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Thread: Attack on Titan: Shingeki no Kyojin

  1. #361
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Given that there's a very real possibility that they have some kind of saboteur within their ranks trying to prevent them from learning about titans, I have to say announcing the thing about Erin's basement to the entire crowd was incredibly stupid.

    Armin thinks so too, so I'm guessing there's a trick involved.

  2. #362
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    For everyone claiming that the animation in this show is "terrible", can you suggest a few anime with better animation? Because I find this animation to be quite good.

  3. #363
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    For everyone claiming that the animation in this show is "terrible", can you suggest a few anime with better animation? Because I find this animation to be quite good.
    It's not bad all the time.
    It's just it can get really bad... and sometimes that's for the most part of an ep.

    On average, it's been a tad better I'd say.

    But when you have fun, you tend to forget about those details, that's why you might feel it's still ok.

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  4. #364
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    So next episode we see a blonde and intelligent titan. That really narrows it down to who it really is. Or who is can be.

  5. #365
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    So next episode we see a blonde and intelligent titan. That really narrows it down to who it really is. Or who is can be.
    I like you man, i was just about to post that.

  6. #366
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    That would explain that weird scene from a few episodes ago.

  7. #367
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    The only person who isn't with the group is Annie since she joined the military. That Titan is clearly like Eren since it looks nothing like the normal ones. Also guessing that she's the one who cut up those captive Titans. If it is her anyway.

  8. #368
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    She probably ate Marco too since they're suddenly making a deal out of how nobody saw him die.

  9. #369
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I hate spoiler previews, as I never watch them... but people keep talking about them.
    Had to watch that one too.

    So Eren would not be the only one to be able to transform and be able to go back to human form. But he's only a rookie at it... since it seems that other one might have more control. The problem being she's against humanity. Or should I say against that group of humans.

    I guess everyone felt that when Eren got his power in the show, the Titans as they are would not be enough to have an eventful story. It's only normal we get something else to counter that new power.

    Now we're back to who controls that Titan power, who conducts the experiments creating such monster, and why.
    It could really be the inner walls humans, or another group from the outside.

    BTW, having controllable Titans would explain how it is possible to build 40+ walls quickly, even under attack... The only problem remains information control. I wonder how it is possible nobody from the outer walls remembers how the walls came to be.

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  10. #370
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    I hate spoiler previews, as I never watch them... but people keep talking about them.
    Had to watch that one too.
    Same here.

  11. #371
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    For everyone claiming that the animation in this show is "terrible", can you suggest a few anime with better animation? Because I find this animation to be quite good.
    Hanasaku Iroha.
    Fate Zero

    Given that there's a very real possibility that they have some kind of saboteur within their ranks trying to prevent them from learning about titans, I have to say announcing the thing about Erin's basement to the entire crowd was incredibly stupid.

    Armin thinks so too, so I'm guessing there's a trick involved.
    The idea was to flush them out. Tell them you're getting some information that could compromise them, so they'll scramble to get there before you do (instead of carefully planning their move, their hand will be forced.)

    His question for Eren was either designed to test Eren (does Eren feel sympathy for the titans and hatred for humans, or just to see what his reaction if Erwin showed that he taking the scene in at more than surface value).

    Quote Originally Posted by David
    BTW, having controllable Titans would explain how it is possible to build 40+ walls quickly, even under attack... The only problem remains information control. I wonder how it is possible nobody from the outer walls remembers how the walls came to be.
    Because it's been 100+ years. Each outer wall was built before they became inhabited, and unless they posted guards back then on the walls, no one would have known about the walls until they were built. Titans definitely built those walls, no doubt about that.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #372
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    With all the mysteries about the Titans and known people using only a relatively small area to live in, I wonder just how big scale the frame of events will grow for this anime. Like, maybe there´s a whole other human population outside, maybe it´s like Gurren Lagann, though not subterranean. So, at some point Eren and Co. will leave the most outer wall, travel the land, and find another, unfamiliar 50m-wall. Then they´ll talk to the people inside, and as the story proceeds, those sealed off populations connect to each other, forming a true resistance against who´s behind the Titans. Part of it being the acquiration of more human-controlled Titans, which can only be done by risking your life, see Eren. Then we have a bunch of "good" Titans, Eren their leader, who go fight the Titan King. And after his defeat, it´ll be revealed that .... aliens! And it all ends with Eren fighting a black hole and the universe being reborn.


  13. #373
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    With all the mysteries about the Titans and known people using only a relatively small area to live in, I wonder just how big scale the frame of events will grow for this anime. Like, maybe there´s a whole other human population outside, maybe it´s like Gurren Lagann, though not subterranean. So, at some point Eren and Co. will leave the most outer wall, travel the land, and find another, unfamiliar 50m-wall. Then they´ll talk to the people inside, and as the story proceeds, those sealed off populations connect to each other, forming a true resistance against who´s behind the Titans. Part of it being the acquiration of more human-controlled Titans, which can only be done by risking your life, see Eren. Then we have a bunch of "good" Titans, Eren their leader, who go fight the Titan King. And after his defeat, it´ll be revealed that .... aliens! And it all ends with Eren fighting a black hole and the universe being reborn.

    You forgot the galaxies used as shuriken, you lose!

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  14. #374
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    gg - Episode 16
    gg - Episode 17


    Wow.. Annie

    Even degloved you're hot.

    Thinking back, the Armoured Titan actually kinda resembles Reiner.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 08-03-2013 at 10:27 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #375
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah, when he burst out of her hand he looked like he was steaming. Which is the only way I could see him surviving her crushing his head.

    I'm almost kind of annoyed that now it seems like people like Eren were all over the place already.

  16. #376
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    That ep made the show interresting again.
    Because honestly, "normal" Titans were getting a little dull.

    I know he's some kind of plot device, but really Armin being able to compute that many facts under high survival stress is quite a feat.
    But I guess it's a way to efficiently have the story evolve. Give new elements and build from there.

    Regardless of who that female titan is, sparing Armin clearly is a bad choice. But I guess it's better story wise, even if it feels cheap to spare a MC that way.

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  17. #377
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I'm almost kind of annoyed that now it seems like people like Eren were all over the place already.
    why "now"?

    its been like that from ep1 onwards, basically as soon as they understood that there are intelligent titans out there

    I still don't get what they gain from destroying mankind, though I can see why Annie/Female Titan is going for Eren right now.
    If it really is Annie (and it IS most likely one of the recruits, since she clearly doesn't want to kill anyone from the squad..and Armin clearly took advantage of that and saved Jean), then I'm going into sad-panda mode, because she's one of my favorites in this show and if Eren or anyone from the elitesquad ends up killing her, then I'm not sure if I can take it

    Thinking back, the Armoured Titan actually kinda resembles Reiner
    after rewatching ep2, he really does. especially his hair, but its not like hair doesn't change during titan-form (see Eren for example), however it would explain that somewhat fishy/awkward attack move, not really something a superb recruit like him would do.. and right after that, the female Titan went straight to the center for Eren.
    now I watched it 3 more times and he clearly didn't give it away anywhere, but what he could have done is to cut his position into her hand in some way, because right after he escaped her grasp, the titan was looking at her hand closely
    (could be the typical "herp derp he escaped , where did he go? " moment, but since she is intelligent and most likely human, I doubt that)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 08-04-2013 at 04:47 AM.

  18. #378
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    gg - Episode 16
    gg - Episode 17

    Thinking back, the Armoured Titan actually kinda resembles Reiner.
    Yeah, and considering how Annie/Reiner/Bertholdt are always shown together, Bertholdt is probably the colossal titan.

  19. #379
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    You should take a look at the ED. It shows the normal group+ Eren on one side of the 'wall' and them on the other with Ymir and Sasha. ( I think those were their names ) So does that mean they are also Titans? Or is that just a coincidence?

  20. #380
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I don't think it is a coincidence, I believe it shows some kind of connection between them, the blonde girl is called Christa if I'm not mistaken, Sasha is the potato-girl.

    I'm pretty sure "Ymir" was also called the "father of all giants" (later killed by Odin and his brothers) in the norse creating myth
    at least something like that is what I remember from the time when I was into reading "Oh! My Goddess" fanfics and playing Age of Mythology

    so it would fit her to be a Titan
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 08-04-2013 at 06:21 AM.

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