take a lot to turn the tide to a bloodlust. Even if there are some among them, like Pinion, who have a personal reason to dislike the creatures. Many hold them sacred, after all.

  13. #73
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    There is also the fact that the only way to reliably kill a whalesquid on earth is Chamber.

    Humans are simply not on top of the food chain in their world.
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  14. #74
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    The crew's attitude towards Ledo is a little annoying, aren't they aware he's the pilot of a fucking mechanical God of Death? I'm not even sure the bullets would work on him, Chamber might protect him or he might have some force field around his suit or something.

    He fucking eliminated a whole crew within seconds a few days ago, what makes them think pointing a few pea shooters will do them any good?

    On a more lighthearted note, have you guys noticed Ledo gained a nice tan? Compare this episode to the first and it's pretty noticeable.

  15. #75
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    oh, and the "shirt grabbing" scene when Bellows doesn't wear a shirt nor a tie? I found that hilarious.
    How much skill must one have to be able to grab those two spaghetti straps in one motion?
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  16. #76
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    How much skill must one have to be able to grab those two spaghetti straps in one motion?
    Less than the will required to not look down.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ark
    The crew's attitude towards Ledo is a little annoying, aren't they aware he's the pilot of a fucking mechanical God of Death? I'm not even sure the bullets would work on him, Chamber might protect him or he might have some force field around his suit or something.

    He fucking eliminated a whole crew within seconds a few days ago, what makes them think pointing a few pea shooters will do them any good?
    I think bullets would work. He's equipped to fight Hideauze in space, personal armour against flying shrapnel isn't likely to be a defence he has.

    I have a feeling that at least two weeks have passed now, or maybe that's just because it's been 7 weeks for us. By the 2nd or 3rd ep he took to eating meat pretty well.

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  17. #77
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think a lot of time has already passed, maybe a month.
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  18. #78
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    The crew's attitude towards Ledo is a little annoying, aren't they aware he's the pilot of a fucking mechanical God of Death? I'm not even sure the bullets would work on him, Chamber might protect him or he might have some force field around his suit or something.
    What would you have them do? They were sure that if Ledo attacked the whalesquids, the creatures would retaliate against the whole fleet. At least pointing their ancient weapons at Ledo showed they are deadly serious, after all, they knew just as well as Ledo that Chamber could vaporise them in an instant so they were risking their lives trying to stop him. That, if anything, tells Ledo they weren't joking around. Besides, this whole incident was caused by Ledo once again heedlessly attacking, even if as his boss Bellows bears responsibility as well.

    All in all I'm quite satisfied with this turn of events. As nice as it was to watch the slice-of-life eps of Ledo desperately trying to do something useless but getting mainly used for entertainment by the locals, it's still good we got back to serious stuff. After all, the beginning of the show was mortally serious. This doesn't need to be another Hataraku Maou-sama, where there is a 500% disparity between the beginning and the bulk of the show.

    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    I think a lot of time has already passed, maybe a month.
    Yeah. I don't think just a couple of weeks would be enough for Ledo to catch so much of the language either.

  19. #79
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I think bullets would work. He's equipped to fight Hideauze in space, personal armour against flying shrapnel isn't likely to be a defence he has.
    If he has a gun i'm sure he has personal defense systems as well.

  20. #80
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    If he has a gun i'm sure he has personal defense systems as well.

    If chamber doesn't have a force field, I doubt Ledo has one either.

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