The anime adaptation was everything I could want. It's visually lush in a way the comic really never is, and everything about the world we've seen is fully realized. The emotional beat with the boozy soldier seeing a titan and just... flinching in the face of the enormity of the task ahead of him was great, and understated in the best way. The score is great (and the opening with its extremely morbid lyrics and dismal message is an instant classic). The direction and tone of the show are dead on; I think the director of Death Note has met material that matches the impossibly high stakes and gravitas he lent to scenes like eating chips. I even like the acting, as Eren hams it up as the only person who realizes what kind of TV show he's in, and Mikasa carries the trauma of just existing in this world in everything she says. It's a winner and I have total faith in the anime adaptation going forward.