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Thread: Episode 60 discussion thread

  1. #21
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    i wouldnt say the clones are weaker.....i think the only real problem of kage bunshin is it distributes the CHAKRA, not the actual strength, but its not so much of a problem for naruto, since he can afford to distribute his large amount of chakra. You guys also point out how kage bunshin shouldnt be defeated so easily, well the power behind kage bunshin isnt in the jutsu itself, but potential that it has. Naruto's not that great at taijutsu, so therefore even if there are 5 of him, both neji and kiba shouldnt have a hard time, cause they are both skilled at taijutsu. Now if someone like rock lee could use kage bunshin....then imagine the damage that would inflict on the gaara match! Another potential use for kage bunshin that would make it really powerful is for ninjutsus......if sasuke was to use kage bunshin, he could have fireballs flying ALL OVER the place (if he had the kinda crazy chakra stamina that naruto has, at least). Since naruto doesnt really have much else in taijutsu or ninjutsu, he has to resort to more creative ways to using the technique.

    Its just a shame that he usually attacks blindly until he's lucky enough to discover a weakness in the enemy
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #22
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Assassin &#064; Dec 1 2003, 06:31 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>also, i agree about the kagebunshin bieng defeated so easily. everyone seems surprised that naruto can use it since its a &quot;jounin&quot; level move, but every god damn ninja in the village can defeat it. and its not like naruto&#39;s the weakling he used to be, so it shouldn&#39;t suck that much. anyway, thats just what i think.

    </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    my question is this, why the hell does everyone in the village instantly recognize the forbiden jitsu when they see it?
    everyone and their damn dog knows of it,

    &quot;oh that kagebushin a jounin level techique that is forbiden&quot;

    you think more people could to it if they already knew what it was.
    other than that one little thing i enjoy every aspect of the show, even the long dramatic stare downs,
    that just means that the fighting that follows is going to kick more ass than the last time.
    i just thought that i should bitch like everyone else seems to be doing in this thread,
    well time to follow the herd like a good little sheep would.

  3. #23
    i liked the eps. i don&#39;t have any complaints about the stand-off or the fight. certainly don&#39;t see the comparision to DBZ, and i have wasted my share of time watching it.
    the only thing that really pisses me off is that i know i wont get a Naruto 2004 Calendar because i don&#39;t live in Japan. i just think that&#39;ld be cool to have hanging up in the room.

  4. #24
    I personally loved the episode, but I had friends over that day and I put myself in their position. Them not seeing any other previous episodes, and them not understanding anything about the Naruto world.... that episode sucked&#33;&#33;&#33;

  5. #25
    Talking about fillers, that is one of the parts that makes Naruto so nice to watch. I mean, without fillers it would just go down to the things where fighting and stuff happens. That would leave out humour, deep plot and the feelings. Without fillers, Naruto would be a plain and simple action anime, and i wouldn&#39;t like Naruto half as much if that was the case.

    Personally i like the fillers, the question for me is just what kinds of fillers there should be in Naruto.

    That, and the fact that watching 60 only makes me watch 61 even more makes 60 one hell of an ep.

  6. #26
    60 was still a little to much fluff not really noteworthy enough to discuss, but I&#39;m glad they got to the finals. Oh yeah I thought it was funny as hell when everyone was like &quot;wow, kagebunshin.... I didn&#39;t know he could do that&#33;&quot; Naruto has used it every ep, 10 times an ep for the last 58 eps&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; wtf everyone knows he can do it.

  7. #27
    neji said that the CHAKRA was evenly distributed not POWER

    huge difference.

  8. #28
    I liked the episode, hell, I like all the episodes but the 5 minute starring down wanted me strangle Masashi Kishimoto.

    The thing i really noticed was, that Naruto&#39;s fighting technique is kinda, how should i put this.


    I dunno man, the way he attacks looks so sloppy compared to the fluid and beautiful movements of the other characters.

  9. #29
    i really like the chapter, does kiba cut his hair???

  10. #30
    Ok, check it out.

    Some of you may bitch about the &quot;filler&quot; or the standoffs, but if you sit down and watch the episodes all the way through, one after the other....the suspense is incredible.

    Whenever I get a weekly episode, I watch the previous week&#39;s one right before I check out the new one. All of the filler and intensity is what makes Naruto a helluva lot better than those other &quot;all fight&quot; series...

    When it&#39;s done right, it&#39;s great. Just as long as it doesn&#39;t become &quot;cardcaptors&quot; or &quot;DBZ&quot;, I&#39;ll be just fine. and trust me, Naruto is SO much better.

    Kage Bunshin No Jutsu&#33; SO MANY narutos&#33; Cant wait till ep. 61&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;


  11. #31
    Kage Bunshin: Don&#39;t forget something. Kage Bunshin takes a lot of Chakra. The rest of it is used for the power of the clones. It is easier to kill 10 weak persons not working together than 1 strong one.

  12. #32
    also remember that Naruto used kage bunshin repeatedly for a long period of time during that battle in the forest before they reached the tower. the kids got some stamina

  13. #33
    I havent read the manga but from the way i saw the preview, i think that this fight id gonna drag out for 3 episodes because i didnt see the frog in the previews and neji seems impervious to kage bunshin&#39;s attack...

  14. #34
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DrunkPotHead &#064; Dec 1 2003, 02:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I havent read the manga but from the way i saw the preview, i think that this fight id gonna drag out for 3 episodes because i didnt see the frog in the previews and neji seems impervious to kage bunshin&#39;s attack... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Don&#39;t talk about the manga baka, have a nice vacation.

  15. #35
    perhaps word of mouth, maybe I&#39;m being a little presumptuous, but I would the think the people who have seen it would tell the others. Iruka has seen it, the closet pervert has seen it, Jiraiya and Kakashi have seen it. I know it didn&#39;t happen in the series, obviously, but wouldn&#39;t that be a likely way for high ranking shinobi to have heard that this Naruto kid can do Kage Bunshin.

  16. #36
    Yea Neji is a little quick to judge both Hinata and Naruto. Naruto needs some guidance and when he gets it he improves alot all the time, if hinata would come over her fear of her self and all that and train she could probably be as good as Neji. But her father just thinks she&#39;s worthless cause she didnt learn as fast as he would hope, maby he isnt a good teacher or whatever. Naruto&#39;s Destiny is alot bigger than Neji could ever imagine . Naruto just comes from a &quot;looser&quot; past and not born talentless. Too bad Naruto would go easy on Neji the one who should fight Neji is Gaara He should also be a looser in Nejis eye&#39;s. No friends not popular, ppl dont wanna be arround him and so on.

  17. #37
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Xeo @ Dec 2 2003, 12:00 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Stare down was alright, we almost expect that from a Naruto episode nowadays. I mean, I was surprised at how much all those episodes between the prelims and 3rd Exam had. But now, we&#39;re back at prelim pace: long, slow, gruelling but still good.
    What I found interesting was how Neji &quot;missed&quot; the tenketsu... I mean, he&#39;s so talented at everything that it&#39;s hard to believe he missed. I just wonder if there&#39;s more to it that simply missing.
    Another point is that Neji keeps saying ninja&#39;s are born with their fate of being strong or weak. I can&#39;t help but keep thinking of the sarcasism of that statement. In the 3rd Exam, only Naruto and Gaara seem to be born strong. Neji isn&#39;t even close :-) On to 61&#33; Can&#39;t wait. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Neji didnt miss, but before he hit, Naruto remembered what Neji&#39;s fighting style was, and he managed to dodge just in time. I think that&#39;s what happened....It all happened so fast...I gotta watch it again&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

  18. #38
    Stare down was alright, we almost expect that from a Naruto episode nowadays. I mean, I was surprised at how much all those episodes between the prelims and 3rd Exam had. But now, we&#39;re back at prelim pace: long, slow, gruelling but still good.
    What I found interesting was how Neji &quot;missed&quot; the tenketsu... I mean, he&#39;s so talented at everything that it&#39;s hard to believe he missed. I just wonder if there&#39;s more to it that simply missing.
    Another point is that Neji keeps saying ninja&#39;s are born with their fate of being strong or weak. I can&#39;t help but keep thinking of the sarcasism of that statement. In the 3rd Exam, only Naruto and Gaara seem to be born strong. Neji isn&#39;t even close :-) On to 61&#33; Can&#39;t wait.

  19. #39
    How would the other high shinobi know he could use kage bunshin? they dont.

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