Set in present day Washington, D.C., House of Cards follows the story of Francis "Frank" Underwood (Kevin Spacey), an ambitious Democratic congressman and the House Majority Whip. After his assistance in ensuring the election of President Garrett Walker (Michael Gill), Underwood is informed by Chief of Staff Linda Vasquez (Sakina Jaffrey) that the existing agreement to appoint him Secretary of State will not be honored. Furious at Walker's betrayal, Underwood and his wife Claire (Robin Wright), an environmental activist, begin seeking out pawns in a protracted political war against Walker. Soon brought into the fray are troubled Congressman Peter Russo (Corey Stoll) and Zoe Barnes (Kate Mara), a young political reporter for the Washington Herald newspaper.

I'm not much of a political person, but this series has been extremely entertaining so far. I originally started watching it because it starred Kevin Spacey, who is an amazing actor, and plays the villain role very well. Spacey may not be the villain in this series, per say, but he's definitely someone you don't want to piss off. I don't really know the other actors/actresses that well, except Kate Mara, who played in American Horror Story.

Has anyone else seen this?