hi there
I know we had a thread like that allready , but i can't find it anymore
i want to have a cursed seal , like sasuke.
i thougt about it very long , but now Im sure , i WANT it.
the "problem" is:
I cant just go to a tattoo-studio (? don't know the english word , im german )
and tell that guy " hey make me a cursed seal" ...you know waht I mean?
he wouldn't know waht i want
So I need Pictures...as much Pictures as possible.
Quality doesn't matter , just post or send (lohmi36@gmx.de) me the pics you know and have.
I just faound some crappy little pics that aren't really usefull.
I doenst have to be sasukes Seal , it can also be the seal of one of the sound-guys (do they ever show it ? O_o)
I hope you can help me with that , and of course (if you want^^) i would post pictures of myself after "being cursed" but you would have to wait until ~30 dec
if theres an problem with my grammar or sth. , i'm verry sorry.... i just have nglish in schol for 1 and a half year now
Edit: oh..i see...all of the old topics were delted...thats why i just have 1 post on my counter