Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
Araragi getting together with Hanekawa while his feelings are mostly extreme gratitude and not romantic love will only end up in suffering for them both. He knew this, so he decided to not to pursue it. He already knew this when he realized that he wanted to die for Hanekawa, a feeling different from loving someone. You may choose to die for the person you love if necessary, but you don't want such a situation to arise. He did.
I mean, it's one thing to not love someone for whatever reason, but it's another to swear off *ever* loving said person, which is what he did. Hanekawa is awesome in every respect, I can't quite find the flaw she has or the mistake she made that would cause him to just swear her off. I don't get it, but whatever. The show was good though. I just really, *really* wanted to crack a solid body electric guitar over his skull.

Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
Araragi has always been a preachy idiotic asshole with no concern for other people's wills. That is why he got along so well with Hitagi, who is a more extreme version of him, without the idiocy.
Yeah...I'm starting to see that.