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Thread: Attack on Titan: Shingeki no Kyojin

  1. #121
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    wow, i cannot, like, at all understand the complaints about the production value. Each episode is so fun, so interesting and also visually pleasing that i spend no thought at some sub-par computer-animations or stills or whatever.

    guess some people really donīt want anime to become good again. itīs all about moe ...

  2. #122
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    guess some people really donīt want anime to become good again. itīs all about moe ...
    Good and moe aren't mutually exclusive, just as "shit, people actually die and aren't in school" doesn't make something automatically worth watching.
    I talked about the lack of emotional draw in those deaths in my previous post. In fact, the titans themselves don't even feel that scary or gory anymore. They're just monsters to me now after this ep.

    A lot of it might even be due to Eren losing his cool and rushing in, which results in a "No shit you're going to get eaten" thought from me.

    The lack of Sasha, Mikasa and Annie (anybody with skill who is worth watching) also made this episode "above-average" entertaining. When I use average, I actually do mean average - not baseline-barely-watchable-average.

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  3. #123
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    In fact, the titans themselves don't even feel that scary or gory anymore. They're just monsters to me now after this ep.
    Well, I thought they did a good job at creating a real scary scene again, buy suddenly breaking the happy mood that filled the air right before the fight. Thomas dying was unexpected for me, then even more of them dying (or are they, we didnīt see the others being eaten, only close to) really nailed the despair.
    Whatīs more, the fact that we saw jumping Titans for the first time added something fresh to the Titans that I had thought of slow creatures before.

    No, I canīt agree with them not being scary anymore.

    My only real complaint would be the sillyness that is "they can regenerate even after having their head blown off". That just doesnīt make any sense from a logical point of view, and Iīm not sure how much I can enjoy full-on magic or magical properties, so to speak.

  4. #124
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It happened so fast that it was honestly hard to care about any of these deaths, including Eren's. Had they lingered on any of them, or showed their head stuffed halfway into a titan's mouth and stillframed for several beats, then I think it might have done a better job invoking the terror it was meant to.

    I see that they meant to convey how fast it all went to shit, but they should have held the aftermath a little longer to let it really sink in. The one from the old preview where the guy gets snagged in midair while Low Pigtails watches horrified turning halfway was probably the only one done properly in that regard.

    As for it looking impossible that Eren could have saved Armin, that really comes down to it looking like the oldman Titan had already swallowed him. Just closing his mouth wouldn't have looked as off.
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    My only real complaint would be the sillyness that is "they can regenerate even after having their head blown off". That just doesnīt make any sense from a logical point of view, and Iīm not sure how much I can enjoy full-on magic or magical properties, so to speak.
    In my opinion that just ramps up the overwhelming levels of despair. Giants are big and strong, but they're also big and easy to hit targets. To make it look like the humans are at such a severe disadvantage, you either have to have hundreds if not thousands of titans swarming in all at once, or they have to be far more resistant to damage than humans. Monstrous regeneration is a good way to do that.

    I don't see how this was anything but full on magical from the start. Titans are an impossibility to begin with, particularly that they have no genitals and don't appear to be able to reproduce. Or appearing in bolts of lightning. We've already had discussions about the impossibility of building a wall that size if humanity was truly under such an onslaught (unless they sacrificed a hundred other cities to build this Uruguay-sized wall in secret).

  5. #125
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Regarding consistency and physics:
    I was wondering about weight and inertia. Particularly for the jumping Titan that did not break the tower it jumped to.

    Regarding heat, I read long ago an article about giant mamals and heat management. A hot blooded giant human would create too much heat to be viable, it would exceed water boiling point. Why? because the surface of such a body would be far insufficient to dissipate heat.
    Such a problem does not exist for whales and the likes, as they live in water that is more efficient to cool a body than air. Also, their base metabolism probably adapted.
    For that latter idea, the way those Titans move, I do not feel like their metabolism is slow... and there's the steam and all.

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  6. #126
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    That's just the thing. The professor explained that they didn't need to eat so they wouldn't have a metabolism.Logic and science doesn't even seem to apply to them. The one that jumped against the tower and it didn't break so their his weight must be pretty low.

  7. #127
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    The professor explained that they didn't need to eat so they wouldn't have a metabolism.Logic and science doesn't even seem to apply to them.
    Which to me points towards a theory of some kind of spiritual setup. Remember LOST? Yeah, maybe something like that. Maybe the whole "there you have a pseudo-medieval society and theyīre fighting monsters"-appearance is all fake. Maybe weīll suddenly tap into the scifi-genre. Who knows.
    All I know is that, unless the author sucks and didnīt give a shit about logic, there is so much more to it than we currently know.

  8. #128
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75 View Post
    And yes, that Giant among Titans really did target the canons and didn't care attacking Eren at all.
    Pay more attention, it tried to grab Eren.

  9. #129
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    It happened so fast that it was honestly hard to care about any of these deaths, including Eren's. Had they lingered on any of them, or showed their head stuffed halfway into a titan's mouth and stillframed for several beats, then I think it might have done a better job invoking the terror it was meant to.

    I see that they meant to convey how fast it all went to shit, but they should have held the aftermath a little longer to let it really sink in. The one from the old preview where the guy gets snagged in midair while Low Pigtails watches horrified turning halfway was probably the only one done properly in that regard.

    As for it looking impossible that Eren could have saved Armin, that really comes down to it looking like the oldman Titan had already swallowed him. Just closing his mouth wouldn't have looked as off.
    This is pretty clearly due to censorship and budget limitations. They cannot linger on the violence and they cannot have long shots in the 3D animated city of people getting messed up by the Titans.

    As for Eren magically being fast enough to save Armin it seems obvious that Eren getting his second wind and Armin getting swallowed were supposed to be happening concurrently.

  10. #130
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Why hasn't anyone who had been swallowed decide to cut their way out of their stomach's? Unless their stomach acid instantly melts them.

  11. #131
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    wow, i cannot, like, at all understand the complaints about the production value. Each episode is so fun, so interesting and also visually pleasing that i spend no thought at some sub-par computer-animations or stills or whatever.

    guess some people really donīt want anime to become good again. itīs all about moe ...
    The show is cheap. A previous episode was done by an outsourcing studio and it looks the part. They constantly use freeze frames and posted on Twitter asking aspiring animators to apply to Production I.G. to finish episodes of the series. I'm not holding that against it that much - the manga is pretty rough looking. It's just kinda lame.

  12. #132
    ANBU Captain lelouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Y View Post
    The show is cheap. A previous episode was done by an outsourcing studio and it looks the part. They constantly use freeze frames and posted on Twitter asking aspiring animators to apply to Production I.G. to finish episodes of the series. I'm not holding that against it that much - the manga is pretty rough looking. It's just kinda lame.
    I'm not really sure what you're saying. The graphics and animation in this show are amazing relative to anything we've seen in a long time.

  13. #133
    For a weekly release, I think this show looks great. I see some minor problems but they don't bother me. Those will most likely be fixed in the Blu-Rays.

    The slaughter of Eren's team wasn't bad. Fast but that was about the speed it happened in the manga. I think it conveyed how powerless they are. They probably could've focused more on the gore had they not added that part with Pixis and Lord Balto but I liked that little extra. Maybe they will add the missing gore of the three teammates dying in the next episode.

  14. #134
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lelouch View Post
    I'm not really sure what you're saying. The graphics and animation in this show are amazing relative to anything we've seen in a long time.
    I'm not sure this is true, or a very flattering comparison for Attack on Titan considering the dreck the anime industry usually puts out.


    As someone on another forum pointed out, it bugs me when the guy gets pasted in midair by the Titan bitchslap and a big grey rectangle flies out of his body. It seems like they were intending it to be his 3D gear or a piece of it or something and instead it looks like a placeholder animation they never bothered touching up.
    Last edited by Y; Mon, 05-06-2013 at 12:52 AM.

  15. #135
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Pretty sure Eren lives. I mean he is the main character. And he had flashbacks of his dad trying to inject him with something while saying it's mankind's hope or something.

  16. #136
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    the kawaii-face giant was really weird, and the part about Pixis felt, at least a bit, out of place too... don't know what to make out of it because I have no clue whether I should remember him as an important person for the series or not, that might change though

    I don't know what to say about the "bad animation" stuff, especially when people mention freeze frames... its like they've never read a manga nor seen anime before
    I seriously think that, most of the time, it can't be done in a different way... especially since they are flying all over the place and you have/want to explain stuff and train of thoughts - so its not rare for the the narrative time to be longer than the plot duration during an action sequences
    sure thing, it would be awesome if you hear their thoughts while they swing through the town just like Eren did when he was about to avenge Thomas but no one should expect it to happen more than every so often... its a TV series after all.

  17. #137
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    You know, there is a funny thing about the "badly animated / kawaii-faced" titan...

    [Click for full size (full size is probably NSFW)]

    100% legitimate. Not a lazy animator foible.

  18. #138
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Not a lazy animator foible.
    never said it is, its just looking weird because its looks so different from the others

  19. #139
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Wasn't particularly aimed at you, or really anyone on this forum, but I've seen it mentioned extensively elsewhere.

    You were just the first one here to reference it, reminding me to check the original page (because I was pretty sure I recalled it looking that strange in the first place), and giving me the opportunity to post about it.

  20. #140

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