But that's the only realistic scenario for Eren to give up his current plans. And no, it doesn't need to be 100% safe, that's a strawman. Give me 90%, or at least 80% safety. 70% even. But when it's 50:50 or worse, then WHY would any sane person risk the genocide of his own people?! You make it sound like I'm the bad one here. I think your stance is vastly worse than mine.
You want to bring in real life-politics now? Because I sure as hell AM in favor of fighting Russia with NATO forces. Yes, that would mean some nukes hitting targets in Europe, too, but Russia would be defeated once and for all and all this bs that Putin keeps doing finally ends. The alternative, that is unfortunately what's happening now, is that Ukraine is about to be eradicated from the map, the terrorist regime Putin will ultimately win, and once all of this is over, the situation will be as unstable and unpredictable as before the war started, except now Russia is even stronger. And the moment the West starts doing business with this stronger Russia again will make the EU fall apart and make them look incredibly weak. So, again, yes, I'd risk a nuclear fight, because the alternative is even worse in the long run.Basically, if it had been up to you, we would ALL be fucking dead from nuclear war by now. Because your entire justification is "Well, if there's even the slightest chance they might annihilate us, then it's too dangerous NOT to annihilate them! Don't explore any other options. The risk it too high."
Similar, all the alternatives are worse for Eldians. Unless you finally provide some of your "limitless avenues".
To clarify this, because you make it sound like I only want some basic bitch-story: Shades of greys are nice. I like that. What angers me is how NOBODY in that group is showing a more black/white-opinion, as if that was wrong. It's not. The most we get is Jean's beating Reiner, but that ends with Jean also joining the rest. And tbh, within these shades of grey, everyone following the same goal is pretty black/white in itself.