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Thread: I get a message when I click on a download link

  1. #1
    ok, i feel like an idot now since this is my first thread and first day as a member, i didn't know that u have to make a folder titled Naruto, i put in another destination path for the ost and thats y it didn't work, when that happened i just clicked on any random episode link and it didnt work, then it finally worked once i selected the naruto folder, ok, mods u r free to delete this topic since it is a waste of time now, sorry for wasting your time to whoever has read my problem

  2. #2
    It's allright, I glad you got it fixed.

  3. #3
    I always download naruto episodes off of here, but now this morning, i cant download anything, when i click it tells me to put in a file destination like so, then when i click ok, i get an error message stating
    "Trouble accessing files - [Errno 13] Permission Denied: `D:\\[AGO-AonE]_(filename of file), can anyone help me, is this just a mistake and it will be fine by this afternoon or something?

  4. #4
    Try restarting your computer.
    If that doesn't work, try redownloading bittorrent.

  5. #5
    no that didnt work

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