As this arc seems to be going to is end,i think the time has come to ask this question "who is going to take down Dofla?".For most the obvious answer would be Luffy but i think differently.IMO the best way to guess about his future opponent is to take a look at Doflamingo's ability and when you look at it looks like he has the power to control your body movement at will as well as slicing people like a butcher.So for me his best opponent would be Law since it looks like their ability are a good match with his room ithink the fight would be interesting.Don't give me wrong,i don't expect someone like Doflamingo to go down that easily against Law because after all if he has a subordinate Vergo under his wing,it certainly means that the guy is mad strong.I am sure need help from someone(probably Luffy) but in the end i am sure Traffy will be the one to take him down.But hey,that my opinion.
Anyway i would like to know what you think it