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Thread: Attack on Titan: Shingeki no Kyojin

  1. #1161
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Episode 13:

    Man, it feels so good every time Gabi is punched.

    Don't quite understand what else is going on. Where does that Floch guy come from, why is he working with Eren, what's with the wine? I guess drinking the wine let's Zeke transform them into titans?

    Also yeah, it's annoying that everyone permanently has those vertical eye lines that used to express high distress in the past. Irritating.

    Can't say I like Eren's attitude. Seems like now that the finale is about, the author took away all connection between Eren and the audience, now he's just a plot device with an attitude. Oh well.

    And Levi continues to be my most hated character after Gabi. Hope Eren gets a good punch at him before all is over.
    100% agree on Gabi, she just refuses to learn. Glad her lessons are getting deeper, but unfortunately she is a fanatic, truly wonder if she will ever convert.

    Floch has had an amazing arc, pretty sure he hated the scouts in S3, he was part of the garrison rookies that joined the scouts to retake wall Maria? Its the battle where the beast titan took out 50% of the remaining survey corps. He was in the last charge on the beast titan, and dragged Erwin to safety. Hated that Armin was the one to receive the colossal. Now he is 100% a fanatic like Gabi.

    I think the eyelines are there to depict how stressful the situation is. Like it was rare before and we thought shit was bad, but now as you mention its a permanent fixture. Could be bad animation or progression of intensity.

    I am actually really liking Eren at the moment. If we had Eren pov at this stage in the anime it would ruin story progression and the reveal of Zeke's overall plan. I still have faith Eren is on Mikasa and Armin's side, just curious how he has protected from playing into Zeke's hands

    Fuck Levi...there I said it.

  2. #1162
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    They made great use out of Sasha's death, that's for sure. I felt cheated initially, but looking back.. .yeah that was a good move.

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  3. #1163
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah, see, the Beast Titan doesn't just spontaneously make Titans. Eldians have to be dosed with Titan fluid.

    So yeah, Eldians are only a problem because Marley keeps MAKING them a problem.

  4. #1164
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    This explains the titan drop from Ep1 this season.

    I thought the dinner scene was really well done (no pun intended), and made Sasha's death have some more impact. Her parents truly embody grace, as one handed the knife to the other, and it was set away. Gabi is finally starting to be faced with the unrelenting realization that these people aren't... can't... all be demons beyond redemption- and that has clearly broken her just in time to sit down at a table with the metastasization of everything she wants to hate.

    This (overall) story can actually be kind of hard to follow, in a good way. Many moving parts and a confrontation that is always looming. I hope Erin isn't too far gone to at least see some of the reason that Armin and Mikasa will try to impart on him.

    What is with the Levi hate? He's a compelling character who, if anything, could be criticized for being almost a "Gary Stu" who excels at almost anything, but fits into the story shockingly well. He never claimed to be a paragon of virtue- just that he was following orders and acting to further 'mankind's survival'. He has a point in that all of the resources... all of the sacrifices poured into keeping Erin in play are seeming questionable now that the power has somewhat gone to his own head. Remember when Erin punched himself in season three for daring to think he was special somehow just because he had titan powers? That lesson clearly didn't sink in all the way, and his idealism has since manifested as... well, we don't know exactly what yet.

    Falco got the worst of it, though- I am curious to know his part in all of this, ultimately. Exciting stuff, as always.

  5. #1165
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I don't get the Levi hate either. It seems to boil down to "he's mean to Erin!" but Erin is a massive dickhead.

    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    I hope Erin isn't too far gone to at least see some of the reason that Armin and Mikasa will try to impart on him.
    I'm still hoping he's just using the Jaegerists so he can kill all titans.

  6. #1166
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Eren, it's Eren.
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  7. #1167
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  8. #1168
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    i know there was an earthquake which impacted the latest episode, but ... will we never get it now?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  9. #1169
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    i know there was an earthquake which impacted the latest episode, but ... will we never get it now?
    Only entered the thread despite not watching this season yet because I knew it was going to be about this, maybe this will answer your question:

  10. #1170
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    So can we expect both episode 14 and 15 today? I think I read that both episodes would be aired this week, not sure.

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  11. #1171
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yes, yes.
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  12. #1172
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Episode 14 and 15:

    And now everything's supposed to end with ONE more episode? That's bullshit :/

    The episodes themselves were fine, although I find Eren's completely changed character rushed. You can't just do a time skip and expect me to accept that Eren is now "Punished Snake". But with only one more episode, I doubt there's time to explain much.

    I can't really believe that Eren would truly hate Mikasa, especially "for all those years". Makes me think that maybe Eren is faking everything for ... whatever goal he has in mind. Maybe he wants Mikasa to leave Paradis, go with her ancestors who, albeit using her for financial gain, would still be a better future than being with Eldians? I dunno. But if Eren was serious, then wtf. See above. Too rushed imo.

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  13. #1173
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Episode 14 and 15:

    And now everything's supposed to end with ONE more episode? That's bullshit :/

    The episodes themselves were fine, although I find Eren's completely changed character rushed. You can't just do a time skip and expect me to accept that Eren is now "Punished Snake". But with only one more episode, I doubt there's time to explain much.

    I can't really believe that Eren would truly hate Mikasa, especially "for all those years". Makes me think that maybe Eren is faking everything for ... whatever goal he has in mind. Maybe he wants Mikasa to leave Paradis, go with her ancestors who, albeit using her for financial gain, would still be a better future than being with Eldians? I dunno. But if Eren was serious, then wtf. See above. Too rushed imo.
    I agree this whole season has game of thrones S8 vibes.

  14. #1174
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch67 View Post
    I agree this whole season has game of thrones S8 vibes.

    OMG, I couldn't put it in words and ... that is it. :/

    Yeah, it feels like we're right before the last episode of GoT. Still hopeful that the finale turns out great, but too much stupid shit has already happened and we're anxious and full of doubt. I will say, though, that Attack on Titan hasn't been as bad as GoT's final season. But it's definitely comparable.

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  15. #1175
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Hah. I knew it. Eren doesn't give a shit about a New Eldian Empire. It's a solid(if horrifying) plan.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I find Eren's completely changed character rushed. You can't just do a time skip and expect me to accept that Eren is now "Punished Snake".
    He hasn't changed at all. His goal has been "destroy all Titans!" since episode 1, and it's exactly the same now.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Makes me think that maybe Eren is faking everything for ... whatever goal he has in mind.
    I'm assuming that's the case. He's performing a role until he can accomplish his goal.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    And now everything's supposed to end with ONE more episode?
    Wait, WHAT?!

  16. #1176
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I found Zeke's "Fuck not this beyblade again!" moment hilarious.

    Next week's episode being the last one seems to be true. I'm skeptical about ending it in such little time but let's see.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #1177
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I'm doubtful that one more episode will finish the story, but perhaps there will be a 'final season part 2' later this year, or a movie?

    Erin's change in character could be him trying to protect them from what he about to do by distancing himself from them. He has access to arcane knowledge now and is likely going to attempt something that could end the world. By comparison, Zeke's sterilization plan might seem more humane, but also ultimately accepts Eldian's 'sin' of existence and denies them the right to life going forward. Interesting that the creation of Titans could well be links to Ymir (OG) modifying Eldian bodies to resist a pathogen. I hope we get to see the truth of what happed in the past, as all we have a conflicting state and revisionist extremist teachings on the matter.

    Live, Levi, li~ive! I always had you pegged for death; but not like this!

    I could not disagree more on the quality of entertainment provided by this season- to compare it to GoT's slow decent (s5 onward) is kind of insulting. Titan's quality (aside from the animation itself) has never waned in my opinion. This story is gripping, and nothing gets between me and my viewing of this each week ever since it began airing in 2013. Sorry if it isn't working for you, but I've never experienced a story like this before, anime or otherwise...

  18. #1178
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neflight86 View Post
    I'm doubtful that one more episode will finish the story, but perhaps there will be a 'final season part 2' later this year, or a movie?
    That would have been announced already though, wouldnt it?

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  19. #1179
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    apparently it was announced yesterday that this is onlly PART 1 of the FINAL SEASON. Fucking lol. Why wasnt this announced way earlier? I guess my worries of a rushed ending are somewhat gone now. Instead I'm looking forward to a mean cliffhanger ....

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  20. #1180
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Oh thank god. I was also worried about how the fuck it was gonna end in 1 episode.

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