HS - Episode 07
Haha, Krayz33 should enjoy this episode. xD
HS - Episode 07
Haha, Krayz33 should enjoy this episode. xD
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 02-15-2013 at 09:34 PM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I like this
and I like the show too![]()
I like where this is going.
Question: I´ve only watched the first two episodes so far. Is this anime worth following or should I drop it if I didnt really enjoy these two eps? thx
If you didn't like the first two episodes, you should drop it.
<Buffalobiian> She's certainly the more motherly of the two
<Buffalobiian> no question that she's the wife
<Buffalobiian> Woman Knight is worthy Mistress material though. xD
<Buffalobiian> Also, I've accepted now that instead of fixing laws and political problems to enable economic trade, Maou's just going to invent shit to fix all of humanity's problems
<Buffalobiian> I thought the earthquakes may have something to do with her demon presence residing in human lands, but it probably involves Maou's license expiring - meaning that killing demons isn't very good for human welbeing
<%Ryllharu> I think she's lying.
<%Ryllharu> It's not just related to her "license"
<%Ryllharu> It probably has more to do with her actual powers and presence in the human world.
<%Ryllharu> Like she's been holding them back and they are about to spaz out.
<Buffalobiian> hmm, true
<Buffalobiian> before when she says "I only have a few days".. I immediately thought of her menstrual cycle
<%Ryllharu> She didn't just randomly inherit the Demon Lord title. If politics in the demon world are like she keeps saying...she has the power to back up her claim.
<Buffalobiian> >_>
<%Ryllharu> If the Hero is a monster in a way, she must be a bigger one.
<%Ryllharu> He's pretty much inhuman, according the the Knight
<%Ryllharu> So Maou must be closer to a true demon.
<Buffalobiian> he's closer to SUPERhero than a hero
<%Ryllharu> Not the adorable waitress kind.
<%Ryllharu> I should repost this convo in the thread for others to consider.
<Buffalobiian> including the menstrual cycle?
<%Ryllharu> maybe you should post it then
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 02-16-2013 at 12:18 PM. Reason: spellcheck
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I don't seem to see what everyone else does in this show.
It's a complete mess, how can it even be possible that over 2 years have passed in just these 7 episodes? Or maybe the better question is how so little of interest happened in all that time.
They skipped all action, Hero's adventures in the Demon world, how he decided to go back home to the Demon Lord, everyone else's education... there's no goddamn direction at all in this story.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
It seems like something is finally happening. Other than that, I find it good Hero is also doing stuff on his own (other than bashing heads). He always has a very boyish atmosphere around him, so it's a bit hard to take him seriously all the time, but perhaps he does know what he's doing. Even if he failed, it would have been better than to do nothing.
I get a little annoyed when I see Older Sister Maid with her worries, but never does anything about them. Hopefully being treated with inequity again here will make her more passionate about what she wants to do with her life. I bet you she's wondering if she was ever "human" or could be an individual without Maou's care, and now's the perfect opportunity to help her discover that.
Knight is now officially Mistress. :3
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Hero should just annihilate anything that stands in their way. It would eventually be detrimental, but awesome while it happens.
Was there anyone else surprised that Maou knew about electromagnetism?
that was *very* unbelievable, yeah...Was there anyone else surprised that Maou knew about electromagnetism?
Well for a Maou she doesn't seem to be very strong so her forte would be knowledge. Then again she asked the head maid to kill her if was no longer herself after her little trip so could she actually be very powerful?
Who? Head Maid? I reckon the danger Maou will be facing is personality contamination. She's probably conversing with her predecessors in the tomb. Maybe she needs to convince them that rather than wage war against humans, it's better to try to live in peace. It might not be an easy task (they are supposed to be demons) and they might try to convince her otherwise instead. In light of everything we have seen, there must be something special about being Maou, something that brute force can't necessarily replace. Maybe it's the ability to deal with the earlier Maous.
It's quite a leap to say that Maou isn't strong in combat. We really don't know what she is capable of doing.
The Hero looks pretty scrawny, but he's the only human we've seen using magic at all, and he is considered a beast of a fighter, reportedly several magnitudes stronger than Lady Knight.
Head maid doesn't look suited for combat either, and not only is she a General (who presumably must keep the more...obviously strong monsters in line under her command), she uses summoned ghosts/spirits to attack.
I suspect Maou's magical abilities have been carefully hidden, because utilizing them doesn't serve her goal, and it was to her benefit to look powerless when convincing the Hero of her plan.
The Hero is a monster in everything, even in pheromones.