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Thread: Episode 60 discussion thread

  1. #1
    basicly i noticed five things:

    1. well! i must say some action is very refreshing to see finally. those filler episodes were killing me.

    2. Neji is a complete badass, as far as i can tell im not so sure naruto is gonna do quite as hot as some people seemed to think course, its only just begun, as naruto said...

    3. this episode pissed me off to no end. i remember watching dbz on good ole toonami, and basicly being turned off by the infamous "sinister brooding music accompaining supposedly suspenseful shots of trees" scenes, i sincerily hope i wont remember being turned off naruto due to infamous scenes of "sinister brooding music accompaining supposedly suspenseful shots of drops of sweat". seriously, after so much filler material, to include that ridiculous showdown section was awful. i dont want to have to put up with that crap anymore. no more pointless scenes!

    4. animation was pretty good i thought, the grass at the end was amazing.

    5. i want to see 61 already.

  2. #2
    I have to agree, that staring down bit was a bit painful for me to watch. I really felt it was pointless, we already understand the tension between neji and naruto and did not need any further emphasis with a 5 minute stare-down. But that grass at the end kicked ass, I wish they paid as much attention to the actual animation of the characters sometimes as they did to this grass. I'm getting a bit tired of watching the forbidden jutsu "kage-bunshin" get its ass beat with such regularity, the characters sometimes to seem to have more trouble fighting one naruto than fighting 4 of them.

  3. #3
    Well, then lets hope he'll use his summon frog tecnique. However I likeds narutos fighting in the beginning. The stunts were great, and he isnt clumsy anymore

  4. #4
    stop comparing it with dbz.. like i already said somewhere, you can compare any anime with something if you look at it your way.. hey if you know dbz that probably watched it and liked it.
    Anyways i think the episode was ok after all.. i saw the subbed yesterday and it was ok
    the animation was good but i dont get why you liked the grass that much, it didn't look great in 3d..
    Too bad about the slow motion parts, a bit is allowed but not alot :/
    overall rating: 6/10

  5. #5
    i hope naruto will save the summon technique to the last match...that will be more interesting...
    i fell that naruto 60 is a little bit dragging... loads of histories but the fighting moves are awesome

  6. #6
    I can't believe you guys are complaining that the episode is not so good. Its one of the best. The building up of suspends and the fighting style. Just be patient and don't rush it. My favourite scene is the ending where the episode ended with kage-bunshin and millions if naruto clones appeared.

  7. #7
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    It's kind of like DBZ, too much talk, not enough fight.

  8. #8
    I agree it was a very good episode... I actualyl dont see either what was wrong with it..

  9. #9
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DrunkPotHead @ Dec 1 2003, 12:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I havent read the manga but from the way i saw the preview, i think that this fight id gonna drag out for 3 episodes because i didnt see the frog in the previews and neji seems impervious to kage bunshin&#39;s attack... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Personnally I think Naruto will save his frog jutsu for his next fight, because he doesn&#39;t want to show all his moves in his first combat. Plus, he would benefit from the surprise factor.

    How could he impress the crowd in his (presumed) next fight if he has no moves left?

  10. #10
    I don&#39;t think Naruto will use the frog. He&#39;ll save one of his best moves for his fight against either Sasuke or Gaara. Beating Neji will be tough for him by just using Kage Bunshin, i don&#39;t see how he&#39;s gonna pull it off. I think this fight may take a little longer than some other&#39;s because they will show Neji flashbacks sometime, it&#39;s a near guarentee. We&#39;ll find out what&#39;s made him such an asshole.

  11. #11
    I wanna see the Nine Tails,show the kyuubi.This episode was dragged out,and the next one will be too.The real action will be 62,from the previews of 61,it looks almost as bad as 60.

  12. #12
    the ep was good no doubt, but i think alot of ppl feel cheated out of thier weekly dose of naruto .....after suffering thru the prelims and filler eps, most of us wanna c some kickass fights, not drops of sweat.

    also, i agree about the kagebunshin bieng defeated so easily. everyone seems surprised that naruto can use it since its a &quot;jounin&quot; level move, but every god damn ninja in the village can defeat it. and its not like naruto&#39;s the weakling he used to be, so it shouldn&#39;t suck that much. anyway, thats just what i think.

    i dont remember what grass u guys are talking about, but then i saw the ep last thursday, and it was 4 in the morning......well only a few more days till the next one comes out. hopefully it wont disappoint (as much) almost tempted to start reading the manga

  13. #13
    Funny you should bring up DBZ. I used to belong to a DBZ hub on the DC++ Network... Me and mah hubby were watching it and suddenly he bust out with, &quot;ON THE NEXT, DRAG&#39;N BALLL ZZZZZZZZ&quot;. We both laughed and pointed out the comparison in the middle of the episode...

    Anyway, Naruto&#39;s not nearly as bad as DBZ, but sometimes they&#39;re allowed slightly overly long dramatism.

    We feel cheated out of our Naruto because the show seems to build Naruto up alot while letting us down in actual confrontations. The writer is to blame for that.

    Just remember that Naruto is half a comedy, and a story about the growing pains of ninja-in-training, not about Naruto&#39;s ability to kick everyone&#39;s ass. That&#39;s why some episodes center so much on other ninja. Naruto is the main character, but there are many other important characters with important stories to tell.

    Oh yes, and one more point. About Naruto&#39;s Kage No Bunshin seeming to be beaten by everyone; I seem to remember it being truly beaten by Zabuza, the Closet Pervert, and Neji (who is considered the previous year&#39;s strongest Gennin and a Genius Ninja himself). Correct me if I&#39;m wrong -- it&#39;s very late right now. But I&#39;d also like to point out that a sword in the hand of a child is not nearly as dangerous as a sword in the hand of a trained fighter. Naruto doesn&#39;t have the experience it takes to use his Kage No Bunshin to its maximum potential. Every Master has pointed out to Naruto that his Chakra control lacks compared to Sakura, who is basically the weakest ninja of Kakashi&#39;s team, (maybe even out of all the Gennins). No doubt, even if he creates a hundred replicas, he wouldn&#39;t be very good at regulating them.

  14. #14
    Naruto will definatly use the frog, oh and Villin, have fun on your 5 day vacation, thats the 3rd time you&#39;ve talked about the manga when warned not to, not to mention 2 spoilers.

    Anyways.Kage bunshin doesn&#39;t take that much chakra i dont think because he does it easily, its just molding the chakra and being able to perform the jutsu thats hard, but it might take a lot, but we&#39;ve seen that can he can do many times without getting tired..

  15. #15
    the first time I watched this episode, the staring down, and music that went on for like 3 minutes really pissed me off. But the second time I watched it I was able to enjoy it more since I wasnt wondering when the hell they were going to start fighting already.

    Naruto&#39;s move&#39;s were kind of cool as well, his Taijutsu is kind of sloppy but very cool in its own way. I think as a whole the fight will be good but just as a single episode this was slightly an annoying one.

  16. #16
    The reason every one can beat naruto&#39;s clones so easy,is simply becase each one is 1/10 of naurto and as we have seen naurto has poor to average fighting skills.

    Another thing havent most of the people to recognize kage bunshin, all Jonin level and or the best in the ninja academy(neji- Sasuke)

  17. #17
    No your thinking of water clones, shadow clones are equal to the strength, or really close.

  18. #18
    Hmmmm In that ep vs Zabuza dint they Imply that shadow clones and water clones were about the same with what kakashi said ? When he was thinking about helping naurto and sauske did he not say that if he shadow clones that zabuza would water clone, therefor implying that they were the same strength.

  19. #19
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
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    I&#39;m going with Krbadass with the clone theory Zabuza even says its water clone thats 1/10 strength of the user

    Kage Bunshin on the other hand distributes the strength evenly amoung the clones (I think Neji said something along those lines in Eps 60)

    So with Kage Bunshin more clones = Less power each clone has

    Sorta like getting a wad of gum and stretching it. The more you stretch the thinner it gets

    I know i know bad analogy but i&#39;m not a very creative person so... meh

  20. #20
    Well to start off, yes the stare down was annoying, lets just hope it doesn&#39;t happen again and that the creators can read english and read our forums for advice .

    Now to move on. Man, I don&#39;t think he&#39;s going to pull out the frog yet. Thats like his savior move. I bet he beats Neji just with Kage no Bunshin and trickery. After all he is the number one surprise Ninja.

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