Breath of fire 3.
It's your basic sprite styled RPG. You get to transform into different dragon types and kick ass. It was also the first RPG I played that allowed you to use your weapons outside of battle. 9/10
Breath of fire 3.
It's your basic sprite styled RPG. You get to transform into different dragon types and kick ass. It was also the first RPG I played that allowed you to use your weapons outside of battle. 9/10
All Star Mario RPG *SNES yEaH I hope it comes back on GBA* good game !
All the Final Fantasies (1-3 for NES 4-6 for SNES), Chrono Trigger (SNES), Tales of Phantasia (I think this is the one for SNES) and Breath of Fire (1-3 SNES).
I would rank them like this:
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy IV
Tales of Phantasia
Breath of Fire III
Final Fantasy V
and then the 3 NES ones.
I may give a review for each later if I have time. You can probably find some online, though.
FF series, also check out Landgrisser series for Genesis.
well my exams finish in about 2 weeks, and i plan on sitting on my ass playing games untill skool starts again.
so if u guys can plz gimme the names of some good rpgs for snes....i plan on *trying* to finish ff6/3 which i started like 4 years ago. i couldn't get past that stupid coral eating treasure chest
anyway, post a description of the rpg as well, and any other intresting things, and give a rating outta 10.
chrono trigger-a fun game~~9/10
secret of mana-another fun game8/10
Hmz.. how about Final Fantasy 7.. Ok it doesn't sound old.. But that is what I played during my skool time... Or Breath of Fire,the early games..
River City Ransom! NES Style!
Illusion of Time: I played this ages ago and if I recall correctly it's about a boy who's searching for his lost father. You don't have a party and you can change into 2 (?) other fighters later. It was my first SNES Rpg. 9/10
If you plan to go the route of emu and roms get a sega one too!!
lufia 1: 7.5/10 Score would be better, but the battle system is like the older ff’s
lufia 2: 9.5/10 Better battle system then the first. Good plot
Both are very cool games. They planned to make a second one from the start so the first is the second one in an odd sorta way. The 99 floor cave that constantly changes can keep you going for days alone.
final fantasy 3 8/10 imo the first good ff.
Secret of mana 9/10 Fun game, for it’s time very unique. Good battle ai system too.
Super Mario rpg 8/10 One of the last games they made for the snes so they pushed the snes for all the graphics it could handle. Fun game, and one of the best looking snes games.
Chrono trigger: 8/10 Fun good steady plot, a few side quests/ mini games too.
Phantasy Star 4!!!! 12/10 Great rpg! Anime influenced still panned cut scenes . Great plot …a little sad tho. Lots of weapons, skills, techs, and vehicles… you also travel to different planets. You can combine techs, and skills with other characters for better attacks. A lot to this game.
Phantasy star 3 9/10 Fun a bit like 4, but not as good still very much worth playing.
Phantasy star 2 6.5/10 Fun, but it doesn’t stand the test of time as well as the others.
Shining Force 1 8/10 Fun, Good strategy rpg. Kinda easy tho.
Shining Force 2 7/10 Not quite as good as the first one. a few of the characters are to strong, so if you like a challenge you end up picking the weak characters for your party.
Shining in the Darkness: 8/10 a dungeon rpg, fun, but not that big. If you sat down and really tried you could beat it in a day.
Dungeons & Dragons rise of the eternal sun. 5.5/10 Good enough to mention, but there are a few silly glitch type things in the game. When in caves or dungeons creatures won’t attack if they are 4 spaces away, but you can still do distance attacks on them i.e magic or throwing weapons. So you can kill a red fire dragon at lvl 1 by doing this.
I have all the SNES and GENESIS games but no emulatorcan someone help me out??
zophars domain had a buncha emulators back in the day. try it.
if not, there's always vimm
man, i played Legend of the Dragoon day in and day out a few years ago. not the best graphics, battles get a little boring, but its one of those games you still like to play because you wanna know whats gonna happen. and i love those kinda games![]()
Terranigma is a badass SNES rpg, just started playing it. and a good place for roms and emu's is Cherry ROMS
Tales of Phantasia,best RPG EVER FOR SNES,and one of the BEST OF ALL TIME!!!
Hopefully you'll get the emphasis.
Chrono Trigger from back in the day when SNES was on top.
Magus owns!
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
Besides from the final fantasy games the breath of fire serie is quite good.
also secret of mana is a 9'er aswell as Terranigma (has another name but can never remember)
I have always been into RPG's so I think I know most that will be mentioned in here
Alright, I gotta throw in my 2 cents for a game that is often overlooked. Illusion of Gaia. This game is sweet. It combines elements of story telling, action RPG, and puzzle solving in such a way that there is never a dull moment. Find a complete review, w/ screen shots, here.
mario and the 7 stars
[21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot
I know there not for snes there for playstation. Im sry. BUT people these are great games! Lunar Silver Star Story And luner 2 Eternal Blue complete. It all in sprites And is filled with Animne FMV sequenes that are just beutiful. Play them!
ANd i know Super Metriod isnt really an RPg but youll have just as much fun with it as you would an rpg.
CreamOfNature, yea, those games were sweet. I also highly recomend them.
BTW, does anyone know if they are better on the playstation or the Sega CD?