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Thread: Preorder and sales rankings

  1. #1
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Preorder and sales rankings

    I don't know about you guys but i like to know how the shows are doing in terms of preorders and sales.

    Fall season preorder rankings:

    ***,*45/***,*43 (**2,489 pt) Chuunibyou
    ***,*50/***,*54 (**1,290 pt) Girls & Panzer
    ***,*62/***,*58 (**2,595 pt) JJBA
    ***,*73/***,*67 (**4,265 pt) To LOVE-Ru Darkness
    ***,122/***,114 (**2,722 pt) Little Busters!
    ***,128/***,138 (***,631 pt) Magi
    ***,144/***,159 (**1,003 pt) K
    ***,193/***,181 (***,699 pt) PSYCHO-PASS
    ***,227/***,254 (**1,165 pt) Jormungand 2
    ***,254/***,238 (**1,519 pt) Hidamari 4
    ***,423/***,398 (***,635 pt) Oniai
    ***,506/***,479 (***,132 pt) ROBOTICS;NOTES
    ***,533/***,578 (***,518 pt) Sakurasou Pet Girl
    ***,553/***,517 (***,479 pt) Shinsekai Yori
    ***,604/***,642 (***,494 pt) Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
    ***,763/***,838 (***,237 pt) Hayate: Can't Take My Eyes Off You
    ***,859/***,803 (***,304 pt) Kamisama Hajimemashite
    ***,957/***,908 (***,572 pt) Busou Shinki
    **1,644/**1,213 (***,244 pt) Zetsuen no Tempest
    **1,788/**2,509 (***,270 pt) BTOOOM!
    **1,852/**1,706 (***,245 pt) Code:Breaker
    **1,933/**1,813 (***,482 pt) Ebiten
    **2,567/**2,398 (***,164 pt) Medaka Box 2
    **2,782/**2,607 (***,150 pt) Ixion Saga DT
    **3,654/**3,356 (***,*97 pt) Sukitte ii na yo
    **4,328/**4,001 (***,189 pt) Hiiro no Kakera 2
    **7,851/**7,341 (***,*82 pt) Seitokai no Ichizon 2

    I feel Zetsuen and R;N deserved better and that Chuunibyou deserved way less. Still happy to see Jojo and Jormungand up there though.

    Psycho pass is an original so the sales might still increase once people start making sense of the plot.

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    I feel Zetsuen and R;N deserved better and that Chuunibyou deserved way less. Still happy to see Jojo and Jormungand up there though.

    Psycho pass is an original so the sales might still increase once people start making sense of the plot.
    I reckon KyoAni otaku are similar to Apple zombies and would buy anything from their overlord. Anyway, I hope Psycho-Pass will rise and thus encourage more similar shows in the future. God knows we could use more series with non-school settings and adult main characters.

    Edit: Oh, a good thing I paid attention to who made this thread. My mouse pointer was already moving toward the Moderation tools to delete the thread as soon as I saw "preorder" and "sales" in a thread topic...

  3. #3
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Shinsekai is and deserves better than most of that list, but better has always been victim to popular choice.

    Panzer and Darkness deserve to be completely annihilated from existence.
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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Panzer and Darkness deserve to be completely annihilated from existence.
    I never agreed so much with you before.
    Loli and crappy 3d cgi deserves to be punished by law.

    Chuunibyou on the other hand - even though I tend to go for darker shows, I enjoy quite too much - it has an appeal even with the mature austere audience that I am.
    I personnaly feel JJBA should be on top of the charts - have you seen the quality of the OP - and JJBA is no new name to the industry - I wished it had a wider fanbase to prop it up higher in the charts. (Or it won't get renew I guess)

  5. #5
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari View Post
    Darkness deserve to be completely annihilated from existence.
    There's a reason TLR~D pre-orders are so high. You can't watch the series at all otherwise.

    Arch is too harsh on Chuunibyou. It's entertaining (far more than KyoAni's recent projects), and that's all that matters. I have no idea changed Arch from a fan of KyoAni shows to hating them unconditionally (I'm going to guess he's too easily influenced by the tendency of online groups hating whatever tends to be popular with average viewers).

    Ultimately, sales figures and pre-orders don't mean jack. Chihayafuru did horrible, but is still getting another season. Durarara did well, and we're very unlikely to see another season at this point.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 10-29-2012 at 12:46 PM.

  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    Ultimately, sales figures and pre-orders don't mean jack. Chihayafuru did horrible, but is still getting another season. Durarara did well, and we're very unlikely to see another season at this point.
    Yes and no. In the bigger picture they do. Studio can only animate as long as it makes the ends meet (or even profit). If one show gets bigger sales, it can balance out things with another that doesn't pay its own bills (but might have been artistically more satisfying and meaningful for the creators). But in the end the studio will always need shows that bring money more than they eat to be able to take risks. So, the figures do matter, even if not exactly show by show specifically. I don't have anything in particular against moe shows, I have enjoy some of them, but even those that hate them, should tolerate them as cash cows for the studios to fund worthier projects.

  7. #7
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Here are the weekly Blu-ray & CD rankings for October 22nd - 28th.

    *1, 29,757 29,757 Strike Witches The Movie Limited Edition
    *2, 27,326 27,326 Sword Art Online vol.1 Limited Edition
    *3, 18,033 18,033 Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon II vol.2 Limited Edition
    *4, *9,176 *9,176 Kuroko no Basket vol.4
    *5, *6,577 *6,577 Hyouka vol.5 Limited Edition
    *6, *6,380 *6,380 Accel World vol.4 Limited Edition
    *7, *5,525 *5,525 Dog Days' vol.2 Limited Edition
    *8, *4,688 *4,688 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san vol.5 Limited Edition
    *9, *4,392 *4,392 Guilty Crown vol.10 Limited Edition
    10, *4,235 *4,235 Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse vol.2 Limited Edition
    11, *4,179 *4,179 (Yuru Yuri ♪♪ Live Event 2)
    12, *3,774 *3,774 Aquarion Evol vol.7
    13, *3,482 *3,482 Joshiraku vol.2 Limited Edition

    *1, 10,872 10,872 Kuroko no Basket vol.4
    *2, *6,844 *6,844 Sword Art Online vol.1 Limited Edition
    *3, *4,227 *4,227 Strike Witches The Movie Limited Edition
    *4, *3,709 *3,709 New Prince of Tennis vol.4
    *5, *3,263 *3,263 Hakuouki Reimeiroku vol.2 Limited Edition
    *6, *2,674 *2,674 Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen vol.3 Limited Edition
    *7, *1,958 *1,958 Dog Days' vol.2 Limited Edition
    *8, *1,927 *1,927 Bleach Shingami Daiko Shoshitsu Hen vol.3
    *9, *1,801 *1,801 Marmalade Boy DVD Box
    10, *1,715 *1,715 Arcana Famiglia vol.2 Limited Edition
    11, *1,564 *1,564 Momo e no Tegami
    12, *1,419 *1,419 Accel World vol.4 Limited Edition
    13, *1,247 *1,247 Tsuritama vol.5 Limited Edition
    14, *1,202 *1,202 Guilty Crown vol.10 Limited Edition
    15, *1,081 *1,081 One Piece Jidaigeki Special
    16, *1,070 *1,070 Aquarion Evol vol.7
    17, *1,021 *1,021 Hiiro no Kakera vol.5
    18, *1,018 *1,018 Hyouka vol.5 Limited Edition
    19, **,982 **,982 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san vol.5 Limited Edition
    20, **,930 **,930 Queen's Blade: Rebellion vol.5
    21, **,902 **,902 Shirokuma Cafe vol.4
    22, **,862 **,862 Smile Precure! vol.5
    23, **,811 **,811 Toriko & One Piece Collaboration
    24, **,808 **,808 Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse vol.2 Limited Edition
    25, **,768 **,768 Chouyaku Hyakuninisshu: Uta Koi. vol.2 Limited Edition
    26, **,706 **,706 Joshiraku vol.2 Limited Edition

    SAOfags should be pleased with these results.

  8. #8
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Here are the weekly Blu-ray & CD rankings for October 22nd - 28th.

    *1, 29,757 29,757 Strike Witches The Movie Limited Edition
    *2, 27,326 27,326 Sword Art Online vol.1 Limited Edition
    *3, 18,033 18,033 Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon II vol.2 Limited Edition
    *4, *9,176 *9,176 Kuroko no Basket vol.4
    *5, *6,577 *6,577 Hyouka vol.5 Limited Edition
    *6, *6,380 *6,380 Accel World vol.4 Limited Edition
    *7, *5,525 *5,525 Dog Days' vol.2 Limited Edition
    *8, *4,688 *4,688 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san vol.5 Limited Edition
    *9, *4,392 *4,392 Guilty Crown vol.10 Limited Edition <- really? REALLY?
    10, *4,235 *4,235 Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse vol.2 Limited Edition
    11, *4,179 *4,179 (Yuru Yuri ♪♪ Live Event 2)
    12, *3,774 *3,774 Aquarion Evol vol.7
    13, *3,482 *3,482 Joshiraku vol.2 Limited Edition

    *1, 10,872 10,872 Kuroko no Basket vol.4
    *2, *6,844 *6,844 Sword Art Online vol.1 Limited Edition
    *3, *4,227 *4,227 Strike Witches The Movie Limited Edition
    *4, *3,709 *3,709 New Prince of Tennis vol.4
    *5, *3,263 *3,263 Hakuouki Reimeiroku vol.2 Limited Edition
    *6, *2,674 *2,674 Tales of Symphonia The Animation: Sekai Tougou-hen vol.3 Limited Edition
    *7, *1,958 *1,958 Dog Days' vol.2 Limited Edition
    *8, *1,927 *1,927 Bleach Shingami Daiko Shoshitsu Hen vol.3
    *9, *1,801 *1,801 Marmalade Boy DVD Box
    10, *1,715 *1,715 Arcana Famiglia vol.2 Limited Edition<- IT SOLD EVEN ONE COPY?!
    11, *1,564 *1,564 Momo e no Tegami
    12, *1,419 *1,419 Accel World vol.4 Limited Edition
    13, *1,247 *1,247 Tsuritama vol.5 Limited Edition
    14, *1,202 *1,202 Guilty Crown vol.10 Limited Edition . . . .
    15, *1,081 *1,081 One Piece Jidaigeki Special
    16, *1,070 *1,070 Aquarion Evol vol.7
    17, *1,021 *1,021 Hiiro no Kakera vol.5
    18, *1,018 *1,018 Hyouka vol.5 Limited Edition
    19, **,982 **,982 Haiyore! Nyaruko-san vol.5 Limited Edition
    20, **,930 **,930 Queen's Blade: Rebellion vol.5
    21, **,902 **,902 Shirokuma Cafe vol.4
    22, **,862 **,862 Smile Precure! vol.5
    23, **,811 **,811 Toriko & One Piece Collaboration
    24, **,808 **,808 Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse vol.2 Limited Edition
    25, **,768 **,768 Chouyaku Hyakuninisshu: Uta Koi. vol.2 Limited Edition
    26, **,706 **,706 Joshiraku vol.2 Limited Edition

    SAOfags should be pleased with these results.

    I am once again left with D: face after looking at sales...
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
    TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE

  9. #9
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Kuroko no Basket's sales are hilarious, Fujochi power is not to be underestimated.

  10. #10
    I feel sorry for all of those people that bought Guilty Crown.

  11. #11
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    *2, 27,326 27,326 Sword Art Online vol.1 Limited Edition
    That's awesome, maybe we'll see another 5 seasons of anime for it. There's certainly enough novel contents available.

    *7, *5,525 *5,525 Dog Days' vol.2 Limited Edition
    I hope that means it's getting a 3rd season.

  12. #12
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'll be happy as long as GGO is animated. A movie is preferable because it allows for a larger animation budget.

    I am sick of Dog Days so please let it end.

    It's great that Horizon is up there. The battle sequences in the 2nd season are some of the best ever made.
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  13. #13
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Kuroko no Basket's sales are hilarious, Fujochi power is not to be underestimated.
    From what I've heard it's a decent show, right?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #14
    Definitely one of the better sports shows in a while.

  15. #15
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Latest update

    ***,*32位/***,*34位 (**3,320 pt) [*,127予約] Chuunibyou demo KOI ga Shitai!
    ***,*38位/***,*38位 (**2,296 pt) [*,*38予約] Girls und Panzer
    ***,*58位/***,*58位 (**2,084 pt) [*,*25予約] Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb
    ***,*73位/***,*59位 (**1,473 pt) [*,*16予約] K
    ***,113位/***,113位 (**2,987 pt) [*,201予約] Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
    ***,144位/***,142位 (**4,730 pt) [*,*20予約] To LOVE-Ru Darkness
    ***,192位/***,182位 (**1,040 pt) [*,**9予約] PSYCHO-PASS
    ***,217位/***,200位 (**3,081 pt) [*,*87予約] Little Busters!
    ***,256位/***,254位 (***,877 pt) [*,**4予約] Magi
    ***,289位/***,249位 (**1,379 pt) [*,*17予約] Jormungand Perfect Order
    ***,428位/***,569位 (***,449 pt) [*,**1予約] Kamisama Hajimemashita
    ***,644位/***,583位 (***,808 pt) [*,**9予約] Onii-chan dakedo Ai sae areba kankei nai yo ne
    ***,773位/***,987位 (***,622 pt) [*,*37予約] Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
    ***,836位/**1,407位 (***,641 pt) [*,*10予約] Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
    ***,880位/**1,170位 (***,638 pt) [*,*19予約] Shinsekai Yori
    ***,947位/***,720位 (***,302 pt) [*,**3予約] Zetsuen no Tempest
    ***,954位/***,841位 (***,657 pt) [*,**4予約] Busou Shinki
    **1,195位/**1,060位 (***,303 pt) [*,**2予約] Code:Breaker
    **1,237位/**1,102位 (***,311 pt) [*,**1予約] Hayate no Gotoku CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU
    **1,241位/**1,104位 (***,241 pt) [*,**3予約] ROBOTICS;NOTES
    **1,373位/**1,216位 (***,218 pt) [*,*29予約] Ixion Saga DT
    **1,735位/**1,552位 (***,530 pt) [*,**4予約] Ebiten
    **1,759位/**1,576位 (***,337 pt) [*,**2予約] BTOOOM!
    **5,432位/**4,960位 (***,123 pt) [*,**1予約] Sukitte Iinayo
    **8,403位/**7,502位 (***,204 pt) [*,**2予約] Medaka Box Abnormal
    *15,373位/*14,653位 (***,218 pt) [*,**0予約] Hiiro no Kakera 2
    *17,964位/*17,076位 (***,101 pt) [*,**0予約] Seitokai no Ichizon Lv.2

    Chu2 finally surpassed Jojo but i'm still convinced the former will win in terms of overall sales. My only real disappointment is Zetsuen, i feel it deserves more.

  16. #16
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    What the hell's up with all the asterisks?

    Are they for formatting, or do they conceal something?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #17
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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  18. #18
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Oh, right. In that case:

    1) The first two columns are rankings. What's the dates for each of those? Are they a week/month apart?

    2) How are the points calculated? I can't see any correlation between them, the rankings or the preorders (last column).

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #19
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    1) Dunno, who gives a shit? First row is for current ranking, second is for previous ranking that was measured whenever.

    2) 1 pt per preorder or sale of a the volume in question. It doesn't translate into profit directly though, you'd always have to multiplicate by the value of said volume.

  20. #20
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    2012 rankings

    Key: Total Average - Title - # Vols - Format breakdown (if applicable)
    Updated as of 2012/12/03 list

    60,107 - Nisemonogatari (Winter, 5 vols) 8,532 DVD (15%) / 51,575 BD (86%)
    45,804 - Fate/Zero Second Season (Spring, 1 vols)
    38,212 - Sword Art Online (Summer, 9 vols) 7,779 DVD (21%) / 30,434 BD (80%)
    23,183 - Kuroko no Basuke (Spring, 9 vols) 12,698 DVD (55%) / 10,485 BD (46%)
    21,283 - Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon II (Summer, 7 vols)
    10,622 - Inu x Boku SS (Winter, 7 vols) 5,246 DVD (50%) / 5,376 BD (51%)

    *9,800 - Hyouka (Spring, 11 vols) 1,203 DVD (13%) / 8,598 BD (88%)
    *9,751 - High School DxD (Winter, 6 vols) 2,345 DVD (25%) / 7,406 BD (76%)
    *9,269 - Natsume Yuujin-chou Shi (Winter, 5 vols) 4,016 DVD (44%) / 5,253 BD (57%)
    *9,044 - Accel World (Spring, 8 vols) 1,564 DVD (18%) / 7,480 BD (83%)
    *8,751 - Dog Days' (Summer, 6 vols) 2,187 DVD (25%) / 6,564 BD (76%)
    *8,526 - Tari Tari (Summer, 6 vols) DVD (0%) / 8,526 BD (100%)
    *7,857 - Yuru Yuri♪♪ (Summer, 6 vols) 1,253 DVD (16%) / 6,604 BD (85%)
    *7,564 - Shin Tennis no Ouji-sama (Winter, 7 vols) 6,273 DVD (83%) / 1,292 BD (18%)
    *7,337 - Mouretsu Pirates (Winter, 7 vols) 278 DVD (4%) / 7,059 BD (97%)
    *7,147 - Haiyore! Nyaruko-san (Spring, 6 vols) 1,098 DVD (16%) / 6,049 BD (85%)
    *6,951 - Ano Natsu de Matteru (Winter, 6 vols) 315 DVD (5%) / 6,637 BD (96%)
    *6,462 - Aquarion EVOL (Winter, 9 vols) 1,387 DVD (22%) / 5,076 BD (79%)
    *6,120 - Muv Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse (Summer, 9 vols) 886 DVD (15%) / 5,235 BD (86%)
    *5,610 - Saki Achiga-hen episode of side - A (Spring, 9 vols) 392 DVD (7%) / 5,219 BD (94%)
    *5,553 - Hakuouki Reimeiroku (Summer, 6 vols) 4,145 DVD (75%) / 1,409 BD (26%)
    *5,286 - Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita (Summer, 6 vols) 741 DVD (15%) / 4,546 BD (86%)
    *5,152 - K (Fall, 7 vols) 1,562 DVD (31%) / 3,590 BD (70%)

    *4,884 - AKB0048 (Spring, 5 vols) 1,179 DVD (25%) / 3,705 BD (76%)
    *4,866 - Oda Nobuna no Yabou (Summer, 6 vols) 791 DVD (17%) / 4,075 BD (84%)
    *4,824 - Senki Zesshou Symphogear (Winter, 6 vols) 780 DVD (17%) / 4,045 BD (84%)
    *4,351 - Joshiraku (Summer, 6 vols) 700 DVD (17%) / 3,652 BD (84%)
    *4,351 - Eureka Seven AO (Spring, 9 vols) 438 DVD (11%) / 3,913 BD (90%)
    *4,206 - Lupin the Third Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna (Spring, 1 vols) 1,404 DVD (34%) / 2,802 BD (67%)
    *4,140 - Amagami SS+ plus (Winter, 7 vols) 854 DVD (21%) / 3,286 BD (80%)
    *4,041 - Black Rock Shooter (Winter, 1 vols) 749 DVD (19%) / 3,292 BD (82%)
    *3,848 - Jormungand (Spring, 6 vols) 615 DVD (16%) / 3,234 BD (85%)
    *3,785 - Campione! (Summer, 7 vols) 1,079 DVD (29%) / 2,707 BD (72%)
    *3,730 - Natsu-iro Kiseki (Spring, 7 vols) 1,611 DVD (44%) / 2,119 BD (57%)
    *3,510 - Tsuritama (Spring, 6 vols) 1,557 DVD (45%) / 1,953 BD (56%)
    *3,469 - Papa no Iu Koto wo Kikinasai! (Winter, 5 vols) 362 DVD (11%) / 3,108 BD (90%)
    *3,369 - Queen's Blade Rebellion (Spring, 6 vols) 1,037 DVD (31%) / 2,332 BD (70%)
    *3,223 - Precure: Smile Precure! (Winter, 16 vols) 960 DVD (30%) / 2,263 BD (71%)
    *3,136 - Rinne no Lagrange (Winter, 6 vols) 363 DVD (12%) / 2,773 BD (89%)
    *3,070 - Nazo no Kanojo X (Spring, 6 vols) 591 DVD (20%) / 2,479 BD (81%)

    *2,905 - BRAVE10 (Winter, 6 vols) 1,818 DVD (63%) / 1,088 BD (38%)
    *2,893 - Arcana Famiglia (Summer, 6 vols) 1,919 DVD (67%) / 974 BD (34%)
    *2,820 - Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? Of The Dead (Spring, 5 vols) 569 DVD (21%) / 2,252 BD (80%)
    *2,678 - Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate (Summer, 6 vols) 1,007 DVD (38%) / 1,671 BD (63%)
    *2,525 - Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! (Summer, 6 vols) 747 DVD (30%) / 1,778 BD (71%)
    *2,523 - Sengoku Collection (Spring, 12 vols) 1,729 DVD (69%) / 794 BD (32%)
    *2,506 - Another (Winter, 6 vols) 350 DVD (14%) / 2,157 BD (87%)
    *2,494 - Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (Fall, 7 vols) 1,237 DVD (50%) / 1,257 BD (51%)
    *2,445 - Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou (Winter, 6 vols) 1,151 DVD (48%) / 1,295 BD (53%)
    *2,320 - Kokoro Connect (Summer, 7 vols) DVD (0%) / 2,321 BD (100%)
    *2,304 - Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2 (Winter, 6 vols) 750 DVD (33%) / 1,554 BD (68%)
    *2,303 - Sakamichi no Apollon (Spring, 4 vols) 510 DVD (23%) / 1,794 BD (78%)
    *2,246 - Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica (Summer, 6 vols) 632 DVD (29%) / 1,615 BD (72%)
    *2,223 - Acchi Kocchi (Spring, 6 vols) 769 DVD (35%) / 1,454 BD (66%)
    *1,903 - Hiiro no Kakera (Spring, 7 vols) 1,161 DVD (62%) / 742 BD (39%)
    *1,885 - Rinne no Lagrange season 2 (Summer, 6 vols) DVD (0%) / 1,885 BD (100%)
    *1,837 - Tasogare Otome x Amnesia (Spring, 6 vols) DVD (0%) / 1,837 BD (100%)
    *1,759 - Ixion Saga DT (Fall, 8 vols) 754 DVD (43%) / 1,005 BD (58%)
    *1,644 - Moyashimon Returns (Summer, 6 vols) 769 DVD (47%) / 875 BD (54%)
    *1,614 - Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. (Summer, 6 vols) DVD (0%) / 1,614 BD (100%)
    *1,488 - Sankarea (Spring, 6 vols) 300 DVD (21%) / 1,189 BD (80%)
    *1,411 - Uchuu Kyoudai (Spring, 16 vols) DVD (0%) / 1,411 BD (100%)
    *1,279 - Upotte!! (Spring, 5 vols) DVD (0%) / 1,279 BD (100%)
    *1,215 - Binbougami ga! (Summer, 5 vols) DVD (0%) / 1,216 BD (100%)

    **,993 - Kill Me Baby (Winter, 6 vols) 293 DVD (30%) / 700 BD (71%)
    **,992 - Shirokuma Cafe (Spring, 6 vols)
    **,934 - Chouyaku Hyakunin Isshu Utakoi. (Summer, 6 vols) 935 DVD (100%) / BD (0%)
    **,771 - Medaka Box (Spring, 6 vols) DVD (0%) / 772 BD (100%)
    **,705 - Kimi to Boku. 2 (Spring, 6 vols) 706 DVD (100%) / BD (0%)
    **,400 - Saint Seiya Omega (Spring, 7 vols) 400 DVD (100%) / BD (0%)
    **,315 - Shining Hearts ~Shiawase no Pan~ (Spring, 6 vols) 315 DVD (100%) / BD (0%)
    **,302 - Natsuyuki Rendezvous (Summer, 4 vols) DVD (0%) / 302 BD (100%)
    **,**0 - BTOOOM! (Fall, 6 vols) DVD (0%) / BD (0%)
    **,**0 - Ebiten: Kouritsu Ebisugawa Koukou Tenmonbu (Summer, 5 vols) DVD (0%) / BD (0%)
    **,**0 - Recorder to Randoseru (Winter, 1 vols) DVD (0%) / BD (0%)
    **,**0 - Shinsekai Yori (Fall, 9 vols) DVD (0%) / BD (0%)
    **,**0 - Therma Romae (Winter, 2 vols) DVD

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