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Thread: Maoyuu Maou Yuusha

  1. #41
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. Maou is just a single person. If a random demon was taken from the demon realm, it's possible that one could be a truly horrible individual. But if Maou has been Maou for pretty much all her life, what manner of a personality would you have her possess? If she's a monarch of an empire, it has to show in her character. Maybe she's preachy, has a holier than thou attitude, and she's always right, and is sure her vision for changing the world is ultimately the very best one, if not the only choice for ending the war. However, if she didn't have such an attitude, do you think she would have sent away all her guards and waited empty-handed for the hero to appear to try to win him over? No, she wouldn't have. It's precisely because she believes so strongly in her plan and views that she betted her life, and maybe her whole domain. In conjunction with that, one can deduce the head maid is somewhat akin or Maou wouldn't have dared to let her into the plan.

  2. #42
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Dragon View Post
    As far as the hero neutrality goes, the scene at the end of the second episode is simply him contemplating his usefulness in this situation. We have the demon queen doing her as much as she can to change the villager's mind and even the children are studying and training. He find himself incapable of doing much other than swinging a sword, which is a dilemma many warriors faces in time of peace. I would suggest that this mean the show is very aware of how insignificant the hero role is currently and we will probably see a shift to where he becomes a proactive force in changing the world.
    I felt this was the most important scene in the entire episode, out shadowing anything going on with the maids or the Maou.

    The hero's problem is two-fold. He's only good at killing, and he wants to feel like he is a worthy match to Maou. Little sister maid tries to cheer him up by saying he's bringing food, so that solves the "just good for killing part," but on the other hand, he's only contributing to one household (a few at most), not helping the entire village, or in time, the entire world.

    It's not that he feels inadequate to her superiority. It's that the two of them are attempting to better the entire world, and at present, he sees himself only helping a half-dozen, while Maou is already making headway on improving the entire village.

  3. #43
    I don't think I have to like Maoh's or the maid's (who I meant specifically whenever I said 'the demons' for the sake of convenience, not to make assumptions on the nature of all demon kind in this universe) personalities to agree with, or at least not oppose, their overall viewpoints and goals. But since I have some cynical reservations about them based on their actions and my interpretations of them, I'm going to tell it like I see it and going forward I'm probably going to be less receptive to their messages than I might have been if I thought they were a grand couple of gals who could do no wrong. I will try to avoid beating the dead horse by jumping down their throats over every little thing they might do that irks me though.

  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 3 720p | 1080p

    - - -- - - --

    Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew. That's taters! I guess it's kind of fitting timing wise. Though kind of hard to believe humans wouldn't have them already if demons have been eating them all along. Or perhaps it's because demons themselves haven't been preferring them and thus they remained as some minor outback food, not spreading to the human lands.

    Hero haven't even held Maou's hand after six months? It's somewhat clear he's not gay, so there's something clearly wrong about him, considering Maou is more or less pushing herself on him.

  5. #45
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Please tell me he is going to wear that armor and wield that sword!!

    So far I like this show, I would have prefered a more "realistic" setting but it's okay.... and smaller boobs would've been fine too, they are distracting and out of place because so far this show didn't really try to be ecchi in any kind of way imho.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sat, 01-19-2013 at 11:20 AM.

  6. #46
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    She just has those things and doesn't seem to be too happy with em anyway, since they are ' useless meat'. But yeah Hero will wear that armor and sword. At least I know bout the armor. Forgot bout the sword though.

  7. #47
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #48
    I'm pretty disappointed they didn't animate any of the action scenes.

  9. #49
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus View Post
    I'm pretty disappointed they didn't animate any of the action scenes.
    I suppose being an economics show, the merchant trades take precedence. I'm not too bothered, but the armour's cool so I wouldn't have minded either.

    I'm not entirely sure what's going on geographically. All I'm really gathering is that humans reside in the northern hemisphere while demons are in the south. Exactly what problems are required to be solved in the demon world are also yet to be discussed on. I've assumed that the crops Maou experiments with are all crops that either do well, or are known about in the Demon world, and that she's simply trialling things to make sure they work in human lands before giving it to them.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #50
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    From what I've gathered, humans live in the southern hemisphere entirely. Demons live in the demon realm, which is connected to the southernmost regions of the human realms by the huge teleportation gate of standing stones.

    Until Maou appeared, humans seemed entirely dependent on wheat alone. Southern nations are poor and live in snowy, cold climates. Too cold for wheat, but ideal for potatoes and other hearty plants. Rye would probably work well too. The further north you go, it gets hotter. Maou mentioned that the corn needs to get to at least 30C (86F) to bud, so they seem to be concentrated in an area where the climate resembles northern Europe and southern Scandinavia, flipped into the southern hemisphere. The northern, more arid and hotter regions are wilderness, unsettled. The central areas are temperate and perfect for wheat.

    Then the demon realms are depicted even further south on the maps, but their climate is far more arid in general. The demons entered through the gate and claimed one of the southernmost islands, snowy a large amount of the time. Yuusha said he could end the war by destroying that gate. That combination leads me to conclude the demons live in a separate world connected to the human one.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 01-26-2013 at 05:38 AM. Reason: more details

  11. #51
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I was a bit surprised at the corn low water requirements, then remembered that only a very small variety of corn is industrially priviledged in our civilisation and is grown with a large spill of water.
    I then remembered I experienced growth of other varieties in Portugal, that needed far less water but ended in very poor ROI although that was enough for the families growing them and was integrating well in the rotations and other varieties they grew on those soils.

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  12. #52
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The business deal was left a bit inconclusive in my opinion. Even though Maou got the businessmen to agree to it by reminding them of profits, they still left without knowing what she was going to gain from the deal. She did act like an inexperienced girl to a degree (somebody who could be ripped off), but considering she was offering the traders something novel that could generate huge profits, I doubt they could have bought that act entirely, especially with the compass and everything. I can't help but wonder if that was indeed exactly how Maou had planned: To leave the men partially in shadow and doubt, wondering what manner of a scheme she would later use to realise her own gains, or if it was just a flaw in the script.

  13. #53
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I don't know about that. She essentially promised them an entirely new market with an enduring legacy of expansion. In return, all she asked was that they quit enabling the war effort, something they are uniquely suited to do. By reducing war profiteer revenue by say...10%, she is allowing them to expand their entire business empire by 25% into an area where they are assured zero competition.

    The mystery is how she would enforce this. Little do they know that she really doesn't care. Her and the hero's long term goal is to make the human lands self-sustaining and raise the overall standard of living, no longer reliant on the war.

    I idly wonder what her plans are for the demon realm as well. We're not even aware of what long-term issues it has been having.

  14. #54
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    From what I've gathered, humans live in the southern hemisphere entirely. Demons live in the demon realm, which is connected to the southernmost regions of the human realms by the huge teleportation gate of standing stones.

    Until Maou appeared, humans seemed entirely dependent on wheat alone. Southern nations are poor and live in snowy, cold climates. Too cold for wheat, but ideal for potatoes and other hearty plants. Rye would probably work well too. The further north you go, it gets hotter. Maou mentioned that the corn needs to get to at least 30C (86F) to bud, so they seem to be concentrated in an area where the climate resembles northern Europe and southern Scandinavia, flipped into the southern hemisphere. The northern, more arid and hotter regions are wilderness, unsettled. The central areas are temperate and perfect for wheat.

    Then the demon realms are depicted even further south on the maps, but their climate is far more arid in general. The demons entered through the gate and claimed one of the southernmost islands, snowy a large amount of the time. Yuusha said he could end the war by destroying that gate. That combination leads me to conclude the demons live in a separate world connected to the human one.
    Humans living in the Southern hemisphere makes sense. That's what I thought initially as well, but then having the Demon Realm even more south confused the hell out of me.

    But if the access is only via the gate, I don't see why it's not even guarded. I'd camp the fuck out of the place if that's where my enemies would randomly pop up.

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  15. #55
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I don't know about that. She essentially promised them an entirely new market with an enduring legacy of expansion. In return, all she asked was that they quit enabling the war effort, something they are uniquely suited to do. By reducing war profiteer revenue by say...10%, she is allowing them to expand their entire business empire by 25% into an area where they are assured zero competition.

    The mystery is how she would enforce this. Little do they know that she really doesn't care. Her and the hero's long term goal is to make the human lands self-sustaining and raise the overall standard of living, no longer reliant on the war.

    I idly wonder what her plans are for the demon realm as well. We're not even aware of what long-term issues it has been having.
    The only qualms I have with the more food=no war idea is that it's wrong in the long term...
    I mean more and easier food will either benefit the ones in control and/or create explosive birthrates.
    In the end, either your population sees almost no effect, or in the long term you have that much more people to feed and they will likely accept wars if starved... as your new production schemes are at the limits again with the bigger number of people to feed.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  16. #56
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    The only qualms I have with the more food=no war idea is that it's wrong in the long term...
    I mean more and easier food will either benefit the ones in control and/or create explosive birthrates.
    In the end, either your population sees almost no effect, or in the long term you have that much more people to feed and they will likely accept wars if starved... as your new production schemes are at the limits again with the bigger number of people to feed.
    The case is that the southern countries are reliant on funding from the central nations to feed their people. The segments so far suggest that the governments of these countries don't wish this to be so, but have no means of funding their country otherwise. Maou is providing that outlet for them, while at the same time providing something else for the Alliance to make money off besides the war.

    As for explosive birth-rates... well it's kind of happened in real life already. I'm of the opinion that our current population is too large as it is, given our resources.

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  17. #57
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    I don't know about that. She essentially promised them an entirely new market with an enduring legacy of expansion. In return, all she asked was that they quit enabling the war effort, something they are uniquely suited to do. By reducing war profiteer revenue by say...10%, she is allowing them to expand their entire business empire by 25% into an area where they are assured zero competition.

    The mystery is how she would enforce this. Little do they know that she really doesn't care. Her and the hero's long term goal is to make the human lands self-sustaining and raise the overall standard of living, no longer reliant on the war.
    And what does she get out of it all? The end of the war? When she first mentioned that, the traders were about to call in their troops! But she calmed them down by starting to talk about profits. The merchants must believe that she's going to make money (or gain political power) out of it as well, one way or another, or otherwise they wouldn't trust her at all, because it would be too suspicious for them - unless they thought she's just a naive idealist, but I think she's offering too much to be considered a fool.

  18. #58
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Regarding my statement earlier, she can also be selfish and just want to see a world without war for some years while she's living. But only to have the problem coming back years later.
    Unless they can create a society that can live without wars and take care of everyone, weak included, without having all that weight on the shoulders of the working force.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  19. #59
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    And what does she get out of it all? The end of the war? When she first mentioned that, the traders were about to call in their troops!
    They were calling the troops because he must have felt it was some sort of trap, I think (or he forgot what the Alliance preaches). When she reminded him that they've got something to gain, and therefore should help each other out he no longer considers this act an act of treason.

    It doesn't matter what Maou wants to do. The Alliance should help her because it's profitable. Period.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #60
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    Regarding my statement earlier, she can also be selfish and just want to see a world without war for some years while she's living. But only to have the problem coming back years later.
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    They were calling the troops because he must have felt it was some sort of trap, I think (or he forgot what the Alliance preaches). When she reminded him that they've got something to gain, and therefore should help each other out he no longer considers this act an act of treason.

    It doesn't matter what Maou wants to do. The Alliance should help her because it's profitable. Period.
    Of course the Alliance only cares about profits. And it's true they were about to call in the troops because they both feared a political trap and because they wouldn't have wanted to travel that far with nothing to show for it, so they would have used force to extract something out of it. However, what I'm talking about is what things look like and how those people think. A through and through merchant will only trust mutual greed. If the other side tells it's working for world peace or some other nonsense, a true merchant can't help but feel it's just empty talk to mask the true purpose. So, to get a deal with a merchant, you have to give an impression you are as well profiting normally from the deal - and everything will go smoothly. Of course you may get backstabbed later if you don't take care, but that's just business as usual.

    It's like somebody unknown coming to you, Bill, to sell you a DAC worth 5000 dollars for 50 dollars. And when you ask why, the person would tell that since you seem to like high quality audio, they thought to give you a piece of awesome equipment practically for free. Sure, you might buy it, but you couldn't help thinking in reality it's a stolen device or perhaps it's irreversibly broken, or even dangerous to other electric appliances connected to it. However, if they asked, say 1500 dollars for it, you might consider it a normal deal, if you were into buying second-hand stuff.

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