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Thread: Robotics;Notes

  1. #61
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    WTF just happened..

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  2. #62
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Worst episode of an anime ever! This was Naruto-post time skip levels of stupid.

    Not only did it feel extremely forced for Subaru to not move out of the way (he was running fine alongside the walking robot, would have been no problem to evade), but that girl falling off the cliff? No, this episode wasnt able to suspend my disbelief of how itīs not even remotely possible for those scrawny, small-tech cyborg-legs to be THAT powerful. Thatīs also dismissing the LOL I had when Kai decided to lift her off the ground and throw her down, attempting to break her back, instead of just, ya know, pushing her over.
    And then those legs keep dragging both of them along. LOL.
    And even IF the legs were that strong, Kai could have just held her in a way these fixed-positioned legs couldnt properly touch the ground.
    Ugh. Thereīs so many ways he could have saved her.
    Fucking bullshit.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    I am not used to animu people dying.
    There, there, there ... Even if I agree with you that Kai could have done better you should just see what this is for what is truly is : scenaristic death.
    The writer needed something like this to happen, he needed the surprise, the pain, the furrowed brows, the rage it would induce. It's a mental leap of faith, but we as viewer just have to take it hoping it's not a deus ex machina leading to a hollow revelation.

  4. #64
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I take back what I said earlier. Kimijima has to still be alive, or otherwise some facsimile brain-download of him just like Airi. Mizuka was actively trying to stop Kai from activating the 7th report, likely the key that activates some disaster. The moment she got in the way of whatever plan this is, the Kagome-Kagome call started on both of their, and only their, pokecoms. It wasn't just some freak accident, whoever is in control deliberately targeted Mizuka. I'm willing to be that if Kai had picked up instead of her, it still would have commandeered her legs.

    The monopoles are actively raining down on the island, that has to be a result of Kai's actions on the earlier reports. The radar dome brought one, now more are falling as he's progressed through the reports. Kimijima wanted Kai to hit the proverbial red button, it will make sure others get in the way.

    Aside from the conspiracy drama, I was surprised that Junna noticed the robot was sticking while the others did not at first. I bet all that time she spent at her grandfather's shop before she got traumatized gave her intimate knowledge on robotic movement. As much as she is afraid of them, she still really loves robots, and pays close attention.

    I bet she manages to stick out one of the arms, breaking the fall and saving Subaru.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    that girl falling off the cliff? No, this episode wasnt able to suspend my disbelief of how itīs not even remotely possible for those scrawny, small-tech cyborg-legs to be THAT powerful. Thatīs also dismissing the LOL I had when Kai decided to lift her off the ground and throw her down, attempting to break her back, instead of just, ya know, pushing her over.
    And then those legs keep dragging both of them along. LOL.
    And even IF the legs were that strong, Kai could have just held her in a way these fixed-positioned legs couldnt properly touch the ground.
    Ugh. Thereīs so many ways he could have saved her.
    Fucking bullshit.
    You are an absolute moron.

    Do you realize how much weight legs like that need to lift? The entire body. So we're talking bare minimum 120 lbs (54kg). But I'll bet they don't make custom legs. They make mass produced ones for either men or women, and adjust them accordingly afterward. So we're talking 240 lbs (108 kg) rated legs for the average woman. Then the legs have to support their own weight in addition to that. The real life version of this, the HAL-5 exoskeleton, weighs 22 lbs (10 kg). The fifth gen. The first gen weighed over 49 lbs (22 kg) just for the battery. The DARPA funded military exoskeleton (HULC) weighs 53 lbs (24 kg) and this exoskeleton only assists in translating the weight of a pack more directly into the ground instead of burdening the muscles and bones of the wearer. Still, the HULC most accurately matches what Mizuka's legs look like, albeit with less power.

    So her legs probably add 50-70 lbs (22-31 kg) of weight to her body. These legs weigh a lot, and have some substantial power in their servo systems to allow her to stand.

    That's why Kai struggled to flip her over, that's why the legs were capable of breaking her back. So no, there wasn't a whole lot Kai could do unless he could break the exoskeleton off of her body. Which he tried, which the phantom bad guys evidently planned for by making the power, safety, and engagement systems are tied to the software instead of hardware.

    Should they have had safety hardware preventing spinal fractures? Yes. Should they have an emergency hardware latch allowing for the unit to be taken off rapidly in the event of an emergency? Hell yes.

    Were they deliberately both not installed or disabled by Misaki? Quite possibly. That's the double-edge to Mizuka's last words. She knew it was Misaki who did it, or at least Kai will use it to guilt Misaki into switching sides. Evidently, what just happened made Mizuka think of the boat accident that gave Aki and Kai their respective rare Elephant Mouse syndromes. Mizuka figured out that Misaki was a little bit more directly involved than she thought.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Fri, 02-08-2013 at 12:32 PM.

  5. #65
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    The "Youīre not used to animu people dying"-line is actually what I was thinking. To me it appeared as if the weird praise for tihs episode came from "oh look, people died. That is SO brave of the authors of this show!" Yeah, except itīs not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu View Post
    You are an absolute moron.
    Right back at you.

    Are we to believe that these tiny support-legs weigh that much? I already forgot about that short flashback in the beginning since I couldnt care less about this random female character, but was she even completely disabled? Afaik only one of her legs took severe damage. But anyhow, unless this anime suddenly turned super-far-future-scifi, there is NO way Iīll ignore the laws of physics and accept such a fragile machine aka such fine, thin support-legs that can carry your whole body, with a force big enough to overwhelm even a second person. Itīs nonsense. Itīs forced. And thus badly presented.

  6. #66
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Try actually reading my post. Or actually follow any of those links.

    These types of things already exist in real life. They're heavy. You try to claim that the weight and mechanical power available to those legs is unbelievable, when you don't know jack shit about the component that would make them work. The HULC has very slender supports, but strong actuators. The HAL-5, made in Japan will support someone's entire body.
    (Btw, new links in this post, now to the individual manufacturer's sites)

    There are linear actuators out there today, not 2019 like the series takes place in, that aren't more than 6 inches long retracted, and exert over 165 lbs of force EACH. Their static load capacity (holding in place) is twice that, 330 lbs. Each side of those legs probably has three of those, one for the hips, one for the knees, and one for the ankles. That alone would easily overcome two people.

    But you're also forgetting that Mizuka is paralyzed. She was in a motorcycle crash, probably broke her back then. Paralyzed from the waist down. She can't move her legs. The only thing stopping her was Kai. One person can't easily hold back 600+ pounds of force (6 total actuators).

    And yes, steel tubes, much less solid steel pieces, are strong. Apparently this is news to you.

    So yeah, you're not only a moron, you're a willfully ignorant moron, talking out of your ass.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Fri, 02-08-2013 at 02:20 PM. Reason: added actuator link

  7. #67
    That was quite the beat down. I was actually going to post that there are some shitty servo's out there that I think could support a decent amount of weight already (though I don't know the specifics).

  8. #68
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I more or less agree with Ryllharu on this one, there was some serious power behind that machinery and it wouldn't be such as easy task to stop it. It wouldn't however be impossible either.

    It's just a matter of being smart on what force you're using, bodyslam her sideways and without any help from the upper body there's no straight movement anymore. After that hold her upside down ( this might be trickier given the weight of the legs but really it would be more of a precaution than anything else ) and move her the fuck away from the canyon.

    Only argument available for how this turned out is how some people crack under pressure, and even then i'm telling you this is some forced drama shit for the sake of the audience's ignorance.

    Edit: Oh, and who the fuck sees high winds and thinks its a good idea to take their giant robot for a test drive? The stupidity around this episode in general was off the charts.
    Last edited by Archangel; Fri, 02-08-2013 at 10:25 PM.

  9. #69
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ryll, that first example of yourīs, the military one, is exactly what I meant. You can claim however you want, but this kind of legs would not be able to do what happened in this latest episode of Robotics;Notes. Just because they look similar doesnīt mean they function the same way. Those military support-legs are doing exactly that ... supporting whatīs already there.

    And I wasnīt even talking about the necessary strength. What about balance? You NEED bigger devices to balance out a human body, and you need even more mass to counter the impact of another person. Ever seen the DARPA Dog? Thatīs a massive machine, has four legs and isnīt bound to an annoying human body. And it barely manages to auto-balance by making big steps and stuff. The legs in Robotics; Notes didnt move a centimeter. Itīs nonsense.

    Now please continue calling me a moron. Or actually try to understand my complaints. Whatevs.

  10. #70
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli View Post
    Those military support-legs are doing exactly that ... supporting whatīs already there.

    Now please continue calling me a moron.
    I will, these kind of statements are why you are a moron. Do you seriously not see the parallels? Stand one one leg. Make it more pronounced by closing your eyes. Figure out what helps you with balance. It's mostly the foot, but the rest of the body also does work. Boston Dynamics' DOG doesn't compare, it is a different body type and isn't an exoskeleton.

    It's not that your complaints that Kai couldn't stop her aren't valid. I agree with Arch.

    The problem is your reasoning for why that scene was a bad one is garbage. The legs are more than capable of doing what they did. On the other hand, Kai could have done a lot more to stop it. Also, not standing around for three minutes thinking she was walking away in a huff while she was clearly panicked at what was happening.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Fri, 02-08-2013 at 03:37 PM.

  11. #71
    On the high wind point, with how much the robot weighs it's a bit unbelievable how it could tip over at all even while in motion. If winds were that strong, none of those girls would still be standing much less Koujirou. It's not like the robot tipped forward while in motion, it tipped over sideways. If it was a freak accident of the wind it's a bit unbelievable. But if it was some outside source making the robot fall over it would be more believable.

  12. #72
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It can't be that heavy, that was one of the main points when they were building it.

    It was a fairly large flat surface hit by a surprisingly strong and sudden force of wind, i don't think it's that unbelievable.

  13. #73
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Let's refrain from calling people morons. Anime characters are okay though.

    Missed this discussion yesterday, but I'm 100% in agreement with Arch. Don't lift - side tackle. Unless those legs have some crazy auto-balance feature, they'd fall. They also shouldn't be able to get up like that.

    Given how determined those legs were though, I was totally expecting them to kick Kai out of the way.

    Ryll: The amount of load the current machines can carry is cool, but how much forward drive are they capable of? Kai wasn't sitting on them - he was actively pushing them.

    @Ryll: regarding your comment about Jun noticing the robot's quirky movement, I thought it had more to do with her Karate background and the fact that her own movement is what the robot tries to imitate. It's her area of expertise, if you will.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #74
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  15. #75
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It's the future, can't they even tell if a file is .txt or .exe? xD

  16. #76
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    It's the future, can't they even tell if a file is .txt or .exe? xD
    Kai's pokecom had "Hide extentions of known file types" enabled.

    Or in the future the file will execute it's native file type without needing the correct extention

    Alternatively, Sister Centipede skipped the "Executing the following file may harm your computer. Only allow files from trusted sources to be executed. Do you wish to continue?"

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #77
    Fuck you guys, I uploaded files to 3 billion terminals over wifi and under a minute. U mad ?

  18. #78
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  19. #79
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Here's hoping he shot the bitch dead.

  20. #80
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Here's hoping he shot the bitch dead.
    No way! We need to hear her end of the story first. Then.. maybe then.. but that would make Aki sad, so I'd rather she just made up with her instead.

    What I'm surprised about is that the rest of the robot club didn't come to see GunPro2.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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