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Thread: Naruto Chapter 611

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Naruto Chapter 611

  2. #2
    A neat little chapter... it was about time they showed up. I guess there milk a cookie break ended. I am shocked they were able to just show up without being spotted that easily? Maybe I missed how?

    It was like all of a sudden... NINJA!

    If I was in command my orders would be EVERYONE who does not have sealing abilities charge forward and attack with there best combo or jutsu. 70% of us are going to die from cross fire alone... than the remaining ninja who can using sealing abilities charge forward and attempt to seal the enemies!

    When that fails wait for Sasuke to arrive to do something.

    Yes I would make a horrible commander.

    P.S What is this Jutsu Naruto is going on about in the end?
    Last edited by viperwasp; Wed, 11-28-2012 at 07:56 AM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by viperwasp View Post
    P.S What is this Jutsu Naruto is going on about in the end?
    could it be the "naruto.. don't use this jutsu" he was taught by Jiraiya?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentSnake View Post
    could it be the "naruto.. don't use this jutsu" he was taught by Jiraiya?
    No, that was already basically confirmed to be the 4 tails mode or something to do with the nine tailed beast etc. That mystery was solved a long time ago.

    It turns out in this case the jutsu they were talking about SilentSnake was bad translation no jutsu! Because recently chapter 611 was re-uploaded with the better translation and a lot of things now make more sense. And the jutsu Naruto is talking about is Nakama no jutsu! A jutsu Luffy learned a long time ago! And Naruto is right it is a powerful jutsu. But I don't know if it will work.

  5. #5
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Panda's version is fucking unreadable, get the Mangastream version.

  6. #6
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Shouldn't the sealing and medical teams be away from the battlefield?

  7. #7
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    No, its the SUPER SPIRIT-BOMB, errr I mean SUPER WIND RASEGAN! He just needs everyone to give him a little chakra each and it will work.

  8. #8
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ugh, this is all so clichee. EVERYONE arriving at the same time, to the rescue. Well, what rescue, lol. Juubi will blast them away with one hit. Oh wait, no, Hinata and Ino can defend against that. :|

  9. #9
    I don't mind it. What were they gonna do...? Just continue to fight them with the same dynamic? We've already been seeing that for several weeks now. So why not change it up a bit? A bit cliche, sure, but this is shounen manga so its not like the gods were going to descend on the ninja world and start a mass genocide by plague arc.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by rockmanj View Post
    Shouldn't the sealing and medical teams be away from the battlefield?
    The medical team maybe. In my opinion the sealing team or at least half of it needs to be mixed in the middle or front lines. There is likely only going to be one chance to pull this off. And the sealing team need to be close. Well that's my opinion anyhow. And the medical team should be in the back lines not completely outside the battle field. First of all it's a huge battle field I can't even say there is a real limit to the field of combat. If the medical team is outside of combat what are they going to do?

    Well, right now there is really no injured people besides Naruto and gang. So maybe they could sit back a little after taking or healing the current injured. And I somehow feel like attacks from Madara and gang are going to be fatal. Meaning the medical squad might only need to be close enough to count the casualties. I hope they have a scientific calculator on hand.

  11. #11
    So, a lot of these guys are going to be annihilated. Leaf village lost a lot of people when the 9-tails attacked, this thing is all the tailed beast put together into one (slightly powered down though). Should be fun seeing some crazy combos and tactics.

    Potential appearances/outcomes:

    - Sauske, Oro, and co. arrive to muck things up
    - Revived/cured Kages (minus Hokage, probably died while trying to revive the others... while being split in half by a tree) come back with a vengeance
    - Obito seeing the error of his ways through unity of the ninja world then backstabbing Marada or suicide explosion.
    - Ninja spirit bomb

    On that note, was this ever confirmed to be the final arc anywhere? I could see how it could be but potentially this could be the final part of this battle and the whole return and rematch of Sauske and Naruto could be the ending. You know, before the time skip and Naruto is Hokage with Hinita's child as his new-born son and a giant Sauske/Naruto statue in replacement of the first's and Marada's statue at the Valley of the end.

    Calling it.

  12. #12
    Yes Kensee I think some of those outcomes are very possible. For a long time now I have been guessing that Naruto and Sasukes final battle will take place at the valley of the end. And there would either be a new set of statues replacing the old ones or in the very least added statues. Something along those lines.

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