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Thread: Magi

  1. #261
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    You are correct. He did read that. Alibaba studied it in order to prepare for a dungeon.

  2. #262
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin View Post
    Or it's a place where the dead become dark ruhk and that's why he won't bring anyone back from it. It's also why he would protect it. If that organization would get their hands on it....
    He says that he's not sure if he is capable, but also that he "prefers not to". He didn't say that he'd prefer not to bring her over to the other side, so I doubt it's the case where the dead become dark ruhk. This assumes that he has a desire for people to not become dark ruhk, which may or may not be true.

    Quote Originally Posted by DE
    How do you know?

    This is a magic world where dead people turn into butterflies that are used to fuel magic.

    They could very much require protection.
    They would only require protection if they suffer harm from the process.

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  3. #263
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    They would only require protection if they suffer harm from the process.
    Not sure what you mean by "the process". I assume you mean normal magic.

    He could be protecting them from some evil wizard coming to that place and taking them to power some evil scheme.

  4. #264
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    He's protecting people from physically accessing the underworld? This Rift is a physical barrier between the living and the dead?

    And yeah, I mean magic by "process". It's not like the dead are being dragged from their happy underworld homes to slave-drive magical items when Ruhk is being used for magic.

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  5. #265
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    He's protecting people from physically accessing the underworld? This Rift is a physical barrier between the living and the dead?

    And yeah, I mean magic by "process". It's not like the dead are being dragged from their happy underworld homes to slave-drive magical items when Ruhk is being used for magic.
    Right, but he could be protecting them from exactly that. Some villain going to their happy underworld homes and slaving them for some evil purpose.

    I'm saying, you don't KNOW what he's protecting them from, and to assume the dead don't need protecting, when they are a power source in this setting, is silly.

    This is, of course, assuming that this actually is all some kind of metaphor for the underworld. Which I'm not convinced is the case.

  6. #266
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Generally speaking in ancient folk lore and legends living people travel to the underworld with considerable more success than they manage to escape back to the world of the living from there. If that abyss is indeed a boundary to the world of the dead in this show, then having a guardian there claiming none may return makes historical sense. In addition to the Ruhk theory, it's also quite possible that if one manages to return, they could bring a dead person with them, either for a full resurrection or to some form of undeath, which would be a concrete reason not to want anyone to return.

  7. #267
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    See, I don't think the dead are living in some happy underworld home. They're a bunch of energies being returned to collective mother earth. Remember that big ball of Ruhk that we saw some time ago? I think that's where the dead reside.

    Ruhk is like The Force. I don't think you can "stop" someone from accessing it physically or lock it down.

    That said, we do see Ruhk flying off into the distance all the time. Exactly where they go. That observation gives weight to your theory of having the underworld as a "place".

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  8. #268
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    True, but it could also be that he is protecting the world from that place. I mean grudges, negative emotions give rise to the black Ruhk which in turn is used by Al-Thamen to create Dark Metal Vessels etc. From what I remember those black Rukh kind of spread the negative emotions causing more of them to be created. The Fanalis had their entire race enslaved killed w/e. That would be one hell of a grudge and if Al-Thamen could get their hands on something like that....

    But it's all just speculation at this point I suppose.

  9. #269
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    HS - Episode 12


    I'm rather surprised that Hyakuryuu's mother really was a bitch. I was so expecting the "save my children by giving myself" plotline from her. Equally surprising was that the magical training arc is now essentially over.. unless the real meat is during 2nd year curriculum.

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  10. #270
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Well time does fly by quickly in the show. I mean they travel a lot which also takes a lot of time. I mean Kouha had to go back to his country when Aladin was training in his first year. From what I've heard Magnostadt and the Kou Empire are pretty far apart so that's a long travel. Hell it might already be the second year for Aladin right now.

    On sidenote I like how cunning Sinbad is using Kogyoku to spy on their plans. At least that's what I gather from her eyes lighting up green for a moment and the image of Sinbad's Full Equip in her mind.

  11. #271
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I wasn't sure whether it was spying, or whether she was under manipulation. Still, a very resourceful move.

    By the way, them moles are hot.

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  12. #272
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    They have sure turned Kogyoku from the psychotic bitch we first met to super-adorable pretty fast.

    But seriously, they really are setting up her and Alibaba up as a compatible couple. Both being the child of a prostitute and a ruler, both having confidence issues, both wanting to do the right thing but not having the power to do it, etc. Sorry Morg, you can become Kou Empress after Hakuryu regains his senses. Kogyoku can then be used to join the Kou Empire with Alibaba's "Chosen by the Magi" kingdom. Peace through marriage, not conquest!

    I'm disappointed in Hakuei. I kinda expected Hakuryu to be all rabid about murdering his mother with some grand scheme (ultimately bound to fail) to share with his blood sister, but everything he said was far more persuasive accurate than anything Kouen said. Hakuei just doesn't get it. The only reason the Kouga submitted was because Aladdin encouraged them to end the bloodshed, reminding them of Baba's will. Hakuryu was right, Hakuei still subjugated them with force, they just didn't fight. There are bound to be members still upset about it, carrying that grudge, but the memory of Baba's words overpower that in the meantime. Hakuryu was remarkably sensible, but she is too smitten by her adoptive brother I guess.

    What the hell did the empress do to the previous emperor? Even the royals were horrified.
    Are we to assume that she's the Queen Bitch of Al Thamen, their actual leader (or at the very least as inner circle as you can get)? She seems more powerful than even Judal, because she didn't appear to do much of anything to stop Hakuryu. Even Judal would have had to actively shield himself. She didn't even do that, because whatever defense she had up would have stopped when she went to touch him.

  13. #273
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hakuei was certainly disappointing, not that I'd have really expected anything much from such a minor character, but I'm a little disillusioned by Hakuryu himself. While his sudden plan to upset the internal order was quite sharp, he still counted far too much on his new powers or perhaps couldn't keep himself in check enough to see those plans he had to the end. In other words, he acted like some upstart.

    The Empress certainly seemed like a big boss villain. From Hakuryu's earlier recollections I had thought she might be some kind of a witch, but still mainly a cheap opportunist.

  14. #274
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 13 - HS

    - - - - - - -

    Interesting stuff. After seeing the whole episode I can't help but wonder why Leam's magi chose such a sore, arrogant, and hot-headed spy to send to Magnostadt. While it makes sense the spy had to climb to the top and thus be strong and to a degree ruthless, what we saw here still doesn't make much sense. The balance between being the top student to gain access to deeper secrets yet not gathering unwanted attention is a very delicate one, and a fool can't pull it off. So, why did Scheherazade send such a dude? Aladdin is certainly making much better progress with his approach full of innocence. But then again, if Magnostadt really is a kingdom of evil, maybe Titus's wickedness will appeal to those in power...

    In any case, Aladdin is learning a lot by attending the academy. Regardless of what he manages to find out, he still made absolutely the correct choice by going there. I bet his magic in general will not only be far more innovative and varied in the future but also stronger due to having to raise his efficiency exponentially by relying only on his inborn rukh.

  15. #275
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 13 - HS

    - - - - - - -

    Interesting stuff. After seeing the whole episode I can't help but wonder why Leam's magi chose such a sore, arrogant, and hot-headed spy to send to Magnostadt. While it makes sense the spy had to climb to the top and thus be strong and to a degree ruthless, what we saw here still doesn't make much sense. The balance between being the top student to gain access to deeper secrets yet not gathering unwanted attention is a very delicate one, and a fool can't pull it off. So, why did Scheherazade send such a dude? Aladdin is certainly making much better progress with his approach full of innocence. But then again, if Magnostadt really is a kingdom of evil, maybe Titus's wickedness will appeal to those in power...

    In any case, Aladdin is learning a lot by attending the academy. Regardless of what he manages to find out, he still made absolutely the correct choice by going there. I bet his magic in general will not only be far more innovative and varied in the future but also stronger due to having to raise his efficiency exponentially by relying only on his inborn rukh.

  16. #276
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I can't help but wonder how Scheherazade and Titus are related. Is the former just some subordinate? Is he a familiar of her, or perhaps even a blood descendant? I ask that because normally people can't access external Magoi, assuming that the stone really is there to suppress Magoi absorption. It was used as a communication tool here, but it makes no sense to implant something merely used to communicate.

    I'm glad Aladdin went for his (lack of) tits, because I wouldn't have been convinced either.

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  17. #277
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco View Post
    So, why did Scheherazade send such a dude? Aladdin is certainly making much better progress with his approach full of innocence. But then again, if Magnostadt really is a kingdom of evil, maybe Titus's wickedness will appeal to those in power...
    [Emphasis mine.]
    If she had sent a girl though...Aladdin would be ruined!

    I think that last line is exactly why she sent him, though the way he was whining in the solitary, I wonder how much he truly is like that. I'd guess that she's after investigating the same thing Aladdin's dreams keep pointing him to, where Aladdin came for Dunya's revenge and why Magnostadt is creating so many dark vessels and this new dream thing is secondary.
    In any case, Aladdin is learning a lot by attending the academy. Regardless of what he manages to find out, he still made absolutely the correct choice by going there. I bet his magic in general will not only be far more innovative and varied in the future but also stronger due to having to raise his efficiency exponentially by relying only on his inborn rukh.
    I think they're really underrepresenting Meier's teaching ability. We know that inside she's a big softie, so maybe she voluntarily always takes on the worst students in their first year. She gets rid of the ones who lack determination, and ensures the rest are well-rounded enough that they can take on purely magic users. A strong magician can excel at offense and defense, but Meier's students are spellswords, excelling at both simultaneously. Even magicians have trouble against pure martial arts geniuses like Morgiana or many of Sinbad's merry band. Meier's students would have less of a problem.

    Would Aladdin's Vibration Shatter work with any object or staff he's holding, or is Baba's a lot more than what it seems? The words from the audience were a little ambiguous. Was it "no ordinary staff" because Aladdin was combining two magics at the end of it, or did he mean that it's a special staff to be able to take that kind of combination without disintegrating itself?

  18. #278
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryll
    Would Aladdin's Vibration Shatter work with any object or staff he's holding, or is Baba's a lot more than what it seems? The words from the audience were a little ambiguous. Was it "no ordinary staff" because Aladdin was combining two magics at the end of it, or did he mean that it's a special staff to be able to take that kind of combination without disintegrating itself?
    I thought it was special in that it didn't use much Magoi, but that sounded like it was spell-specific. I think you're right about the disintegrating part, but then again staffs don't end up burning just because they fired a fireball either :S.

    Edit: The director was the other person of note this episode. He's nice, but I bet you he's only nice to magicians. He rates whether boys are "good" or not by their magical skill/potential, and loves them accordingly, much like this character.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 01-05-2014 at 09:44 AM.

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  19. #279
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
    I ask that because normally people can't access external Magoi, assuming that the stone really is there to suppress Magoi absorption. It was used as a communication tool here, but it makes no sense to implant something merely used to communicate.
    I think it's actually the opposite. While Aladdin's stone is used to suppress his Magi powers, I think Titus's stone is actually being used to transfer some of Scheherazade's Magi power to him.

    After all, if it was a suppression stone, it's not working for shit, because he has magoi swarming all over him.

    If that's the case, that sucks for Titus, because he needs an outside buff just to be able to go toe-to-toe with Aladdin with a limiter on.

  20. #280
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnderX View Post
    If that's the case, that sucks for Titus, because he needs an outside buff just to be able to go toe-to-toe with Aladdin with a limiter on.
    Normal humans aren't really supposed to be anywhere near magi, and I doubt it's only because of the amount of magoi. Aladdin knew next to nothing about magic compared to some of the students we have seen, yet now he was already competing for the first place among the former first years / new second years. He's sucking knowledge faster than Bill can suck canned soup. He also has no troubles applying the knowledge in novel ways. Thus I don't think comparing to Aladdin, or any magi, is relevant. Titus does kick ass against any normal people, that much is clear and that's what counts. I very much doubt Scheherazade would have ever imagined a noob magi was secretly among the new students.

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