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Thread: Attack on Titan: Shingeki no Kyojin

  1. #1061
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    That was a bad episode, really boring. At this point I have no idea anymore who is who, Marley, Eldian, Paradis, etc.. Ok, I know that Paradis is the island where the ringwalled people live where Eren comes from, that's it.

    What is the Warhammer Titan's unique feature?

    Also, in general, isn't the whole inheritance of the 9 titans pure magic? Like, when a titan dies and nobody eats him to inherit his power, then why can someone else get his power? What kind of celestial observant keeps track of this?

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  2. #1062
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Like, when a titan dies and nobody eats him to inherit his power, then why can someone else get his power?
    They don't. I assume it works the same way for them as they tried to do with Eren.

    i.e. Shifters only live another 13 years. So when their time is almost up, the inject the next candidate with Titan serum, then the Shifter is fed to the candidate to pass on it's power.

    If a titan dies without passing it on, I assume eating the corpse would work.

  3. #1063
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    They don't. I assume it works the same way for them as they tried to do with Eren.

    i.e. Shifters only live another 13 years. So when their time is almost up, the inject the next candidate with Titan serum, then the Shifter is fed to the candidate to pass on it's power.

    If a titan dies without passing it on, I assume eating the corpse would work.
    Ok,so if a chosen titan (shifter?) dies and its corpse rots away, then THAT special power is lost forever? Good, that makes more sense then.

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  4. #1064
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post

    If a Shifter titan actually died without being eaten, wouldn't it's power just be gone forever?
    Pretty sure in the previous seasons it was stated that if a titan shifter died without being eaten, its power would be manifested in a random eldian child "yet to be born". I don't read the manga so could be completely wrong on this.

    But this would explain why the world wants eldians eradicated and wouldn't just demand they hand over titan shifters for execution.

  5. #1065
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch67 View Post
    Pretty sure in the previous seasons it was stated that if a titan shifter died without being eaten, its power would be manifested in a random eldian child "yet to be born". I don't read the manga so could be completely wrong on this.

    But this would explain why the world wants eldians eradicated and wouldn't just demand they hand over titan shifters for execution.
    See, that's I remembered, too, but wasn't sure anymore. So it's magic bullshit after all?

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  6. #1066
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Ok,so if a chosen titan (shifter?) dies and its corpse rots away, then THAT special power is lost forever?
    That was my ASSUMPTION, but...
    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch67 View Post
    Pretty sure in the previous seasons it was stated that if a titan shifter died without being eaten, its power would be manifested in a random eldian child "yet to be born".
    If that's the case, I missed it/forgot about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch67 View Post
    But this would explain why the world wants eldians eradicated and wouldn't just demand they hand over titan shifters for execution.
    The thing about that is though...even if someone is reborn with the shifter powers, they wouldn't be able to USE them unless they became a titan.

    So rather than the solution being to commit genocide maybe they could just, ya know, STOP FUCKING INJECTING ELDIANS WITH TITAN SERUM!

    And that's one of their go-to punishments for Eldians! It's just like in The Mummy.
    "You have been found guilty. And we sentence you to a truly horrible fate, that also gives you AMAZING POWERS THAT POSE AN EXTREME THREAT TO US!"
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Tue, 12-29-2020 at 11:51 AM.

  7. #1067
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    See, that's I remembered, too, but wasn't sure anymore. So it's magic bullshit after all?
    Hmmm isn't that to be expected though? Regardless of how you slice it, Yimir the first titan got her powers supernaturally, and the whole coordinate/eldian premise is supernatural by nature. How come the titan serum only affects eldians?...magic, how do Mikasa and Levi have god mode?....magic. Past memory transfer upon eating a titan shifter....magic. At this point I assumed that's just the type of anime we were watching.

  8. #1068
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    That was my ASSUMPTION, but...If that's the case, I missed it/forgot about it.

    The thing about that is though...even if someone is reborn with the shifter powers, they wouldn't be able to USE them unless they became a titan.

    So rather than the solution being to commit genocide maybe they could just, ya know, STOP FUCKING INJECTING ELDIANS WITH TITAN SERUM!

    And that's one of their go-to punishments for Eldians! It's just like in The Mummy.
    "You have been found guilty. And we sentence you to a truly horrible fate, that also gives you AMAZING POWERS THAT POSE AN EXTREME THREAT TO US!"
    My impression was that a child born with innate titan ability wouldn't need to activate it via serum. I imagined a random baby would be born with the titan shifter ability and only discover by accident or by forced testing by Marley military. One could only imagine what a titan shifted baby would be like but they could be unusually intelligent given the past memory transfer

  9. #1069
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEX
    Inherit how? Like, Eren just lets him eat him? Isn't that the only way they get passed on?
    Yes, because that's the only way powers can be passed on intentionally. If peace was to be made somehow and the titans were to be passed down individually, Falco would have Eren's.

    There is no proof that the random child born with Special titan power would require Titan activation first. Special titans are sentient. It'd make way more sense for them to be able manifest it from the get go.

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  10. #1070
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch67 View Post
    Hmmm isn't that to be expected though? Regardless of how you slice it, Yimir the first titan got her powers supernaturally, and the whole coordinate/eldian premise is supernatural by nature. How come the titan serum only affects eldians?...magic, how do Mikasa and Levi have god mode?....magic. Past memory transfer upon eating a titan shifter....magic. At this point I assumed that's just the type of anime we were watching.
    Disagree. Up to this point, everything in the show can be explained. Sure, it's all super dramatic, lots of incredible coincidences and bullshitery - but nothing that required "magic". This however? There'd need to be some celestial entity to notice "oh, the power of special titan X is free now, gotta put it into some new Eldian baby". That's something different entirely. Honestly, I reall hate that.

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  11. #1071
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exglitch67 View Post
    Yimir the first titan got her powers supernaturally
    Maybe. It's not like any of our characters witnessed it first hand. It happened ages ago. It's basically a creation myth. Who knows if it's at all accurate.

    For all we know, some alien came an injected her with something.

    Or she ate a fruit from a space tree...

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    If peace was to be made somehow and the titans were to be passed down individually, Falco would have Eren's.
    I mean...maybe? But, like, why?

    I mean, he's known the kid for, like, 2 episodes. And the kid is a soldier for the other side. Why would they give any titans back to the Marleyans?

  12. #1072
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Okay, can we pls talk about Eren letting himself get eaten (aka die)? I would drop the season without ever watching the finale if Eren died like that. Would make me super angry :/

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  13. #1073
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Okay, can we pls talk about Eren letting himself get eaten (aka die)? I would drop the season without ever watching the finale if Eren died like that. Would make me super angry :/
    There's not much to talk about.

    Falco is an Eldian who has shown that he understands more than just Glory for Marley!. His family originally intended to revolt against Marlian rule, and he's serving as a soldier to perhaps save them from being culled. He has enough rapport with Eren to date, and is perhaps about to be in a position to hear/understand the perspectives from both parties.

    Eren will not die old, from what we've been told so far. By the time of his retiring, if he encounters a candidate who would use the Attack/Founding Titan for a purpose that Eren would also agree with, then it'd make sense to pass the power onto them. The only young candidate who might fit this bill is Falco.

    I did say that this scenario would only make sense if Titans were expected to exist for a further generation. If they were to disappear during this cycle then passing on the power is not required.

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  14. #1074
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I just realized, I've been wanting Mikasa to become the Female Titan, but that might not even be possible. As they made a point to make it clear she's, like, Eastern. Which means she's not Eldian...

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Okay, can we pls talk about Eren letting himself get eaten (aka die)? I would drop the season without ever watching the finale if Eren died like that. Would make me super angry :/
    You realize that, barring some new magic being introduced, that's, like, a foregone conclusion at this point, right?

    He's only got a couple years left to live now. He can either pick a successor and let himself get eaten, or just let himself die naturally and leave it to chance.

    That said, if that choice gets made, it'll BE the finale. So there won't be anything left for you to not watch.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    By the time of his retiring, if he encounters a candidate who would use the Attack/Founding Titan for a purpose that Eren would also agree with, then it'd make sense to pass the power onto them. The only young candidate who might fit this bill is Falco.
    Other than, you know, like a dozen people back home? Why wouldn't he give it to Levi or Jean instead of some kid he just met?

    And WHY would you intentionally pick a kid? Marley does it because they're child soldier brainwashing assholes. There's no reason for Eren to do that. They were going to make the commander the colossal titan until Armin needed it instead. Why doom some kid to die in his 20s when you don't have to?
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Wed, 12-30-2020 at 01:41 PM.

  15. #1075
    Awesome user with default custom title neflight86's Avatar
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    I recall it mentioning it somewhere that all Eldians are somehow 'connected' to Ymir (the founding one, not ours)... there was some celestial web imagery I think, maybe during Ymir's backstory episode in season 2... so that conduit - whatever it is - would be how the power can transfer randomly to the next host. The specifics of why or exactly how, of course have not been explained (yet).

  16. #1076
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEX
    Other than, you know, like a dozen people back home? Why wouldn't he give it to Levi or Jean instead of some kid he just met?

    And WHY would you intentionally pick a kid? Marley does it because they're child soldier brainwashing assholes. There's no reason for Eren to do that. They were going to make the commander the colossal titan until Armin needed it instead. Why doom some kid to die in his 20s when you don't have to?
    1) kids taking the power seems to be the theme here.
    2) Levi is Asian, he can't be big.
    3) The kid is prepared to become a titan, and not for self or Marley Glory. That's the key thing here. You don't see me suggesting Gabi as the next Attack Titan candidate. Affinity and physical performance seems to have something to do with it as well.

    As for the colossal, they never intended on anyone in particular to inherit it. The syringe was reserved to be used on whoever was in a critical condition. It doesn't HAVE to be a kid, but that's the way things are happening here. The only exception seems to be Daddy Jaeger.

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  17. #1077
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    2) Levi is Asian, he can't be big.
    I don't believe he is? He's an Ackerman. But that's just a family that's not effected by the Founder's mind control. They aren't asian.

    Mikasa is an Akerman as well, but it's her father that was the Ackerman. Her mother was asian.

    Wait...that means Mikasa's father is Eldian. Which means she's got Eldian blood. Which means she CAN become a titan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    It doesn't HAVE to be a kid, but that's the way things are happening here.
    Right, that's just the way things have been working out. But if you have a choice, why would you ever CHOOSE to make a kid a titan unless you're a complete monster?

    Pick an experienced middle-aged soldier who would A. Make a better titan and B. wouldn't be dooming some kid to die in his 20s.

    Hell, make Henge a titan. She'd love that shit. First hand titan experimentation, and she'd get her eye back!
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Thu, 12-31-2020 at 03:47 AM.

  18. #1078
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Guys, GUYS ..... if this anime ends without some passionate love scenes between Eren and Mikasa, it will have failed in its entirety. That's why Eren can't just let himself be eaten at this point in time. Unless we get a flashback that shows the two finally becoming a romantic couple and having some sexy time, I refuse to accept Eren self-sacrificing himself to some rando-kid from the enemy side.

    Btw lol, wie how we found out about the time skip earlier, I thought at first that the long-haired, aristocratic dude (who's also a special titan) was supposed to be Armin, LOL.

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  19. #1079
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Guys, GUYS ..... if this anime ends without some passionate love scenes between Eren and Mikasa, it will have failed in its entirety.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  20. #1080
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Eren wouldn't survive sex with Mikasa.

    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Fri, 01-01-2021 at 03:54 AM.

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