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Thread: Poetry

  1. #41
    :-/ women suck ass this time.

  2. #42

    The sky is high
    the cloud is low
    no matter where you go
    my water jutsu will kill you with one blow

    - Zabuza -

  3. #43
    all i have to say is, i suck at poetry. the only reason im posting this is because i got bored one day and decided to write this after watching monty python's flying circus episode 15. its really badly written but hey, its the best a horrible poet like me could do. and sorry for the errors in grammar and punctuation.

    with great haste they'll put you in a relaxing position
    they'll fetch the comfiest of comfy chairs
    why are they so kind? no one knows, NO ONE CARES!

    they'll poke you with cushions in a diabolic way
    they'll serve you some tea at about mid-day
    why are they caring? why are they tame?
    fear not, good fellow, they've no plan to mame

    they'll tie you down to a torturous rack
    they'll treat you quite nice, ferocity they lack
    they'll turn the rack without delay
    they're confident that you, indeed will pay

    amongst their weaponry is the element of surprise
    another is fear, another is lies
    they show fanatical devotion to the pope
    their nice red uniforms, unsoiled i hope

    herecy and witchcraft are among what they accuse
    yet such harmless and unusual methods they use
    once in their captivity, theres no need to run away
    for the spanish inquisition, things never go their way

    AH, come in again.

  4. #44
    @Elite Hentai & FlatulationNoJutsu

    both of your poems were good

  5. #45
    better than mine

  6. #46
    Poetry is gay.

  7. #47
    You have all made some way cool poems. ;
    Here's one i had posted on my DA Account and is probably my best one. It's called: Questioned Love

    "Today i have to ask you,
    Would it matter to you anyway?
    Would you care if i loved you as you are?
    Would you accept, and in response also care?
    May i ask you a question which i fear to ask?
    Who are you behind that mask?

    When you know, let me understand.
    When you know, hold my hand.
    When you know, hug me close,
    When you know, Take this Rose.
    For it's beauty represent what you can be,
    Just as long as you stick with me.

    Today i need to know.
    Do you know the way i feel, and how?
    Tell me what you dream at night,
    Do you dream of us in a fight?
    Or do you dream of us together,
    When you turn off the light.
    Do you dream of us as birds of a feather,
    Looking into our eyes, never losing sight.

    When you know, let me dream it too.
    When you know, let me be with you.
    When you know, ask me too.
    When you know, let me dream with you.
    For my dreams of you when you\'re not near,
    Is all i see, and all i ever hear.

    Now you've told me, i must but ask.
    Will this love we have be up to the task?
    It dosn't matter, let us try our best.
    Let's let life do the rest.
    Let us run away together into the night.
    Let the last things we see when we turn off the light.
    Be of each other, and nothing else."

  8. #48
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Krbadass @ Dec 14 2003, 08:37 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Poetry is gay. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Don&#39;t make me stab you. (:

  9. #49
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    so bored, that i had to look up this 3 year old thread up, anyways don't expect much from this, it's just something i thought up in 5 minutes, it's short, didn't think about making 1 big huge poem, just short and straight to the point. no experience in poetry what so ever, boredom makes me do weird things.

    my heart hurts,
    pain and sorrow,
    i didn't know what it was at first,
    i was just a kid,
    didn't think about it at first,
    but it started hurtin',
    it made me curse,
    my eyes burst,
    friends hurt.
    my happiness disappeared,
    started to fear,
    that it will take the little left I hold dear
    Signature by Lucifus

    She knows what you did last summer..

    ------------私はコピーX 及びSimca が空を征服することを信じる------------

  10. #50
    A little something from a while back, had something buzzing in my head so I thought a little poetry ought to fix it. Worked like a charm.

    Never Coming

    The sun so high,
    I wish for a lot.
    For it to come down,
    and rid me from cold.
    To see the life so far away,
    I hope for it to rid me of nightmares.
    I guess dreams will always be dreams.
    Only visions…
    …visions forever…
    hoping for it to come to me.

    But will it come?
    Wonderful dreams torture me,
    always crying each time.
    To know the world I just saw,
    will never arrive.
    Can’t dreams come true?
    Can’t the seen vision come to us?
    Always staring up at the dream,
    the beautiful nightmare.

  11. #51
    wow, you guys actually performed a search and found something like this? im impressed

  12. #52
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    Jun 2005
    like i said, boredom leads me to do strange and random things.
    Signature by Lucifus

    She knows what you did last summer..

    ------------私はコピーX 及びSimca が空を征服することを信じる------------

  13. #53
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    Red face in poem i speak, and dare you peak?

    well, it's been awhile but ever since Lobster Magnet made that Short Story thread I have been thinking about sharing some of my writing with you all. Being a social sciences major I absolutely consider writing an important tool, in all of its variations. However, I really don't believe I have the skill (nor the desire) to be a writer or anything serious like that.

    Nonetheless, about a year ago I took two Creative Writing courses at my college. They were each half dedicated to poetry and half to short stories.

    Now I really never liked poetry. In fact, I always just assumed I hated it. But being forced to sit and read and reflect on poetry my peers had made (and forced to make my own), I came to have some appreciation for it. I still believe it is too 'airy' and often lacks the concreteness that spoken word should convey. But I also believe that 'brevity is the soul of wit', and poetry is often able to say with 3 words what a story says in 30. I also appreciate (although I'm not very good at it) the artistic ability of making things rhyme. Thus most of the poems I will share here are rhyming poems.

    Here is one that I actually got published in my school paper. It's sort of a satire on the college drinking habits/weekend activities and its baseness

    Reflection on a Milwaukee’s Beast

    Where’s my nice shirt? Where’s my nice shirt?
    Shower and dress, don’t be looking a mess!
    You need to look good to find a nice lass
    Fancy yourself up and go get some ass!

    Who’s 21? Who’s 21?
    Want some drinks? Fake IDs and smooth winks!
    With that I can waltz through any bar door
    So let’s race to the nearby liquor store!

    Where’s the mixer? Where’s the mixer?
    Tequila and lime, they make me feel sublime!
    Chug-a-lug gulp, pre-game is almost past
    We all get shit-faced; it’s a crazy blast!

    Where’s the party? Where’s the party?
    We’ll play beer pong, pound brew all night long!
    If the frat is cool, the guys promise to pledge
    Or puke the fake vow off their balcony ledge!

    Dance with me? Dance with me?
    What’d you come here for? The same as me, to score!
    We’ll stumble in the dark and I’ll step on your shoes
    I would never have such courage without the booze!

    Come back to my place? Come back to my place?
    Clothes in a pile, your mouth tastes like bile!
    Still its ecstasy here with you, and of this there’s no doubt
    Ignore my restraints and fears, that’s what Saturday’s about!

    Morning already? Morning already?
    What the hell is the time? Almost a quarter past nine!
    I feel nothing for you, and you seem the same I’m quite sure
    No need to exchange numbers before you walk out the door.

    What’s it all worth? What’s it all worth?
    Drink your brain ‘til it’s dirt, chase anything in a skirt!
    It’s revolting vile cheap; but we repeat every damn week.
    It’s the highlight of our youth! Don’t tell me this is our peak!

    I feel sick. I feel sick.
    My gut and my head, I fall back in my bed
    There’s something so wrong, I know it, moreover
    I have a feeling it’s not only a hangover

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  14. #54
    Chuunin 2:25's Avatar
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    Mighty Mute Girl

    Little mute girl
    is a super hero,
    with a polka dot
    cape knotted
    around her neck.
    She carefully checks
    the air, licking
    and sticking her index
    finger. Testing.

    High and low,
    she looks down
    and frowns,
    counts her little fingers
    from one to ten
    (her numbers of flight),
    again and again.

    Finally! It’s time! she cries,
    (her silent super hero
    battle cry). With one
    foot on the bed,
    she leaps, and spreads
    her legs and arms
    and flies.
    After-running Shoes

    My sneakers are dirty
    from all the walking and running
    I’ve done. Mud clings to the sides of
    my shoes with dried up leaves and dead
    branches. Distorted joints of lifeless
    bugs’ bodies stick to my soles as I
    stumble upon the hard cement floor.

    This is life: huffing and puffing,
    panting, out of breath.

    I see dog shit near the
    lamp post out of the corner of
    my eye. I don’t want to walk into
    that. But somehow my foot slips.

    My shoes are no longer
    white, like they used to be.

  15. #55
    Genin Paper's Avatar
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    In my ice cold fortress

    A strategic system that strain the
    brain, bold barricades boldly
    hold my heart hostage
    I victim is vengeance my vendetta to vain
    thoughts trained taught to
    face the facts and to freeze my feeling
    puzzling pieces to put into position of a perfect portrait
    of peace or at least a acknowledgment ahead
    that destiny discovers our demise
    live life lonely, lack of laughing
    homes halfway built, broken, burnt
    down. . . defenseless ,denial, depressing
    a dark dense, downpour on
    Stony steps stumbling and slipping into

    Subconscious . . . supernatural it seems,
    I confined In my conscious cause coldness
    Cover and embrace the entity in everyone eyes.
    The sun will shine star’s will still be glistening
    Gathering of nothing necessary, vocal cords vanish in vain
    And my pen will always be flowing with pain
    Why we water our words down diluting its potential state.
    "The End Justify The Means"

  16. #56
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Melodies of life

    Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark
    For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart
    To weave by picking up the pieces that remain
    Melodies of life, love's lost refrain.

    Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why.
    We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye.
    And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told?
    Let them ring out loud till they unfold.
    In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me
    Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name

    A voice from the past, joining yours and mine
    Adding up the layers of harmony
    And so it goes, on and on
    Melodies of life,
    To the sky beyond the flying birds, forever and beyond.

    So far and away, see the bird as it flies by
    Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky
    I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings
    Leave them now and see what tomorrow brings.
    In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me?
    Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind?

    A voice from the past, joining yours and mine
    Adding up the layers of harmony
    And so it goes, on and on
    Melodies of life,
    To the sky beyond the flying birds--forever and beyond

    If I should leave this lonely world behind
    Your voice will still remember our melody
    Now I know we'll carry on
    Melodies of life
    Come circle round and grow deep in our hearts
    As long as we remember

    Made by me
    And totally not ripped off from a fucking awesome rpg by squaresoft

  17. #57
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I swear Archie was going to post something from UBW.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #58
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    To call Emyia's chant a "poem" would be an insult to its awesomeness

  19. #59
    I would just like to know what goes through someone's mind when the dig up a athread like this.

  20. #60
    Genin Paper's Avatar
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    In my ice cold fortress
    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
    I would just like to know what goes through someone's mind when the dig up a athread like this.
    Well I believe that's a question directed at me DB am I right? Since your asking what goes on in my mind that made me spark up the poem thread at that particular time is simpliy I wanted to share my poetry.

    I did some research to find out there was a similar thread related topic already made, therefore instead of making a whole new thread I thought to myself that I should just put the old thread to use.
    "The End Justify The Means"

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